Sunday, October 21, 2018

Christmas Ornaments 2018

The ornaments are finished.  I was very happy to finish. The last 11 seemed to take forever.


The paints are put away on a shelf in the furnace room.


The satin embroidery floss that I use for the ornament hangers has been put away.

There are 104  ornaments, some have been sent on their way…others await pretty little boxes and bags and will be delivered in person or mailed.  I will be giving a few away here on the blog closer to Christmas.

The idea for this years carving came via another woodcarver.  I tweaked the design a bit and added my own ideas for painting…plaid…plaid takes time to paint.  I have no idea what we will carve next year….then again it may not be a carving afterall. 

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  1. Hm, plaid ... nope can't even guess what you have come up with this time!

  2. Oh how exciting! I am making 'stuff' but not sure what I am doing other than just entertaining myself.

  3. I always love seeing what ornament you make each year. I have been making ornaments for each of the grands to add to their trees. I can't imagine making the number you make each year.

  4. Bravo for finishing the ornaments! I'm eager to see the carving and your plaid embellishments.

  5. I met a man walking his 18 month old Aussie yesterday. He said they had had one for 16 years, been without a dog for 2 years and couldn't take it any more so this lovely creature is now in their lives. They both looked very happy.

  6. Plaid would be hard to paint! Good for you!

  7. Can hardly wait for the reveal! Plaid--tediously time consuming. But I bet they are a sight to behold. :)

  8. Great job! It's what keeps you so young!

  9. Plaid - wow!! I can't wait see!!

  10. Congratulations on the finish! I can't wait to see them. I love plaid for Christmas but it must be challenging to paint. You are amazing!

  11. I can’t even imagine getting 104 ornaments made. Wow! I’m very impressed and look forward to seeing them.

  12. I can imagine how relieved you feel to be done with the 104 ornaments!! Bravo!

  13. You are so creative- I look forward to the big reveal of the 2018 ornament! Plaid must be challenging to paint.

  14. Oh, I am looking forward to seeing the plaid ornaments. Congratulations on finishing so soon! :-)

  15. Congratulations on finishing the ornaments for another year. I’m curious to see the finished object. Now you can relax.

  16. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  17. 104? No wonder it seemed like a lot of work. It was!

  18. Wow! 104 ornaments? I have my hands full just doing the ones for the grands. I've never heard of silk/satin embroidery floss...very pretty and much fancier than the regular cotton floss. I'll have to remember that. I bet you are really glad they are finished! LOL! Those lucky recipients!

  19. I can't wait to see them! They are always such works of art!

  20. That's a lot of ornaments! The people who will be getting one are really lucky.

  21. Hmmm, those don't look like they might be sheep colors. Sigh... ;-)


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