Friday, August 30, 2019

Art on Main

Yesterday I had some time to just be me in town. ( Far Guy had two appointments back to back) First I visited the sculptures on Main Street.

This one is called Partial Eclipse

This one is called Traveling through life with love

Well that kept me busy for just a bit.  Then I wandered into the Dime Store...and then into the Yarn Shop...they got some new yarn in...especially for socks.  After a purchase there I figured I better find something else to occupy an hour or so.  I went out to my cousins and had a good visit with him and his wife. 

I am feeling much better with my wasp sting the worthless cream seems to be doing a better than expected job controlling the itching which in turn keeps the swelling to a minimum.   Thank you for all your good wishes!

Far Side


  1. This the first summer in ages that I didn't end up in Urgent Care for some bug bite issue. I should be knocking on wood-we've still got a few months left of warm weather here.

  2. Glad you had a little time to unwind and look about.

  3. Glad you had a little "me" time and that your wasp sting is getting better.

  4. I'm also glad to hear the worthless cream is working at least a little. Love that heart sculpture. Thanks for sharing it. :-)

  5. I like the "traveling through life with love"....glad your sting is better and the cream is working. I always keep Benadryl spray on hand for bites and stings. No picture of the yarn? Lucky you with a yarn store and a dime store!

  6. Sounds like a better day. And you deserve it!

  7. A little ME time is good for the soul. Glad that bite is getting better.

  8. More yarn is always a good idea. My wife buys more artist paint, just because. We are going to go check out a newly remodeled Target store today. It was such a mess for two years that we never shopped there.

  9. I love the sculpture, Traveling through life with love! I'm glad you are having some relief from your stings! Not fun. Take care. ❤

  10. More yarn, hooray! Glad to hear the cream is helping with the sting. Have a great day!

  11. Glad you are feeling some better. Nice to have a little time to walk around and see the sculptures and visit the dime store and yarn shop. A few times a week, I "get lost" looking thru the thrift store. God bless you and Gene this weekend.

  12. I love the "Traveling through life with love" statue. We all could use that reminder couldn't we? I'm glad you are doing better and the cream is actually helping somewhat. And a yarn shop! I just got an email for 20% off your entire order this weekend at Michaels. Sale and regular priced items. Can I resisit more yarn? Probably not. I always need yarn for my charity knitting.
    Happy Friday!

  13. I'm glad to hear your sting is a bit better. I love that you still have a dime store! When I was a child I enjoyed visiting dime stores and looking at everything. These days the discount stores just are not the same thing as the old dime stores.

  14. I hope we’ll be seeing your new sock yarn in the future. The sculptures are interesting. Are they from a school art class? If so, these two students seem to have more promise than some of the others! Traveling Through Life With Love shows some humor and whimsy.

  15. They have the most interesting sculptures there!
    Glad the cream at least is helping with the itching. :)

  16. You made good use of time when you were tied up waiting for someone else.

  17. You are sounding more content today. Some me time can do that, along with controlling that ITCH!

  18. So glad things are looking up for you and you're starting to feel better! Your saw some sculptures, found some new yarn for socks....and had a nice visit. You make great use of your time! Hope far guy's appointments went well. Wishing you both a good, enjoyable weekend!

  19. It sounds like you had a good day!!
    I'm glad that worthless cream is working for you.

  20. Sometimes, you just need that time to yourself. Glad you had a break for some "me time."


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