Friday, June 26, 2020


The Daisies are in full bloom in the Wild Gardens.

I really enjoy these cheerful little blooms. 

Grocery pick up and town was uneventful.  Still lots of people without masks.

Groceries were disinfected in the cart and then put in our vehicle.  We were still missing items...potatoes and in the world can you be out of potatoes and oranges?  I think the personal shopper has brain farts. 

They moved the Covid testing trailer to the center of the parking lot at the clinic.  Far Guy reports that there were many more people in the clinic. 

I needed some supplies in a local farm store, some people were wearing masks others not so much.  I disinfected stuff as it went into my cart but then the cashier contaminated everything when she checked me out...that stuff will sit in the garage for a number of days until I use it. 

We were both feeling tired after our adventure away from home...I did some laundry and had a nap.  Far Guy did some weed trimming and pulled out some small seedling trees near my garage before he had a nap. 

My Doctor changed my blood pressure medication. It is making me sleepy and I take it at night.  My old med that worked real well was made in China...and there are no supplies of it in the United theory is that it is the cure for Covid 19 that is why their numbers of deaths are down and I cannot get my BP med which was a angiotensin II receptor antagonist.
Far Side


  1. I never thought about a disruption in the supply chain for medication. That has to be frustrating and a bit scary. I know meat prices are ridiculous here. The Mister and Pup are going to have to cut back. Araignee

  2. The daisies are so pretty, wildflowers are my favorite! Some of the stuff the stores are out of is so strange. On my last shopping trip there was a limit of 1 on chicken broth and there has been no beef anywhere in at least a month. I can't understand how anyone would go out without a mask, it's insane to me. Hope you are FG have a great day :)

  3. Love the daisies! I have created a pantry corner in my laundry room. All groceries that do not have to be refrigerated spend a few days there before I bring them into the kitchen pantry. Items going into the refrigerator are wiped with disinfectant wipes as soon as I bring them home. I wear a mask when shopping, and I have a small bottle of hand sanitizer that I keep in my pocket to use whenever I feel like I need it.
    No shortage of fresh produce here, and there is still meat in the stores, but the prices are rising.
    Be careful, stay safe, and have a good weekend!

  4. I haven't needed to do remote shopping like that. Pretty much everything is in the grocery stores these days. Everyone here is masked, now it's required indoors anywhere.

  5. Glad the trip to town was uneventful. Some of the stuff they say they're out of baffles me. We had a lettuce shortage here at one point. Some things aren't being imported if they don't feel they're important enough to deal with all the extra paperwork - that's what we were told at our shop anyhow - which could maybe explain the orange issue you had, but potatoes? Strange.

  6. Love the daisies. They are on my list of favorite flowers to see. The prickly pear here has buds, so that is the flower I'm keeping my eye on to bloom next.

  7. Wish I could share potatoes and oranges with you. Our store had plenty. The one item I noticed a shortage of this time was spaghetti sauce - unless you didn't care about brand. All the precautions you have to take are exhausting.

  8. We are still experiencing outs at our grocery stores...and missing items in most stores now. It's hard to find some bolts and some nuts, a friend of ours who owns an appliance store says lots of stoves, dishwashers, and washer dryer sets are getting harder and harder to buy. It's amazing all the things we actually got from we know.

  9. Two of my medications are no longer made in the USA so I get them both from Canada... which, to me, is a total disgrace that this even has to be done. I heard yesterday evening that no antibiotics are made here in the USA and if that's true, what a scary thought. Talk about being behind the 8-ball.

    And yes, no masks!! *sigh* The headlines, about the virus, are showing the affects of those people's decision. Love, Andrea xoxo

  10. I like to look at those daisies but don't like them much. No one will eat them. They invade my pastures and become areas that no one touches.
    Last few times I went to the store you couldn't get potatoes and oranges here either. Meat is scarce and expensive. Thank goodness we have several tiny farm stores and 3 places that butcher and sell meat out of their places here.

