Saturday, August 24, 2019

Bee Happy

Bee Happy that was the theme for the August wreath outside the front door.   It is better than being sad about "stuff" that you cannot control.

One day at a time.

Even though Fall is in the air more so everyday I will wait for September to arrive to decorate for Fall.

The big news this week; Andy, Jen and Adam are hosting a foreign exchange student this year.  He was due to arrive yesterday.  His name is Jonas and he is 18 and from Belgium.  It should be an interesting year for them.

Far Side


  1. Let us know how it goes for Andy, Jen and Adam.

  2. I was looking at my fall decorations yesterday and thinking about them too! I'm not quite ready for fall yet though. Usually I am. But August has been rather cool and very nice so I am wishing it would hang around longer.

  3. I like your cute wreath. And I hope we will hear about how the exchange student fares here in the US. :-)

  4. I like to wait for the actual season, too. I did change my garden flag to the school bus because of the actual opening of schools. But I still think my school bus should be a September thing.

  5. Fall is very fast approaching here also. I, too, will decorate in September!

  6. Sometimes, one day is all I can handle. It's best to take life as it comes and enjoy the present as much as possible.

  7. Hope they have a wonderful experience with an exchange student. I was an exchange student myself and the experience is amazing.

  8. You definitely have the right attitude. Having an exchange student should be interesting, and I'm sure they'll have fun showing him their world.

  9. Funny you have "Bee" on your wreath. I was just reading back about the wasp/hornet sting you got. That is so scary. Glad you can still run. I sure want to run but can't seem to pick up any speed...I try. :) You do have a good attitude about things.

  10. No hint of fall on the air here yet! I wish it were so. I hope the experience of hosting an exchange student is a good one for your family. We had one from Brazil when I was in high school and we are still close today — 50+ years later!

  11. How exciting...a foreign exchange student from Belgium! Can't wait to hear some of your stories! We have a lot of Belgian people in the Green Bay area. That's a bit South and East of us. We will decorate for Fall beginning the first part of September too. Our temps have cooled off....just hope winter doesn't come too early this year! Enjoy the weekend!

  12. Such a cute wreath. I remember when our son Alex was still at home and in college. We didn't officially host students for the entire school year, but we always had 2-3 Japanese students living with us at a time. One Christmas we had 15 kids staying with us, plus our family because they didn't have anywhere to go while the dorms were closed. That was fun.
    Another time we had a student from France, one from Spain and one from Japan all at the same time. David, the student from France, made us homemade crepes one weekend. It took hours to make them right! Our house was always lively and full of life. Now it's empty with just Dennis and I. Every once in a while I think about hosting for the school year. Who knows? It may happen. :-)

  13. It's definitely better to be happy and take things as they come instead of stressing out. Having said that I must admit I struggle with dark days. I guess everyone does, most just don't admit it. Have a peaceful and pleasant weekend.

  14. I have a friend who has hosted students for almost ten years. They have made lasting relationships with all of them and their families. I hope Adam and his family have the same wonderful experience. Today was really cool today and it definitely felt like fall... like you I am not ready and holding on to summer as long as I can. I love your outlook on "stuff" that you have no control over. ((hugs))

  15. It's always good to be in season and celebrate.

  16. You were bee-ing not too happy a day ago. I hope there were no lasting effects of that sting.

  17. After your sprint to outrun the bees the other day, I bet you are ready to change the decorations!!!

    How exciting to hear about Jen and family hosting the student from Belgium. What a wonderful opportunity for everyone! Sounds like a year of adventure ahead for them.

  18. As usual, I can't wait for Fall! This week we will be down in the 80's and no more 90's for this year I hope. I have lots to do outside after it all dries out. More rain for tonight is forecast. Your wreath is so cute and I have a watermelon on mine too. I won't put up the Fall decor until September either but I will start gathering it together.
    How interesting that will be for Jen and her family.


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