Monday, February 6, 2023

Thinking of Spring

 It got a tad warmer...above zero   21 F or -6 C eh.  Practically a heat wave.

Believe it or not those temperatures make me think of Spring.  

It was nearly balmy when Far Guy and I went out to pick up Pizza for Sunday supper.  We usually have pizza on is a tradition.  We have ordered from several different places.  Seems we all have our favorite places.   Far Guy likes Rhombus Guys Pizza so that was the pick this week. 

We get a little spoiled by the take out food that is available here. In the boonies where we live most of the year take out is ...take it out of the freezer or fridge and cook it yourself. 

Far Side


  1. I have often said I can thaw meat and cook it faster than I can drive to a carryout, wait in line, place an order, receive the order, drive home and then reheat it.

    I like the Sunday pizza tradition!

  2. Funny how we get conditioned to the cold. I've been thinking Spring too. Paging through flower/seed catalogs, and pondering the upcoming growing season in general.

  3. We had pizza last night too. Picked it up to eat at my cousin’s house. It was good and we sat at the table talking about our childhood memories of our grandparents.

  4. Don't get your head thinking about spring as it's far too early.

  5. Most of my meals are “take it out of the freezer.” I bet the pizza was delicious.

  6. Oh that reminds me... take steak out of the freezer for tonight!

  7. Since Terry is gluten-free (not by choice) we hardly ever get pizza. But sometimes we do. I'm not a fan of gluten-free pizza but he likes it.

  8. When I was working we ordered pizza and wings every Friday, but since we've retired we make the pizza at home and skip the wings! Have a great week!

  9. When it's been below freezing for so long all you have to do it hear melting drips and you think spring--yes! ;)

  10. We don't have take-aways (what we call them!) very often, but when we do it is usually pizza that we have. We only have one shop nearby, but they have lots of different flavours :)

  11. WE got up to 1C yesterday and I was outside without my jacket on - it felt so warm compared to the previous week!

  12. Just below freezing here today but windy. Even so, it feels lovely - I have the sunroom open. While spring isn't around the corner, just yet, I'll enjoy this weather for now.

    Your comment about take out, reminds me of what we said about running water when I was growing up on the farm. We had running water, we just ran and got it. We had a well for drinking water, and melted snow or hauled water from a nearby slough for washing.

  13. We always had a tradition of pizza night on Saturday when my kids were young and we have carried it on since they were grown .
    Fun to have a few months of getting spoiled by city take out, right?!!

  14. It might be a bit early to think of Spring but a person needs to look forward to the warmer days in order to deal with the cold ( and in your case, snow).

  15. 😁 We have some choices but it's still more or less take it out and cook, too.

  16. I would be spoiled too as I have to "take it out" of the freezer where I live.

  17. February and March are such teases as we wait for spring. I'm trying not to wish my life away.

  18. February and March are such teases as we wait for spring. I'm trying not to wish my life away, but I want to get this hip surgery done and i have to wait over a month yet.

  19. Well, that's our tradition here on Sunday night. Sometimes we cook up a frozen one and sometimes enjoy one from a restaurant. It's always a treat! We're enjoying warmer temps too....supposed to last here at least thru the 20th....that takes a nice chunk out of February! Enjoy the warmer temps!

  20. I've been thinking about spring too. 27F sounds so cold. Take out around here is about the same as yours, in the boonies. Take it out of the freezer. I do drive into town for a pizza every now and then. Seems that's always my job.

  21. Haha! Love the take it out of the freezer and cook it!

    We do have places I can go get stuff at, but it gets cold by the time I get home.

  22. My younger son thinks we should be ordering delivery all of the time. I like to go pick it up all by myself especially when we live so close to so many choices.


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