Friday, September 4, 2020

Anyone home?

 We had visitors...I think they were looking for water. 

I have blue stained glass in the window.  The rocks extend out about four feet from the house...there are there to provide drainage from rain and snow melting off the roof. 

Anyone home?

 He/she was very curious...

Finally Mama must have called him/her away.   They left the yard and then the other fawn came looking for them and  he/she took off into the woods.

Someone has been eating my Impatiens and drinking the water out of the bird bath...

My baby brother had a coyote over at his place.  So I guess our yard is as safe as any place for the deer. 

Far Side


  1. That is just so cool to see them so close up. Lucky you.

  2. It must be very dry in your area. Our neighborhood suddenly has chipmunks. We have always had squirrels and, unfortunately, raccoons. As the town spreads, we have had a lot of deer inside city limits and even one going through a window on Main Street. But we have never had chipmunks.

  3. Hmmm! Last night I heard the coyotes hunting just about a couple of hundred yards away, they were hot on the trail of something or just making noise. I was out watching the stars and the moon.
    I'll be moving my trail camera to an area where I know the deer love to walk through.
    Nice shots! I've been seeing a lot of deer on my morning jaunts!

  4. How adorable! I just love that they visit your yard. I hope you and Far Guy have a great weekend :)

  5. Awwwhhh....still babies with their spots. Such a wonderful site to experience right out your window. I was walking to work the other day & there was 2 babies in a small herd, all just standing & watching me walk.

  6. Such pretty fawns, still spotted. I hope the coyote finds someone else to munch on! :-)

  7. What fun! We've had ones out and about. I love watching them.

  8. Fawns are just about the cutest critter on earth! They feel safe in our yard too I guess. But the twin fawns we keep seeing are starting to lose their spots now.

  9. That's amazing! They're such a beautiful animal.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. I'm like you I rather have the deer than the coyotes. Although, I have both. Sigh

  11. They are such lovely creatures. They hang around our pond area and the horses are quite used to them. I can always tell when they are around by looking at the horses, standing at attention with ears up.

  12. Awwwwwww.... what a treat!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  13. You have such beautiful neighbors! It is amazing to see them come up so close to the house. Like any child the little fawn is curious about who may live there. You have seen this family several times haven't you? They must live close by and I hope they are able to stay safe from that coyote.

  14. What a cute face to find on the other side of the window!! :)

  15. Great photos! I could deal with curious neighbors like that.

  16. they've been munching on my petunias this summer. I haven't had to dead head.

  17. My parents used to have Deer outside their window. they only came out at night, but would peek through my mom's window when they would pillage the birdfeeder.

  18. How fantastic to have these creatures in your yard (even if they do nibble a few things). One of my happy memories is of deer wandering around close to us when we were having a picnic breakfast at Zion NP.

  19. Love the pictures of your yard visitors. And those blue hanging things are beautiful. Sorry they're eating your impatiens...but at least they're not eating those blue things! :)

  20. I looked out my window this afternoon to see a doe, two bucks and two fawns walking through the driveway area. Always fun to see! They haven't been bothering my geraniums yet!

  21. Lucky you to have such lovely visitors even if they, like human visitors, expect to be fed.

  22. No coyotes here the only wild creature is the Butcher bird that keeps attacking me

  23. those babies love your yard :)


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