Many years ago, my Mother shared a small inheritance with us. Three hundred dollars, we were to buy something we really wanted to remember our grandparents by. I tucked the money away, and have had one eye out for a spinning wheel. The antique ones were always too expensive. A new one was an affordable option, but I had never wanted to go just didn't seem right.
When the bidding on the spinning wheel started, I was in at 100, Far Guy was standing right behind me, whispering in my ear, 'You deserve it" 150 "you have the money saved" 200 "Don't let it go" 250 then the bids stalled..I thought I might get it at 250, no such luck, "Bid again" 270 "Don't quit" 290 " keep going till 350" 310...SOLD.. I got it..and then the tears started. I had to chew on the inside of my cheeks for about an hour, so I wouldn't be a blubbering idiot. Now everyone wants to know if I am going to learn how to spin.. maybe I will..maybe I will just look at it..someone from Far Guys side of the family wants me to spin him some yarn for some socks! I haven't a clue what all the pieces do, or where they go..or if it will ever spin anything. I do have a cousin that spins and has her own wheel, she has kindly offered to teach me..someday. I have some fiber, it is all saved up from our four Shelties, from years ago. I know how to knit and crochet so at least I won't have to learn how to do that too.
I need to thank my sister in law ( the eagle eye, who always sees Robin's before me) for being observant. My brother didn't like the way the bidding was going on the spinning wheel, he was about ready to start bidding..when his lovely wife said "I think your sister is bidding on it."
Now are you wondering why it was so emotional for me? Me, who rarely bawls about anything unless it involves a dog, a cat or a horse. It was such a mixture of happiness, unbelief and sadness all rolled into one. It was a circle completed. Something I apparently waited just the right amount of time for. Of all the beautiful pieces of furniture and all of the keepsakes there that day, I know that this spinning wheel was one of my Uncles favorite treasures. He would be happy. I was sad because I still miss him so much, even though he has been deceased a number of years.
My daughters may not be thrilled, another piece of odd ball furniture for them to deal with someday. I have contacted my uncles only brother for more details about the spinning wheel, hopefully he can help to recall more of the story that should accompany this spinning wheel. Maybe someday at another auction sale, someone will purchase it, maybe my brother. Whoever ends up with it, I hope they appreciate it as much as I do:)
I'm so glad you got it! It's a beautiful piece and hopefully you will be able to find more history on it. jo
ReplyDeletewow what a haul :) Well done!!!!
Ah - so happy for you and the wheel! It's beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI know your uncle would be very happy that you wanted the wheel so badly. Many times, there's no one left to appreciate the very things that meant so much to someone. Do you have a favorite photo of the uncle that you could frame nearby to the spinning wheel?
ReplyDeleteThat's a very special heirloom- I find auctions to be very exciting and sometimes frustrating (especially if someone outbids me) well done!
ReplyDeleteNo price would have been too high. You would have been so disappointed if you hadn't won the bid. Good for you for being do determined and Far Guy sounds like a great husband for backing you all the way. Oh the memories that piece has and you own it. Fantastic!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great find. Such a true treasure. I love it when items are found that remind us of someone or from our past as a child.
ReplyDeleteI used to love going to auctions but then realized I was filling my house up with too much stuff!
I almost cried too. I am so sentimental about family treasures. Glad you got it.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling you will really enjoy this. I think I would like to learn especially if I lived in your neck of the woods.
ReplyDeleteI know how you felt that day. We went through something similar a few years back, only it was a cedar chest.
I am so glad you got it.
ReplyDeleteThat is beautiful Connie!
ReplyDeleteOh, great joy and happiness! Yeah for you! I got a little table at Terry's Aunt's auntion a few years ago that I just adore. I understand.
ReplyDeleteWith as much heartful excitment for you find as possible, YEAH for YOU!
I finally got around to visiting here; I've been meaning to for a while. I love the spinning wheel story; my husband and I love antiques, auctions, and family heirlooms. I'm so glad you got it; even if you never spin, it's a beautiful piece, made special by the family history.
ReplyDeleteConnie that is such a nice story. I am so glad you got the spinning wheel. Good for hubby for encouraging you. Becca
ReplyDeleteThat is so special Connie..
ReplyDeleteso glad you were able to win the bids..
You'll enjoy it I'm sure,,
Julia ♥
What a wonderful story. I'm so glad you got it. That story warms my heart and makes me so happy for you!
Almost exactly the amount of money you had saved aside exactly for something like this. This is a match made in heaven. You lost your beloved Uncle, but as you said, 'full circle' -- you now have something of his that is a comfort and joy to you. *debbi*
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can find a Spinning for Dummies book. (ha ha!)
Connie~ Good things come to those that wait!
ReplyDeleteYour patience paid off....and the memories will follow for generations to come!
We are so happy for you Far Side. You were just meant to have that spinning wheel!
ReplyDeleteEmma Rose and The Duchess
I'm so glad you got it---yeah
ReplyDeleteOh, that's a fabulous find!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I can just imagine how heart throbbing it was to go thru that bidding process, when you had all that emotion and sentimental attachment to it...sometimes I get so excited when I am bidding on something I really want, I literally hold my breath. But it was fate, and the right person who TRULY understood its meaning won the bid (you!) and the universe is now all right again. I am sure your Uncle is smiling down on you right now!
ReplyDeleteI love this entry -- nicely done! The wheel sure cleaned up beautifully -- what a treasure for you! I have to thank you and "feelin' the wind" for the great idea of blogging -- it pushes that creativity in a person and helps to take my mind off of work matters. I find myself noticing the "simple" things!
ReplyDeleteOh how wonderful for you. Two weeks ago, we found our Great Aunt's spinning wheel. It is still in the family and being well taken care of. We were thrilled. There are lots of us out there in Blogland that will be glad to help you identify the pieces and start you on your spinning adventure.
ReplyDeleteOh, Connie! How very, very wonderful!! If there is anything I can do from this distance to help you put it together, I will. And I can "talk" you through the spinning process, if you want. Send individual pictures, via email, if you want.
ReplyDeleteLike Candy said, we found our Great-Aunt's wheel and I COVET it!!!! It's beautiful, like yours is.
What a beautiful piece, I hope you do learn to spin, my daughters do and it seems like such a lovely peaceful thing to do.