Friday, September 18, 2020

Happy Birthday Jen!

 Today is Jen's birthday.  She was born a long time ago in the first hour of the day so she has a long birth day.  

Jen and Far Guy September 4 2020 by the new old car.

Jen is our can do kid... once she sets her sights on something she follows through even if the going gets tough.   Giving up is not an option for her.  She is a strong woman.  We are very proud of her. 

Here is her birth story. 

She was born at 12:58 AM on a Thursday.  I didn’t labor a long time, I went into labor about 3:30 PM  on the 17th after a Doctor’s appointment when my water broke at Auntie Kathy and Uncle Arthur’s house.  I picked Trica up there and went home, started supper and did some laundry. About 6 ish I called my baby brother to come over to stay with Trica. (Trica was three years and five months old.)  Then I called Far Guy at work and told him maybe he should come and take me to the hospital. Uncomfortable labor that makes you cranky didn’t start until after the 10 PM news.  Some time after that a Nurse came in and asked Far Guy if he was going to be in the delivery room…I said “No, he is a chicken.”  He said “Where is the gown?”  It seemed like we waited forever for Dr. Kolars to show up…don’t push until the Doctor gets here…yeah right…finally the Doc got there and she was born!

Far Guy was mesmerized by his new daughter…although she was a tiny thing she was almost perfect.   5 Pounds 5 ounces and 19 inches long…she had some in utero problems that caused her to lose weight…mostly because I was 18 days overdue and a “horrible incubator” ( My Doctors exact words, he was happy she was here and alive…and in his opinion I should not have anymore children.) Out of the womb she thrived…sucked down four ounces of formula and hollered for more, slept all night long when she was just a week old…the easiest baby to take care of ever!

Happy Birthday Jen!  Love you always and forever! 



  1. Happy Birthday Jen! She looks like she could still be in high school! Maybe it's that Minnesota weather....cold is a preservative! It sounds like she takes after her mother too. I hope she has a great day and a great year!

  2. Mom, happy birthing day to you. You are too young to have a 45... um I mean a 35 year old.

  3. Happy Birthday to Jen! Your story of her birth sounds a lot like my middle child. It was kind of a "hey doc catch" 15 minutes after I arrived at the hospital lol.

  4. Happy Birthday to my birthday twin Jen! I hope she has a very special day.

  5. What a sweet memory. Happy birthday, Jen! All babies should be like you were. :-)

  6. Happy Birthday Jen!! Hope your day is extra special.

  7. Yep, don't push .... has a male doctor ever NOT pushed? Just laughed at that as I was told that too.
    Happy Birthday Jen!

  8. Happy Birthday Jen! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful day.

  9. HaPpY, HaPpY Birthday Jen! I hope you have a wonderful day and I enjoyed your birthday story. All Mom's wish for babies like you. :-)

  10. Happy Birthday Dear Jen! You are a wise, kind and beautiful young lady and I know your parents are properly proud of you! I enjoyed hearing the background story of Jen's birth. It sounded a little familiar. It must have been a thing back then to tell the mothers not to push until the doctor was there. Sure!

  11. "Almost" perfect... Good to leave a little wiggle room for "Except that one thing" that bothers you as she grows up.
    Mom said I was the perfect baby when I was born. Very low maintenance. I slept when you put me o bed, I ate when it was time to eat. Unlike my brother who was the polar opposite of me. (The 4AM wake up call... always hungry, always fussy... etc. ) Happy Birthday Jen!

  12. Happy birthday to Jen!
    I got told not to push, too--LOL! Seems like male doctors tell you these things. ;)

  13. Great that you share the details of jen's birth. Many would like to know but the story is gone.

  14. Thanks for sharing this interesting birth story. Not many people share those, and for those of us who have given birth, it is always interesting to hear other's experiences.
    Happy birthday to Jen.

  15. Here's hoping Jen had an awesome birthday

  16. Happy Birthday to Jen. I wish I'd written a similar little bit after each of my babies were born. Too late now. Most of the details are gone.

  17. Wow Jen.....You made it! And sounds like you're a good toughy now taking on all kinds of projects and never quitting! if I turn around in my chair and look at the wall behind me...there is a sign that says "Never, Never, Never, Give Up!" I think Jen would like that sign! Glad she arrived safe and sound and continues to bless your lives! Happy Birthday Jen!

  18. That's so sweet! I don't remember my kids' doctors names!!!!


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