Friday, May 17, 2024


 I am REAL. tired. of changes in medications.  My last Arthritis medication by injection was just. not. working.   It has taken two months to get the new highly expensive drug ($18,000) for two months...good thing we have good insurance so our copay is $76.00  How ever do people without great insurance pay for these kinds of meds?  What does it have in it  Anyways it is in the fridge, in the meantime my Primary Care Dr is trying without success to manage my pain and my blood pressure.  Uffda.  I am coming off of the medication for pain...the shits is that it was working...except for the side effects.  The withdrawl is horrid....night sweats...tremors etc.  He may attempt a different med in a month. IF all the side effects are gone.  In the meantime I have yet one more BP med to add to the two I already take and a new arthritis injection.  

One thing at a time...the most important at the moment is my Blood Pressure so I will begin that new med now and give it a number of days before I do the Arthritis Injection. Just in case I have a reaction.

My blood pressure is up because of the pain...and the Dr says Naproxen and Aleve are fighting my Blood Pressure only take Tylenol.  Alrighty then....I will give it a try. 

It sucks to have medication problems. 

We got some rain on Wednesday...the car was almost rinsed off.  Yesterday was Far Guy's Infusion and errands in town...road construction has started in Osage.   We will be staying home the next few days hopefully.  

I see lots of naps in my future. 

Jen's Bleeding Hearts were blooming nicely.   And yes the dogs were happy to see us! 

Far Side


  1. You are right about the medications. We have a daughter who cannot get her insurance to cover a medication she was prescribed by her doctor for diabetes. Literally. Too many people are taking the diabetic medications for weight loss, so some insurance companies won't cover it now (even for those with diabetes). She would have to go to another medication or pay a lot for it.

  2. Nothing wrong with naps, especially when they are needed!

  3. Oh poor you! As if you hadn’t had enough to deal with recently. I take 4 pills every day to keep my blood pressure under control but still for no reason that I can see, sometimes it goes through the roof anyway and my doctor adds yet another pill to the list.
    All I can offer is the hope that you can get the pain under control very soon. And stop with the horrible night sweats. Waking up with a sopping wet nightie and a damp duvet cover is just awful.
    Very very best wishes x

  4. Oh man - I'm so sorry you're going through all medication changes!! That really sucks!! Do they have any clue what is causing your BP to rise, other than pain? Hope it all gets sorted out with GOOD results on controlling the pain and the high BP.

  5. My mom had blood pressure issues too, and endured the pain of arthritis for many years. I recall her eating Tylenol like it was candy. I do hope the withdrawal symptoms from the pain med are over soon and you're able to get some relief from the injection.

    Bleeding hearts are one of my favorite springtime flowers. There isn't one in this yard...I may have to hit up a garden center to add one.

  6. I am so sorry for you. I don't know what pain med you were on, but Celebrex has been a godsend for me. I do hope this gets sorted out.

  7. I know how hard medication changes can be. I'm SO sorry that you're going through this Connie. I'll definitely step up my prayers for you that you can get some pain relief soon. I sure hope Tylenol works for you. For me it's like taking an empty capsule. No relief at all. I have arthritis in my feet and right hand. I can emathize with your pain and I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Please know that there are lots of us out here that care about you and Far Guy.
    Blessings and love,

  8. That's so frustrating!
    The price of medications in the U.S. always blows my mind. We have some very expensive ones here too - but they aren't tens of thousands expensive. Still tough if you don't have insurance (our health care is 100% covered by the government, but pharmaceuticals are not)
    I hope you're able to find something that works for you.
    Love the bleeding hear getting started - mine are almost done here.

  9. Sorry the withdrawal is so difficult. Hopefully your poor body adjusts again and hopefully the new meds will be more helpful.

  10. I am so sorry your are having so much trouble with the meds and the pain. I know they told me with RA not to take anything but Tylenol. I pray your new meds will work for you and you will be feeling better very soon.

  11. I don't know how people do it! When I look at the actual cost of my medication (to say nothing of the 7 months I was in hospital), I'm so glad for our insurance!

  12. I am sorry for all of your health struggles and the pain you have to deal with. Right now it sounds like even a hug would hurt.

  13. Pain sucks and finding the right medication to handle it can also suck. I am always amazed at how much people in the USA pay for medications

  14. The drug companies prey on sick people with what they charge.
    I hope you can find a regime that works for you soon.

  15. I'm sorry. Medication issues are the pits. And to have the pain and other side effects with it, and the blood pressure issues - not fair at all.
    I was lazy this year and stuck with the same Part D I had last year. Well, it is not the same insurance coverage as last year. . . grrrr . . . . and after the run around from the doctors office and the pharmacy for three weeks as I ran out of one medication, it turns out that one of them has gone over the counter and I have to pay out of pocket. Since my co-pays and deductibles are so stinking high, the price is not the issue, the issue is that for 3 weeks I called my doctors office and left messages for a renewal. And for 3 weeks I went to the pharmacy and they said they hadn't received it. Finally the office called me and said they had called it in 3 times (showing they have no clue about medications) and when I confronted the pharmacist, they looked at the name of it and explained it is not prescription any more. And - guess what- they were out of the OTC drug in the strength I take. Of course.
    Good luck, you need to feel better soon!!!

  16. Oh, my and I thought Roger's Repatha was high. I hope they find something that works without terrible side effects.

  17. Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear about all your problems with pain and your medications and side effects. What a horrible time for you. I am praying that your doctor will figure things out and that your pain will greatly decrease and that you'll get on a good med for you. May things be much better soon, dear Connie.

  18. You are not alone with having difficult reactions to medications. I cannot take anything that has Ibuprofen in it. Tylenol is my only possible pain med.
    The pain does directly affect your BP.

    What a horrible summer you are having.


  19. So sorry to hear what you're going through. I went to the eye doctor yesterday and got some bad news: I am legally blind in my right eye. I did learn that there is now an eye injection for dry macular degeneration, which is what I have. It's just been released so I will find out if I can afford to get it.

  20. Dogs and Naps are always a great stress reliever. I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Darn it. And medication ----whew! I have a $400 deductible and then the co-pay and the cost is over-the-top Hard to do financially.

  21. Getting the meds right is hard. My husband is on 15+ meds for assorted issues. The side effects and the interactions between them is horrible. I'm so sorry you're going through this too. I hope you and your doctors can figure it all out and that this summer will be enjoyable for you all.

  22. We need so much more research into arthritis. Seems all they want to do it throw medication at it.
    I recall that the doc told my father to quit taking naproxen and ibuprofen because it was causing his BP to spike.
    Your bleeding heart shrubs look like mine. The flowers seem to be small this year don't you think?


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