Monday, September 28, 2020


 The water disappears out of the bird baths every night. 

We looked at the trail cam and discovered that the new old car did not discourage them from heading to the bird bath.

Caught red handed 

One is at the bird bath on the left and the other is headed to the other bird bath. 

We had a quiet Sunday at home.  Far Guy worked on his new old car.  I caught up with laundry and cleaned the bathroom.  Then I spent the whole afternoon on the lawn mower mulching leaves....the third mulch is done.  The leaves are about half down.  My other baby brother stopped by to visit.

 I made the crisp bacon, roasted sweet potato, rigatoni and cheese hotdish for makes six servings and freezes well.  Fry the bacon then chop it up into small pieces, cut three sweet potatoes into chunks and roast them in the oven, cook up a half of a box of the rigatoni, use whatever cheese you like ...I used a bit of Velveeta and some Cojack cheese...add some water from boiling the noodles to make the cheese sauce creamy...toss in the bacon, sweet potatoes and drained rigatoni.  Yum!  It is a meal we never make in the summer. Fall food at it's finest! 

Far Side


  1. Love the pics of the deer visiting. You sure did catch them redhanded. Your recipe really sounds yummy.

  2. It sounds delicious! Other than the bacon, I could even make that myself. Your deer must thank you every day for the fine water dishes. :-)

  3. It's not a bird bath, it's a deer water dish on a stand. So good of you to provide them with water like that. ;)

    Sounds like a nice day, not to mention another very productive one.

  4. Oh those deer....they drank the water in our birdbath & took bites out of things in the garden that were not covered with wire or buckets. I made pumpkin cookies, fall foods...Yummmm!

  5. As always I love to see the deer and your dinner sounds delicious!

  6. That recipe sounds great....but then anything with bacon sounds great.

  7. I miss living in a place where the deer visit!

  8. Oooh, that recipe sounds delicious! I'd never think to put sweet potatoes with pasta. Hmmm...I even happen to have all the ingredients. Dinner plans may have changed!

    Take care and stay well!

  9. That rigatoni sounds yummy to me, but my husband doesn't like sweet potatoes so I don't cook them often. Your husband is having some real enjoyment with the new old car, so it was well worth the purchase already.

  10. Yummm thank you. I am going to make it!~

  11. The deer appreciate the fresh water every day.
    Sounds busy with a great meal to top off the day. :)

  12. Yummo.... I'm not a pasta person but that dish sounds delicious!! ~Andrea xoxo

  13. I always love your trail cam pictures! Maybe you need a larger container for deer water. That rigatoni sounds good, thanks for sharing the recipe!

  14. It seems odd that we haven't gone to church on Sunday since March. Until now we never missed more than a Sunday once in a while if we were sick. Never more than two in a row. We watch several servics online and have enjoyed that but it's not the same as being with other people.
    We had hoemade chicken and noodles this weekend. It seemed a good weekend for fall warmth.

  15. Sounds like a good meal after a hard day's work.

  16. Fun to see the deer sneaking around your yard. I guess it's OK they drink from the birdbath, you can always fill it again. Your meal sounds yummy.

  17. I guess if we put water and food out for birds, why not put water out for the deer? I am sure they really appreciate your refilling the birdbath every day :)

  18. I love them!
    I enjoy fall cooking, too!

  19. Those buggers... drinking the bathwater! Your hot dish sounds delicious!

  20. Do you need to get a deer watering trough?
    Your pasta dish sounds good. Bacon makes everything better.

  21. Your hot dish sounds delish! I'll have to try that some time. So half of your leaves have fallen already...we're not quite to that point yet. We sure have alot of pine needles on the ground this year....we are located in a State have many beautiful pines around us. the other trees are brilliant in color this year. Now we have a week or two of fifties for the high and 30s for the low! Somebody whispered "snow" on Friday! Shhhhhh

  22. e have deer all around us here in the mountains of NC. They ate all my hostas, but I forgive them. A little fawn, spotted still, crossed the road in front of me recently near my house. Your recipe sounds delicious. I like all the ingredients.

  23. I do all the grocery shopping so I always have a couple sweet potatoes in the storage closet when we are tired of white potatoes. I microwave them and put lots of butrer and brown sugar on them.

  24. It's interesting to see that the deer are so brave. No doubt they think of your yard as their local drinking hole.

  25. What is Far Guy going to do with the new/old car this winter? I took notes on that hot dish! It sounds really good!


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