Saturday, August 31, 2019

Last Day of August

I already hate that it gets dark so early at night...I just hate losing that sunlight.

Had a busy day yesterday...I was the assistant lawn mower maniac/mechanic. We got er done and it runs and mows just like it did  before I broke it!   So I mowed for awhile!

I cleaned up my garage.  It was a nice day for that about 68 F for a high...Fall weather has arrived.

For fun I rewrote that sock pattern is perfect now.  Maybe.

I sprayed some weeds in the rocks around the house.

Odda came to visit for part of the day....she is more than happy to sleep out on the patio.  We make sure she has water.  We both sat outside with her at different times throughout the day.  She loves attention and seeks out your hand to pet her.

 After Odda left I put that Wet and Forget on part of the patio...I like how it took care of the moss and cleaned up the brick in my test section.  The jury is still out on the cedar deck out might need a wire brush.

Far Guy got called for Jury Duty...his third time...  He filed for an exemption since we may get called for the lung transplant at any time.

Flowers in town
Far Side


  1. I know you both enjoyed Odda's visit. Those flowers in town are so pretty and healthy looking. Praying every day for you both. xo

  2. What beautiful flowers! Our town flowers are looking a little droopy. It's been a very hot summer. Araignee

  3. I was on a jury once, but have been called only once in the past decade. I didn't serve then, but I am always ready to serve since I'm retired now. :-)

  4. Busy-busy! Glad Odda came for a visit. :)

  5. Huge fan of Wet and Forget. We chose light grey siding for our house and that mold makes it look just awful. We were glad to discover it. Your yard is so beautiful. Worth all the time and energy you spend to enjoy the beauty.

  6. I agree, it's getting dark way to early already. Happy Labor day Weekend!

  7. I'm glad that Odda still comes to visit to checkup on you and FG.

  8. When and how did you break the mower? How did you fix it? I was trying to think of Odda's name as there is an ad on T.V. with a dog that looks just like her! What kind of dog is she? I don't mind it getting dark early although I still seem to hit the sack before then....I'm off schedule...bed is about 8:30 and then I get up about 2:30...early start. The flowers are so pretty. I got some mums yesterday at Wall first Fall decoration. Have a nice weekend...68 F....sweet! It's 68 when I get up but then gets to 87 by afternoon.

    1. I broke the steel pedestal part that turns the blades. A new part was ordered via Amazon and replaced the broken is the second time it was repaces for this mower. Odda is a Bernese Mountain Dog...she loves us:)

  9. I would love to have a Odda come by for a visit. We are enjoying from a distance the new cattle dog. I walk over an pet Molly when he has her chained out at the front tree while the owner is working on something. Park Rapids has some fancy hanging planters. They look really good.

  10. Glad Odda came for a visit, and you've been keeping busy crossing more things off your to-do lists.

  11. It sure seems like summer has packed up and left, and like you, the shorter days as discouraging. Our spring/summers are just too short.

    I've never been called for jury duty, knock wood! I continue to hope the call for Far Guy comes soon.

  12. How nice that Odda comes to visit you. Around here Fall seems to be gently easing in but I'm not believing it yet as we usually have some hot weather in September. If that is not a reason to get excused from jury duty I don't know what would be! I have been called for jury duty more times than I can remember. I'll be fine if they don't call me anymore!

  13. The amount of daylight has changed a lot already, hasn't it? Makes me tired just thinking about it. Glad to read about Wet and Forget. I made note of it. I get moss and dig it out with a screwdriver. I think I will like Wet and Forget better. :-) I've still been puttering a bit in the garage. It's tidy, but it has to be kept that way for a one-car space. The flowers in town look fabulous! Fingers crossed for Far Guy's call to come soon.

  14. You got a LOT done in one day. Just to clean our garage would take me a week ( none of the mess is of my doing).
    The hanging basket looks pretty. By now mine are looking kind of sad, probably because of the hot temps.

  15. It would be fun to have Odda come visit. It's also nice she still stops by. She must get a wee bit lonely.

  16. Let's see: I don't want summer to be over either, with the loss of light; I would have no idea how to fix a mower; cleaning out the garage is on my list for the fall; I am visited by a neighbor cat rather than a dog; I recently got myself excused from jury duty by playing the age card, plus I had just fallen and sitting with restricted movement for hours was going to be painful. I get called for jury duty a lot.

  17. You certainly had a busy and productive day! I agree that it is getting darker way too early.

  18. get so much done in a day. You amaze me. I received a beautiful sparkling flower card in the mail today with the loveliest message inside. As I said before … you amaze me. Thank you for your unending kindness. My prayers continue for the two of you. You bless me.

  19. I don't like shorter days either but I guess that's the way things turn!

  20. How nice Odda came to visit you. I'm sure she loves all of the attention and love you give her. It's getting dark earlier here too and I don't like it at all. We were at the lake mowing today, (still no trailer but the work goes on), and I noticed a lot of the plants changing color already.
    You sure do keep yourself busy.

  21. I am reading this on the first of September

  22. Here's hoping that call "at any time" comes soon!

  23. VERY impressed, lawnmower fixer and all! I would say FG definitely qualifies for an exemption -- geez third time already!


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