Saturday, September 12, 2020

Reporting In

 Grocery Shopping was marginal this week.  They remain imperfect...they charged me for bread we did not get...luckily I noticed the bread was missing when I was disinfecting everything in the cart...I called them and they brought the bread out...I was so preoccupied with the missing bread I did not count the yogurts...two were missing so I called that in when I got home.  So I give them an D for the week. I guess it is still better than going in the store myself. 

We had many errands to do in town...banking, picking up the license tabs for the new car and buying some gas.  We splurged and ordered a was really good. 

Yesterday was a day at home...Far Guy worked on his new old car...he took apart the rear passenger door that wouldn't open from the outside...found glass in the bottom of the door...Far Guy says "The car has stories to tell." Anyways the door is fixed now. 

I did some housework in the morning and worked on some cards...then I went outside to card some dog barely made it to 60 F it was a tad chilly.  I am about half done with my milk can/dog hair project.  I need about five or six afternoons to finish up that part of the project. 

My flowers are froze. 

This is the small garden before the freeze.  You can see the Impatiens are much shorter on the right side...Deer. 

The Salvia survived the freeze but the Impatiens are looking real sick.

The Hummingbirds are still here and some traveling through Goldfinches showed up. We also saw a few Monarch Butterflies...I hope they head out soon. 

Fall is in the air for sure. 

Far Side


  1. I heard about the freeze warning for your area. Wow, that was quick! We usually get our first frost in the first week of October.
    I hope the grocery shopping sure straightens out.
    Sounds like FG is enjoying the car!

  2. So sorry to hear about your freeze and loss of flowers. And FG's right: that car has many stories to tell, if only it could talk. :-)

  3. Sorry about the lousy shopping experience and your poor flowers, but at least there was pizza! Have a great weekend :)

  4. Well that all just sucks! How hard is it to pick up the right amount of yogurt and a loaf of bread? The shoppers need to do a better job. And a freeze already? That's early, isn't it, for you? We got down into the low 50s at night and only up to the high 60s during the day, but this coming week we will have 70s in the day and 50s at night. Perfect, Katie says, for a sheltie-girl.

  5. We are blessed in the flower department. I have huge flowering hanging baskets on my front porch and in my bicycle basket. I am blessed because since my husband retired, he is the one who waters and fertilizes them and they are really stupendous. And the direction of my house and protection of the porch means they last until, some years, almost Thanksgiving - regardless of frost! I can't explain it! I have autumn decorations I would hang on the hooks starting Oct 1, but since Mr. Merry has been home, they remain in the closet.

    I have been doing the happy dance since Thursday. Once a month I don my mask like every other shopper and dash into our local IGA who carry meat from our local butcher. This week I passed a display of Lysol products. Luckily I kept a supply closet as this is the first disinfectant I have seen since February! I got two extra large pump bottles and a refill that makes 30 gallons.

  6. Far Guy is going to enjoy fixing his new old car. Several items not available on my list this week - ice, ice cream, and Italian dressing. Definitely an odd combination, but I got several other items that weren’t available a couple of weeks ago.

  7. It's a shame that those who fill the orders can't get it right. It's their job.

    Impatience are always the first to go here but I got lucky, despite the frost mine are doing fine. Hopefully we don't see another frost for a few weeks.

    Take care and stay well!

  8. I hope they all make it to warmer areas fall is here, I don't care what the calendar says.

  9. Our car, which is a fancy Audi (although by no means new), only allows me to open the passenger door from the outside when it feels like it. The Chef used to take apart the VW van until it was a pile of parts and then put it all back together again with nothing left over (skills!), is powerless to do anything about it. The garage doesn’t seem to know. Perhaps Far Guy could fly to London to help me out? I think it’s just determined to do its own thing.

  10. My flowers are still going strong but you can barely see them through the smoke. The sky is a strange color of brown/gray/orange. It's really indescribable. I walked Chloe to the dog park and now my lungs are burning, nose is running and eyes are itchy. It's going to be a GREAT weekend. I have the A/C on to filter the air but it's to cold to come on!
    I'm glad you got your grocery problems fixed. There is always at least one error in my order too, but it's still better than traipsing around the store.

  11. I've been very lucky with my shoppers. They text me as they shop to let me know if something is unavailable and ask if I would like a substitute. So far there have been no errors. It sure seems like FG's new old car has some stories to tell, what a fun project for him. so sorry about your flowers and the frost. It's always sad when our beautiful flowers die, but at least we know they can come back in the spring!

  12. That's an early freeze, even for you. It's sad to see flowers go.
    In store grocery shopping just isn't that risky here, so we do our own. We get what we want.
    FG is having fun exploring the stories and making the fixes on his new old car.

  13. Yes, I bet Far Guy’s car does have some stories to tell. Your grocery order sounds about like ours — always some surprises. Keeps life interesting, I guess!

  14. I can't trust our walmart or dillons stores to get ANYTHING right... I just don a mask and go in so wemgetvwhat we need, not a big deal to me. // I've started watching the nighttime temps because some of the potted plants I take to the kids' for their porch or patio tables all come home with me to over-winter every year. And I also divide them to make more pots of course. We went from 100 degrees last Sunday to the mid-40s on Tuesday and finally had some good rain. Now we go back to low- and mid-80s for a while as usual. Flowers for a little while longer anyway! Blessings!

  15. We'll keep our hummingbird feeders out in case your hummers pass through on their way south!

  16. Sorry about your frost-bitten Impatiens. At least the Salvia survived.
    Even doing my own shopping I always check my receipt before leaving the store because quite often I'm charged the wrong price.

  17. I had only one item substituted cotton wool balls, I ordered the cheap no name ones which was out stock so got the dearer ones. Good when you find something you have been unable to get for a while

  18. Another week of missing groceries, huh? It seems to always be an adventure in grocery shopping. So Far Guy already fixed the car door....he's handy! Might be fun to hear some of the stories that car could tell! Oh already had a frost. We haven't had that yet. Impatiens are some of the first to go. Geraniums seem to do well for quite awhile in the colder weather. Ours are blooming like crazy right now. That's what my rose bushes used to do in the fall too. It's like a last gasp! Have a great rest of your weekend!

  19. When we're more or less tied down with covid , we have to plan carefully to get things done.

  20. I'm thankful we haven't had frost yet 😁

  21. Yes, fall has arrived here in northern-most Indiana too... however it's been a bit more on the humid side the last couple days. Lots of rain this past week, which we needed desperately. The creek out back is still dry as a bone... the earth sucks up the rain as fast as it falls. Do you use Walmart curbside pick-up? We order every week and never have anything missing. I'm sorry you're having problems with your curbside pick-up. That can be very frustrating, I'm guessing. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Our local Walmart 14 miles away does not have curbside pickup. We would have to drive 30 miles to one that does.

  22. Oh, I'll bet that old car has some stories to tell!!!

  23. Glad you got the missing items once you noticed they weren't there, but shame you had to deal with the issue to start with.

    Good your project is coming along well. Yes, I'm sure that car has a lot of stories it could tell.

  24. I have been a terrible blogger lately but the temps are down here so I am busy trying to get things done outside and in. So sad about your flowers but so nice that Fall is here!


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