Thursday, August 25, 2011

Amber Waves of Grain

We went for a drive to look at the fields. It is what we do for fun here in Minnesota.   Check out the crops, see who is out and about.
Amber Waves of Grain
The grain harvest is almost over.
Unloading Grain
The dust in the air and my itchy eyes are almost at an end.

Smokey Hills
The humidity hung in the Smoky Hills last must be why they are called Smoky.  I love the layers in this photo, the wildflowers in the ditch, the buffer along the grain field, the grain field, the irrigator, the hills and the sky.  This has been a familiar view for me now for fifty some years:)
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  1. "We went for a drive to look at the fields. It is what we do for fun here in Minnesota". Love it.

  2. You are one of a kind, Connie. I always love to hear about your exciting life driving around looking at fields and other such activities. :-)

  3. That is a very nice picture - I love it too! It sure doesn't take those boys long to get that grain off of the fields.... seems to be done!

  4. Almost looks like a painting that last picture.

  5. A beautiful view it is! Wonderful photos ! Have a great day !

  6. Harvest time revives my childhood memories, especially "corn-cutting time," (cutting silage) and packing the sweet and green mixture in the pit. I love the sights, the smells, and the feeling of accomplishment.

    All of the photos are wonderful, but the last one is fabulous.

  7. Lovely views they are, too. :)

  8. Yes I love our western view too! The hills give us so many different dimensions and the colors will soon be awesome!

  9. That's what we do for fun in Idaho, too. We've got a similar view sans the humidity. Maybe your smoke is coming all the way from the wild fires in the west.

    I like the parfait layers of land in your photo too.

  10. I'm glad you mentioned all the layers in that last photo. I'm not sure I would have noticed the details, esp. the buffer before the field itself. You are educating us city kids. :-)

  11. I love your photo! I also love learning about other farming communties...thanks.


  12. It certainly says the end of summer, with the grain coming in. Great to see shots of the tractors, I miss that....growing up in a family of farmers, we always knew what was going on. Now of course, who farms out here?

    You got such great shots, thanks!

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  13. What a beautiful sight. Hard to believe that it's already time to harvest. Where did the summer go?

  14. The fields seem to go on forever!! I love watching the wind blow the top-heavy grasses. It's like watching the sea. Hypnotizing!

  15. You are a little ahead of us but with the heat we've been having we'll be catching up fast! I always want to belt out "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory" when I see amber waves of grain;)))))

  16. I really miss the big fields of corn and grains! We have them here but not so big.

  17. I love seeing your part of the country. We always enjoyed "going for a ride" on Sundays and I enjoy going along with you three. Hope you have a nice weekend.
    M. Lane

  18. Same here in the banana belt. We go for drives. No wheat fields but lots of choking dust on the gravel roads. Some rain would be helpful.

  19. LOL - you Minnesotans have all the fun!

    That first photo is so gorgeous - just like a golden painting!

  20. Many of us - - like me - - have never seen a grain harvest so am glad you posted about it. Driving around and looking at changes or just looking at the same things can be very relaxing.


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