Sunday, August 4, 2019

Progress or not

Making progress on the Christmas Ornament...50 are now complete in Phase One. Feels good to have them packed away in a box awaiting their final bits.

We had a good gathering at my baby brothers lake home.  Good food and good company.  Got to see a few cousins that we haven't seen in awhile.  My baby brother and his wife hold an annual Rendezvous at their place the first weekend in August.  New this year is a zip line for kids and adults.  The closest I got was removing poison ivy in that area!  The small step stool I have makes me nervous, so a zip line would be out of the question!

Rudbeckia 'Cherokee Sunset' in the Wild Gardens.

Far Guy is coughing and short of breath again. We just cannot keep him feeling good.
Far Side


  1. Sounds like a good gathering, but sorry to hear FarGuy is having a worse time again. I hope he feels better soon. Lovely flowers! :)

  2. Sorry Far Guy is coughing again. Hope he doesn't get really sick again.

    Glad you enjoyed the gathering with some of your family, and that the ornaments are half done.

  3. Zip line?! No thank you, but I bet the young ones loved it.

  4. I'm sorry about Far Guy's coughing. My prayers are for you both!

  5. I'm still thinking about your making potato salad for 50 people! I'm glad you had a good party.

    1. Just used 14 eggs and about 8 pounds of potatoes. It made an Ice Cream Bucket full plus another container. It is just putzy work:)

  6. No zip line for me either. Sounds like a good time for seeing your family.

    I'm so sorry to hear Far Guy isn't feeling well. I hope you hear some good news soon.

  7. No zip line for me either. Lordy! I'm so sorry Far Guy is not feeling well. I am still praying for him... and for you! Love, Andrea xoxo

  8. I sure hope Far Guy can get that cough under control! I will continue to pray for you all!

  9. That sounds like a wonderful family gathering and I bet your potatoe salad was a hit. I bet the kids loved that zip line. Sure hope Far Guy feels better soon.

  10. I'd have done the zip line, always wanted to try that. But I'm really sorry that Far Guy is coughing again. Hope he can beat it soon.

  11. Sorry Far Guy isn't feeling great. I hope this cough doesn't linger.
    Love that Rudbeckia; it's a wonderful colour.

  12. So glad you had a good visit at your baby brother's house. Oh so sorry to hear that far guy is feeling sick again. Sending up prayers for his healing and wellness. Blessings to you both.

  13. I am glad he has the stamina to keep on keepin' on. Feel better Mr. Far Guy!!

  14. Nothing like a big family gathering. Very few of us can do this anymore.

  15. So sorry Far Guy is feeling poorly again, he just can't catch a break. Sounds like you had a nice visit at your brother's home.

  16. I've never done a zip line, but they sound like fun. I am praying for Far Guy, and I don't do that for just anybody. He's family.

  17. I am scared shitless of open heights so no way you will get me a zipline

  18. I would be the same thing with a zip line. I don't even like my step stool anymore. The gathering sounds like it was a lot of fun though. I'm sorry Far Guy is struggling again. I'm praying for surgery soon for him.

  19. I'm so sorry about your health woes.
    I have some poison ivy to remove, too.

  20. I like the wild flowers. The collie looks very happy to be outdoors.

  21. What's up with the poison ivy this year? I went to Walmart and they have no spray so I had to order from Walmart. I got some itchy rash all over me but I think the tiny steroid I take for my RA kept it from spreading and itching. When it did I sprayed Benadryl on that stuff! I had to order the poison ivy spray from Amazon. I would not do a zipline either...I have plenty of excitement in my life....which is still too much for an old lady! LOL!
    I love the "Cherokee Sunset"...gorgeous and the party sounded fun except for the zipline and poison ivy. I pray Far Guy feels better soon.


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