    I will never go back to purchasing store meat. Local is divine.

    Meds, geeze ... I didn't know about that. How awful.

  11. We have a mandatory mask law that was put into place today. Up until now we were encouraged to wear them but most people didn't. So now it's mandatory. However, the sheriff said they will not be enforcing it so what good is it?
    We still have lots of shortages too. I haven't been to the grocery store in over 2 weeks but we're completely out of milk, fresh fruit and veggies too, so I'll have to make a trip. At least up here where the trailer is, they have only had a handful of cases, unlike Spokane.
    The medication issue is scary. I'm trying to refill ours the earliest day possible so maybe we'll have a small stockpile. It would only be a few weeks extra maximum, but even that gives me a bit of peace of mind.

  12. Lovely daisies! Glad your weekly trip went well--even if you were missing a few grocery items. It's amazing what we were getting from China.

  13. I love the daisies! They have always been one of my favorite flowers. Sorry you still couldn't get everything at the store. I went yesterday and finally got my favorite brand of rice but they still have a shortage of canned soup. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for what they do or don't have in stock! When Covid first hit the first thing I did was to order up as much as I was allowed of our prescriptions because they are all generic and many come from China. We get 90 days at a time by mail order and that helps but some of them have been changed.

    Have a good weekend!

  14. Medicine from China. Most meds come from there these days. Perhaps people will change their tune when the Pandemic is over and we can bring some of those companies back to the U.S. Maybe it is my age creeping up on me, but afternoon naps are sounding better and better as time goes by.


  15. we love it when the ox eye daises bloom here along the roadways. It's an early June thing that we always note.
    I asked a lady at the grocery store yesterday morning where her mask was. She was quite offended, said that was very aggressive, and that I needed to be careful or someone might hurt me. Well, she's probably right about me being too aggressive, but YIKES! Mandatory mask wearing starts here statewide today, but there are still a lot of folks who say, "You can't make me". It's their constitutional right to be stupid.

  16. My daisies have just started blooming. I have one small patch in my garden, but they are just covered in buds.

  17. I wonder if the wild daisy is what was used to develop Shasta Daisies. I don't see many wild ones but my Shastas are taking over the lily bed. I need to see what has become of my Casa Blaanca Lilies and cut back those Shasta Daisies so the lilies can actually get some sun.

  18. The daisies are so pretty! Sounds like you had an okay trip to town. Hope your new med provides what you need.

    Take care and stay well!

  19. I was told of the medication thing way back in the beginning. I am lucky because I get mine in 3 month increments through our mail order prescription plan. Somehow my doctor put in double orders last November so I have a surplus of everything. I wish that our government would wake up and maybe come up with some incentives for drug companies to start moving their manufacturing plants in this country!

    I ordered a new freezer on April 26. The earliest date I could get it is July 7th. I keep checking my order on line but the arrow isn't moving. I am not sure when it will get here. A nearby town has a Whirlpool plant and I guess that some of the small parts are manufactured in China. They were already running short on some due to the trade tariff wars. . . This country needs to move these industries back!

    Okay, off my soapbox

  20. You lost me on the medication but I do understand high blood pressure but I don't have high blood pressure.

  21. I wouldn’t mind a blood pressure med that helped me sleep but I don’t have high blood

  22. No problem here getting medication thankfully, we also have phone appointments for thhings like getting a script for our regular medications which I like so mucheasier thengoing to the doctors surgery.

  23. Glad you got most of the items you needed from the store. Your daisies are so pretty...what a picker upper they are. sorry you had to change your BP meds. My Jim had to too...and his new one makes him dizzy and sometimes short of breath. Hope that doesn't happen to you. Hang in there and take good care of each other!

  24. We are going to miss our trip to the north shore. There are so many wild flowers along the highways. Grand Marais has wild daisies all around the bay.

  25. Yes, the grocery shopping/disinfecting is very tiring. I'm not surprised you both took a nap! I think daisies are happy flowers too.


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