Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Wistful Wednesday : August 13

Far Guys Dad died in 1994 at the age of 80.

His birthday was August 13, 1914.  He would have been 105 years old yesterday.
Here is an old Photomat Photo of him.  I will guess this was taken about 1940.
I wonder who had it folded and tucked away?  Perhaps Far Guy's Mother.

He had a nice smile.  He was a nice gentleman.  He was a wise man, I often wish he was around so I could ask him a question or two...or three.

Far Side


  1. I do enjoy old photos. I have one of my dad and my father in law from many years ago. How I wish I could talk to them too!

  2. I feel the same about my dad. There are some questions I'd love to ask him. And I also wonder how he would feel about the world we live in today. :-)

  3. He does look like the sweetest man. :)

  4. He looks like a nice man, a happy man. My mom's birthday was August 11, would have been 91. I can't even imagine her at that age. Weren't we lucky that we had great people like your father-in-law and my mom around in our lives, no matter how short a time.

  5. I like those old Photomat pictures too. I had forgotten about that term! We did that a lot as kids and I think I have one of my dad taken that way.

  6. I agree with others, I would like to have another chance to talk to my Dad. His birthday is coming up on the 23rd of August, he would be 109. Though he's only been gone for 11 years it feels far longer.

    The photo is a wonderful memento and he has a sweet smile.

  7. What a great old photo. My father-in-law would have been 100 this fall. Also a nice and wise man.

  8. I love that even his eyes are smiling. My Mom would have been 105 today: she's been gone 30 years which doesn't seem possible.

  9. He looks like a really nice man. I feel the same about my Father in law. He died almost 20 years ago at 64. We still miss him terribly. A wise, wise man who didn't suffer fools! :-)

  10. He looks like a kind man that loved family and life. We never think of all those questions when they are alive and we are young. I'm going to try and write some memories down for my family. But these days younger people seem to not care so much about the past.

  11. I know what you mean! We’’re always thinking of something we wish we could ask my dad.

  12. Aww...very nice picture of far guy's dad. He looks like he was a very nice gentleman. I have thought of so many questions I would have liked to ask my mother, when she was still with us. Never thought of those questions then. Oh well. Maybe I really didn't need to know??? Blessings to you both!

  13. He's a wise, friendly, confident looking guy.

  14. Your father-in-law had a very friendly face. I think we all wish we'd have asked questions of that generation but didn't. Now there are many things we'll never know about their lives.

  15. I have so many questions for my deceased dad. He was always so helpful, and when I have a problem I ask what would dad have done? Then I usually remember his sage advice: "don't worry, everything will work out ok."

  16. Tomorrow, August 15th would have been my father's 102nd birthday.

  17. Oh, I bet you would have a lot more questions to ask him, if you could! We always develop that knack in hindsight, it seems...


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