Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mom

My Mom and me! 1952
My Mom will turn eighty later this year. She is very active, she is a marvelous seamstress and quilter. She has a "stash" of fabric that she has been trying to organize, she says it may take her most of the summer. She says she doesn't buy much fabric anymore..I am not so sure about that. She may buy less fabric..I think she may have enough to open her own fabric store.
If I had to describe my Mom in one word it would be "Volunteer" because she volunteers her time and talents to many organizations and causes. So many causes, that I have a hard time keeping track of them all. My Father sometimes has a hard time keeping track of her also. Last week when Mom was over commited with her volunteerism, my Dad took over her Poppy Sales for her. My Mother could use a social secretary..and the poor thing would be run ragged.
Far Guy and I made an appointment with my parents for a Mother's Day breakfast last Friday, afterwards she was off to some meeting. She did pause long enough for me to get a photo, however she told me "You are close enough with that thing already." :)
My Mom on May 08, 2009


  1. Connie, your Mum is beautiful!
    I hope you and Mum have had a lovely day...we are a day ahead of you here...
    Julia ♥

  2. What a wonderful lady your mum is! No wonder you are so nice too...

  3. Your mom does NOT look like she is eighty! I had to laugh when you said you made an appt for breakfast with your mom... but that's awesome she's THAT busy.

    My mom started volunteering for the first time at a local hospital (after much "encouragement" (bugging) from me), and she LOVES it. She really looks forward to her Monday every week. Like your mom, she is a dynamo, and keeps herself beyond busy.

    Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom!

  4. Happy Mother's Day Connie and your Mother too! I love your photos. Your Mom looks wonderful. I hope you have a very enjoyable day.

  5. Happy Mother's day to both of you!!! Love you and miss you!

  6. Tell Mom she doesn't look her age! Good for her that she is going strong at 82, amazing! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  7. Wow. I have a picture of my mom holding me around the same month and year and they look a lot alike in the photos. Maybe you are my hidden twin sister? ha
    However, my mom (sadly) passed away 4 years ago, now and she was 80 when she passed.
    Your mom looks so young for 80....that volunteerism must be the key!
    Much happiness to you on this special day!

  8. I get such a kick out of seeing photos of people when they were young juxtapositioned with them at 80 or so. They do that a lot with golden anniversary announcements in our newspaper and I find it so interesting. Would have liked to see you in the photo also with your mom's arms around you! Thanks for the flowers and happy Mother's Day to both of you, too.

  9. Dear Far Side,
    Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day! (And your Mom sounds like a wonderful person!)

    Kisses for Chance!
    Emma Rose

  10. Your mom looks and sounds like a great woman, you obviously know how blessed you are to have her still. Have an extremely pleasant day.

  11. What a wonderful gesture to feature your mother today. We are all blessed, we women, both in our mothers and motherhood. Have a great day!


    The picture of your MOM precious!
    A lovely lady for sure....just like you!

    I hope you are enjoying this Holiday!

  13. Where does she get her energy? Does she have some secrets?

    *You and I must be close to the same age, by the looks of that baby photo

  14. Happy Mothers Day! Your mum is a cutie!!! That generation is the USA's greatest asset!!

    btw, did I know you live in mn?? we are neighbors! did you know that??? LOL I dont remember!!!

  15. Welll - I am not from MN...but from a nexttoyou state....from the east....we have cheese and lots of it!!!LOL

  16. Happy Mothers Day!



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