Friday, August 16, 2019


Some of the brush in the woods is turning yellow.  Leaves litter the ground after the big wind we had a week ago.   I haven't mowed for awhile...the mower will chop up those leaves and sticks...a prelude to Fall work.

Yesterday I accomplished...not much...errands.   I dropped by the thrift store and got a skein of yarn for nests...I am the last of the big spenders at 50 cents.  The Walmart list had grown so that was accomplished.   Far Guy was dropped off and picked up...he is still real short of breath.

Good news this new Bill Pay seems to be working...bills are paid and money leaves the account...yeah!  Technology is great when it works!

A beautiful bunch of Rudbeckia
Far Side


  1. You're right about technology. Beautiful photo of blackeyed Susans.

  2. Love the yellow flowers and I am so happy the new "bill paying" is working for you. Sure hope you can find out what happened with the other bank. Have a great weekend.

  3. I can detect a slight smell of Fall in the early morning air, and the sun is setting slightly more to the south earlier every evening. The transition of seasons is gradually approaching.

  4. We've had cool mornings recently and the leaves are starting to turn a bit yellow here too. I am not ready for autumn!

  5. The flowers are gorgeous! We've had some cool mornings too which is a nice relief.

  6. It must be a big load off your mind to get the bill paying fiasco over with! Wish I had Black Eyed Susans in my garden! I just add them to my list.

  7. We're having lovely sleeping weather and earlier sunsets so I guess it means the transition is happening. It doesn't make me happy, but I can't change it either. :-)
    I'm so glad the bills are being paid correctly now. I can't imagine how frustrating that was for you.

  8. Yes, fall is definitely getting close with a few signals.

  9. I am so happy to hear the new bill pay is working well for you! I find it does make things much easier than writing out a stack of checks. Summer is still going strong here in Missouri but I am ready for Fall. I've had enough of the long, hot days. That Rudbeckia is gorgeous!

  10. I love Rudbeckias; they seem to symbolize Fall to me ( altho' they do start blooming way earlier). I hung a Fall decoration on my door today. I know my SIL will question my sanity but who cares. Next thing you'll be hanging your Fall flag.

  11. Good to have a moment to be able to leave a comment. I keep up, but my ipad doesn't let me leave comments. Not sure why. Fun to read that you found some more yarn! I haven't even picked up my needles for a while. Toooo much work going on. Blech. Love the flower photo! I just had a little yellow flower show up in between my patio pavers. I'm gonn let it stay where it landed. See what happens with it.

  12. I resist the coming of Autumn. I guess it's the former teacher thing. Summer is freedom.

  13. I always think of you when I see yellow anything. And so glad to hear they finally got your Bill Pay app working right. I love mine and am glad it works with me thinking about it. :-)

  14. I feel fall in some moments too! This week I made my "get ready for winter" to do list which I have to have because we "always" put some things off until the very last minute - just before it freezes. Have a great weekend!

  15. I see one of the trees I pass by is getting a tint of color and so are the stressed trees. Leaves are starting to fall from the locusts...
    I love those rudebecka! I would like to find a place to put a bunch near the house next year!
    I'm starting on my fall list of things to do. So overwhelming!

  16. I think 'yellow' is this week's Nancy Merrill photo challenge! You nailed it!

  17. I am praying for you both that Far Guy will get better and you will stay healthy while care taking. The flowers are beautiful and I can barely contain myself for Fall on the horizon although it will take much longer to get down here. I think I will do like Val Ewing....start a Fall list...that will make it seem closer.

  18. So glad you finally got your Bill Pay to work for you. That must be such a relief. Love your sunflower photos... so pretty.


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