Friday, May 24, 2024

A bird and blooms

 I finally caught a Oriole at the Grape Jelly!  Such pretty birds that only stick around here to eat and rest before heading North.  He is in the orange feeder. 


Our Oaks are leafing out more every is not deep shade yet. 

The Red Elderberries are blooming.

The flowers are upright...Hummingbirds and Butterflies visit the flowers.   Birds eat the red berries when they are ripe. The red berries have seeds that are poisonous.  This is NOT the Elderberry that wine is made from ...those berries are purple when ripe. 

Steve and Jo's Lilacs.

I mowed for a couple of hours yesterday between the rain showers.   If we get rain mowing is almost a full time job in May and June.  Far Guy had his infusion and I ran errands in town. 

Far Side


  1. I already need to mow again. I bet those lilacs smell wonderful. I enjoyed the orioles too. Guess mine are now visiting you.

  2. I see the bird & green. Spring! Looks like it's a good year for the lilacs.

  3. I'm having trouble leaving comments. Hope this one works. You sound back to almost normal!

  4. What a beautiful bird! I've never seen one in person. We're having lots of rain here too. There's no time to mow in between storms! I bought a lilac that is supposed to bloom continually but so far....nothing. My regular lilac bloomed a long time ago.

  5. We have zero rain, and very hot weather right now. We were thrilled to see our first hummingbird two days after hanging our flower pots around the porch. they love our flowers ever summer. We get yellow finches, boston orioles, cardinals etc.

  6. I have a shocking confession. I am not a bird watcher or a bird person. I recognize my cardinals and robins, but that is about it. The other day we had the most LOVELY bird in my tulip tree and now I know!!! It was an oriole! I guess we don't often see one. The grandkids spotted it first and we watched it in the tree for quite a while and then he was flying wire to tree. So pretty!

  7. We haven't actually seen an oriole at our feeder but it appears to be getting visited. I've learned something new again from you - didn't know there were red elderberries as well as purple.

  8. The oriole photo was tough with the orange bird feeder and orange bird.

  9. I'm sorry I've been AWOL. No internet all week until now. I loved the post about Baxter. He's so beautiful. You have the best dogs to love on. Sadie, Little Elvis and Baxter too. Lots of perks but none of the responsibility! :-) Dennis is on his way to pick up Piper and Lizzie to spend the day with us. It should be fun.

  10. We had more rain overnight and into the morning. I have the same elderberry bushes, with the red berries. They grow wild along the tree line. I hope you are feeling better.

  11. I'm glad you both are feeling somewhat better!!!

  12. By enlarging the photo I was able to get a good look at your Oriole. It's a beauty!!

  13. First I pictured you with a push mower and wondered how you could do that, and then I remembered a riding mower, and then I knew you were at least feeling OK.

  14. Mowing the lawn is often a task and a half if the grass is long.
    Birds and flowers are always nice to look at.

  15. I have not seen red elderberries, but I have tons of the purple ones that people go nuts over for the blossoms and then the berries.

    Mowing. It is a chore we didn't have to do last year and now it is a chore nearly every day!

    But at least we are not in drought. Now if we'd get a break so the farmers can finish planting and make hay....

    Love that shot of the Oriole!

  16. I do hope that all the work you've been doing means you're feeling somewhat better. Love the photo of the oriole and all the lovely flowering trees.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. I just love the smell of lilacs. I love orioles so much.....we used to get them every May too, but just for a few days, as they would head on their way.

  18. I've never actually seen an oriole except in pictures. Beautiful bird!
    You're out mowing. Don't overdo it. Glad life has gotten a bit more routine and quieter, though, it sounds like. Have a restful holiday weekend.

  19. I've seen a couple orioles flying by, but I never got my feeder out in time for their migration


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