Sunday, June 28, 2020

Great Grands

We got to meet Cee Cee yesterday, she and  her brother Hey Mikey and of course their parents are visiting up North for the weekend.  ( They live in the UP of Michigan)

It was our first in person but social distancing view of Cee Cee, she was born March 10 so she is three months and two weeks old now. 

She has her Moms hair and at this point looks much like her Daddy.

It was so fun to meet her, I wish we could have held her and given her kisses and snuggled her close. 

At least we got to see her!  I am grateful for that! 

Hey Mikey is three years and one month old now.  He is a busy boy.

He was burning off some energy with his truck. 
Then he spotted a dandy gone to seed. 

His hair is getting very curly.  His eyes remind us of his Aunt Savannah when she was his age. 

It was great fun seeing these special little ones. 
Far Side


  1. Awww...what a cutie! I burst into tears at the park the other day when I spied a little one that looked like my Grands. I miss them so much. Araignee

  2. Cee Cee and Mikey are adorable!! I'm so glad you got to spend some time with them even if it did have to be at a distance.

  3. So wonderful that you got to see those cuties! It must have been really hard though not to hold and cuddle with almost makes me tear up for all those who don't get to see their family. I won't be seeing the grands this summer either. I'd better get a cell phone with a camera so I can skype or something with them. What do you use? What kind of phone? I need to research.

  4. Very cute kids!! It's just so sad that you couldn't hold & hug them...

  5. This makes me want to cry - happy tears! What a precious baby girl and what a big boy brother! I am so happy you got to see them in person. What a wonderful present for the weekend.

  6. That's wonderful you got to see them and finally meet CeeCee--even if not as close up at your would have wanted. So hard. But what cuties! :)

  7. Oh, how wonderful that you got to see the little ones. They're both adorable!

  8. I'm so happy you were able to meet Cee Cee in person! She is a beautiful girl and she does indeed have her Mom's hair. Hey Mikey looks like a load of fun and energy! This has been a very special weekend for you.

  9. Adorable great-grands. I love Mikey's cowboy boots.

  10. They are truly adorable. I feel almost as though I know Hey Mikey personally myself! :-)

  11. How wonderful you got to see them in person! My arms would have been itching to grab and hold that little cutie and it would be hard to control myself, though.

  12. How wonderful you got to see Cee Cee and Hey Mikey. It had to have been hard to be so close and still have to maintain social distancing. I'm ready for a miracle vaccine. Steve was here this weekend. He will always be like a child in some ways. I am glad I have him. I don't know whether I'll ever have a grandchild. Thirteen grandchildren and most of them are older than I was when Tom and I had two children and another on the way.

  13. I meant ever have a great grandchild. I do have 13 grandchildren.

  14. Cee Cee is so cute! and so is Hey Mikey. Isn't it unbelievable how fast they grow.

  15. It is better to see them in real life than on the computer. Your little girl is so sweet. The boy is full of energy and I am sure never slows down. I don[t remember how long it has been since we saw the grand kids.

  16. Grandchildren are a blessing my parents have 17 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren

  17. Your great grands certainly do look great! What a wonderful visit for you and to see cee cee in the flesh for the first time cool! Glad you had that nice visit....they're sure cute!

  18. I am longing to see my great grandsons. The parents take them into public spaces but not to see the old folks, which makes us sad.

  19. Little ones seem to have so much energy. I'm glad you got to meet up with them all, even if you couldn't have snuggles and cuddles.

  20. How wonderful that you got to see your Grands, even if it was from a distance and especially the first peek at little CeeCee. Kids blowing dandelion seeds always seem so sweet and innocent to me. I'm so happy for you.

  21. Oh, how wonderful that you got to see her! I expected you wouldn't have been able to for months to come! Must have been so nice to visit everyone, even with social distancing. Great news.

  22. CeeCee is so adorable. I know what you mean about not being able to hug and kiss them.

  23. Wonderful you got to see the little ones, even if it had to be from a distance.

  24. Little Cee Cee is adorable. Love Hey Mikey's curls. I've enjoyed having my Grands visit.

  25. I can't believe Hey Mikey is THREE! :-o Glad you got to see everyone :-).


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