Friday, May 8, 2009

Up In A Tree

I took a few interesting photographs this week. The weather up here is finally nice enough so that you can enjoy being outside. Even if some days you must wear a sweatshirt, or a coat.
I was off on a mission one day, and was side tracked by this little guy. I am not sure how common it is to see one of these.

A Black squirrel... Photo taken on May 03, 2009

Yesterday I noticed this in one of the Oaks just outside of my garage.

Strange..I am wondering who the dufus was that was playing ball with Chance. Turns out it was Far Guy and my brother. Last winter they lost this partially damaged ball in the tree and it has stayed up there all winter. I wonder how long it will last up there in that tree? I have found some of Chances many balls in strange places..under my pillow, in the couch, in my shoes, but never in a tree before:)


  1. Oh my gosh.....a black squirrel! There are albino squirrels but I've never heard of a black one. I bet that is pretty rare.

  2. Hey - Did you know that Hooch climbs trees - anyway he does climb the water willow - maybe next time Hooch is there, he can check out your tree and get the ball!!!

  3. Like Milah, we have albino squirrels, but never heard of a black one - great photo.
    Harriet doesn't play with balls, but our cat does. Like you, I find them in my shoes, the bed, the weirdest places!
    Wishing you a happy Mother's Day.

  4. Wow, I've never seen or even heard of a black squirrel. That's so neat!! Great shot!

  5. The black squirrel is fascinating, but obviously he is untrainable as a retriever?

  6. Wonderful photos...and I love your Mother's Day header! We have tons of black squirrels up here...they are as common as gray ones. :)

  7. You captured a black squirrel on camera! That is quite the feat. They are quick. I only got a pic of the behind of one this week!

  8. Wow! Fantastic pictures! And I like your new header photo!

  9. I find the comments interesting re: the black squirrel. I had NO idea they were not common? I had tons of them in northeast Ohio; they were always in my backyard trees. Maybe because northeast Ohio is closer to Canada, and Andrea says they have tons up there too. Hmmm. Very interesting.

    That is funny about Chance's ball. Tori will fetch ANYTHING. Frisbee, ball, old sock, cardboard toilet paper roll (the newest, now she stands by the toilet when you're in the bathroom, staring at the toilet paper - my bad, I threw it one day when the TP ran out -- what was I thinking? One day I came home to a small amount of unrolled toilet paper, you knew THAT was going to happen, huh?)... sometimes I find wadded up socks in the house, weeks after the last throw.

  10. I read the other comments about black squirrels being common up north. I had no idea! I pulled out my North American Wildlife Book, which BTW, is my wildlife bible, (I love it so much I have two) and it does not list black squirrels! Red squirrels, grey squirrels and southern flying squirrels (which by the way I've seen one of those in Indiana),but no black squirrels. I wonder why they are not listed? Anyways, I think that squirrel is pretty cool and I'm glad you shared this with us. I learned something new!;D

  11. You got a cool shot of a very fast squirrel, and a neat ball. I couldn't figure out the ball, but you explained!


  12. We spotted an albino squirrel last summer, but never got a picture of it. I have never seen a black one. So neat.

    That ball looks like some kind of alien creature lurking in a tree!


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