Monday, May 20, 2024

Sprinkles of Sunshine

 Imagine small sprinkles of sunshine all over your lawn. 

With the rains came green grass and abundant sunshine for the bees:)

I am going to be like Thumper "If ya can't say something nice don't say nothing at all."

Far Side


  1. We get them here can also cook and eat them as they are great for inflammation.


  2. That is a good way to put those bright precious yellow spring flowers.... Spring rays of sunshine. It's the 1st bouquet youngsters pick for the loved ones. The flower petals make delicious jelly that resembles the taste of honey. The flowers attract beautiful yellow/golden finches that stop by to have a feast on their way to wherever they are going.

  3. Oh, I never thought of dandelions that way but I do love them and so do the bees!

  4. It rained here most of the day here yesterday as well. More for the next couple days.

  5. I have seen it written many times on FB - - - leave the wildflowers for the early pollinators. They need the nectar. Then I saw another post that said dandelions are good for the earth because when they die, they help nourish and correct bad soil. Once the soil is healthy, you won't have dandelions there. Let's just say I am not sure I believe the second statement but maybe there is some validity to it. Those things have roots to China and I don't see how they can die easily without some assistance!

  6. I always loved dandelions as a little girl. No one sprayed for them or dug them up back then. Don't you wish we could go back to that time? Now if you live in town and have one dandelion, the neighbors have a conniption fit because they may spread to their yard.
    Still praying for you my friend.

  7. Oh dear, I suspect your last sentence means you are still feeling poorly. I do continue to hope you'll be feeling better soon.

    I'm sure the bees are very happy!

  8. Hey, Thumper, I think I'll join you!

  9. I love 'em!!!

    Get better SOON!!


  10. I enjoyed your little sprinkles of sunshine in your yard. It's a dreary day here so that brightened my outlook for sure.

  11. All I know is the yellow against the green is pretty

  12. The first dandelions always make me happy.

  13. Always have loved the perky yellow of dandelions. Liam brought me one he had picked for Mother's Day when they were here. Hope you are feeling at least a little better.

  14. You have wonderful grove. I get grumpy with the staff sometimes but complaining nicely does pay off. LD

  15. That's a sweet way to look at them :-) We are still getting a few here and they are always covered with tiny bees.


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