Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 We ran an errand yesterday morning.  The Maples are coloring up nicely.

It was a nice morning for a drive. 

We always looks for this old is still there but has an extreme forward lean.

 The errand complete we headed back home.  Far Guy worked on his new old car and I mulched new mulching blades work so good!   I have to calm down this time of year and understand that the lawn cannot be perfectly free of leaves for a month...some blowing around hopefully out of the yard is a good thing.

I finished the last bit of carding...all the dog hair rolags have been we will see if I can spin.  I have my doubts...I cannot chew gum and walk at the same time without biting my tongue.  I was also a failure at the treadle sewing machine....I would be going along just fine and then for some reason go into reverse and break my thread...however Far Guy mastered the treadle sewing machine perfectly! 

We had a lovely day with the high around 80 F or 26 C eh!

Far Side


  1. What beautiful countryside you live in. That old barn does look a bit precarious doesn't it :)

  2. How beautiful! I miss being up North for sure but it could be worse! How strange that you were much hotter. Betsy Queen too...we never got out of the 60's yesterday. Whenever I see those old outbuilding standing alone I always wish we could also see the history of who lived there and their life on that property. Enjoy your nice weather!

  3. Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Love seeing your Fall colors. Good luck with the spinning. Wish I had my grandmother's old treadle sewing machine; at least then I could do some mending.

  5. It looks so beautiful there, enjoy! Can't wait to hear how the spinning goes.

  6. I like the orange & red fall leaf colors. It's mostly yellow in our area.

  7. What a nice temperature and drive. One day that old barn will not be upright any longer. We've got days of rain ahead. I don't mind since it's been so dry. :-)

  8. No color yet where I am. We are close to the coast and seem to get fall color later than in the mountains. It will come! Just not yet.

  9. The fall colors are so pretty! I love old buildings and always think it is a shame that they are allowed to fall apart.

    Take care and stay well.

  10. The colors are magnificent here also. If Rich has a good morning, I'm going to take Charlie to a county park to look for interesting colors.

  11. Until my kids were all in elementary school, I sewed on a treadle. I even made Christmas elf costumes for the kindergarten one year. I was very young and fearless, I guess. I have no doubt you will manage the spinning.

  12. Do you have your own spinning wheel? My mother-in-law was a weaver and a spinner, along with all of her other fiber arts talents. I am more and more curious about this milk can/dog hair project.

  13. Normally our ash trees will turn gold and then lose their leaves earlier than our maples. But this year I've noticed our maples already have a lot of red to them. We are expecting another day in the 80s today, then will see some cooler temps - more fall-like temps.

  14. Beautiful turning leaves! Our fall colors are just barely getting started in the city. But in the higher elevations the huckleberry leaves are a brilliant red.

  15. Glad you got to enjoy a lovely drive. Good luck with the dog fur spinning.

  16. Fall is here...such a sad, but lovely time.

  17. I'm excited to see how the spinning goes. When my feet were so bad for so long, I sold my wheel to a Mother/Daughter duo that had always wanted to spin. I thought my spinning days were over. Now I would love to have it again. My feet seem to be much better. I wonder if that pain was related to my back pain and the meds helped both?
    Your autumn colors are much farther along than ours. The burning bushes are beginning to turn brilliant red but the trees not so much. Although we do have many more evergreens than deciduous trees over here.
    Take care and enjoy your mulching.

  18. Old barns and old silos always turn my head. I'm MUCH further south, so thank you for the leaf preview to get my fall energy going.

  19. sometimes you think the falling leaves will never end.

  20. You live in the woods , there will always be leaves.

  21. I love your pictures of the leaves turning, just gorgeous! The old barn is special too. I always enjoy seeing those memories of the past, weathered and worn but hanging on as long as they can.

    Girl, you can do anything you set your mind to and I believe you will get that spinning wheel a-spinning!

  22. This made me thinnk back to when I would drive intoo town via Scenic Drive and the old farm house that we passed on the way, we always looked for it even though it was dilapidated

  23. Lovely Fall colours and that old barn makes the picture perfect.
    We had wind and lots of rain today. I keep my eye on the very tall tree on the lot behind us and hope that if the wind blows it over that it misses our house!

  24. Our colors are just starting here. We'll take a couple of short road trips soon to check them out. I chuckled when I read about walking and chewing gum. I have faith that you will master the spinning!

  25. Our tree colors are really beautiful here too this year! Finally, something good about this year! Will spinning be difficult? I can't imagine anything being difficult for you! Love hearing about and seeing your new projects as they come along! Take good care you 2.

  26. It's so nice to see those first signs of fall color--from a distance! We won't see anything like that until we get closer to November. Lovely photos.

  27. I'm excited about your spinning project :-D.

  28. I am so interested in the dog hair project!!

  29. Spinning can be challenging to learn but once you develop a little skill and a rhythm, it’s the most relaxing thing there is.

  30. Same here on the treadle sewing machine! Good luck with the spinning and what beautiful foliage. I do love this time of year.
    Sherry in MT

  31. Some ex relatives have closed the cabin in Grand Ra[ids and they had the colors up there too. We have spotty places of color. The trees across the street at the old place are all cut down.


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