Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Spring Snow

 We went for a drive.  We picked up parts for the new /old car  for when Far Guy feels good enough to work on that project again.  

I went inside the grocery story because I had to pick up a prescription...the sign said Masks are required by those who are not vaccinated...masks are optional for others.   Go this area the anti vax people never wore masks to begin with.    I wore my mask. 

I have an abscessed tooth...a real pain ...hopefully the antibiotics will help. 

Far Guy talked with his Doctor, additional tests were ordered at the local hospital...we are waiting for a call with that appointment.

The flowering crabapples are beautiful in town.

This is Spring Snow...she is at the library...a sterile crabapple....her petals gather in drifts on the ground much like snow drifts.

Far Side  


  1. Masks depending on the honor system isn't a good choice. However, masks usage has shown me one thing and that is that virus infections and colds are not spread as easily, especially during the 'flu' season. For that I will mask and stay masked for my husband while out and about shopping and doing errands.
    Our caution and rules of NO visitors if you have the sniffles has been in place for 5 years now and hubby has not been sick since we put those rules in place.
    He is not very social anyway but at the same time he has not been sick with bronchitis and pneumonia which was his usual each year since we imposed those rules.
    I love crab apple trees...the real ones. It has been years since I gathered the tiny apples for making jelly!

    Have a great day.

  2. Sorry to hear about your tooth, hope it gets better real soon. My neighbor has a flowering crab tree with pink flowers, so our "snow" is pink colored. Continued prayers for Far Guy and also for you and your tooth.

  3. I can't believe people actually think that anti-mask/anti-vax people are going to put them on now out of the kindness of their hearts - ridiculous!

    I hope you and far guy both feel better soon!

  4. Glad to hear FG was able to talk to his doctor and possibly find out why he's not doing any better yet. I commiserate over tooth discomfort. I'm finally able to function without Advil at night. It's been six days since the extraction.

  5. Glad Far Guy was able to talk to his doctor. Hope the test appointment comes through soon and you guys can get some answers. Also, hope the antibiotics help you.

  6. You guys can't seem to catch a break can you? I hope both the antibiotics work and the advice/tests from Far Guys doctors too.
    It's raining cats and dogs here this morning. I love to hear that when I wake up as long as there are no severe storms mixed in.

  7. I hope the prescription gives you relief from the tooth. I hope FG gets the call soon about the tests. Thanks for sharing the pretty tree.

  8. That's the kind of snow I like. Good to hear that FG was able to talk with his docs and arrange from additional testing - hopefully they can figure what needs to be done next.

    Toothache pain is so nasty - hope the antibiotics kick in quickly.

  9. Glad you and Far Guy are going to get some additional help with his health issues. Beautiful Spring Snow...not nearly as cold as the Winter Snow.

  10. In the midst of trouble there is always beauty to be found.

  11. So sorry to hear about your tooth. I hope you can get that taken care of soon and that things get sorted out for FarGuy soon, too. The spring snow is so pretty! :)

  12. Prayers for you and Gene. And a couple of hugs also!

  13. Sorry about the abscessed tooth. I sure hope the antibiotic helps.
    I'm not too sure about this not having to wear a mask once vaccinated. How are we supposed to tell if a person really did get the jabs or not?

  14. Sorry about your tooth, that's painful! I went to Target yesterday and it was about 50/50 on mask wearing. I wore mine. I hope you and Far Guy both feel better soon!

  15. When things aren't feeling right, it is good to look for beauty in the small things. Hope you feel better, both of you.

  16. Hope you are both feeling better very soon! The anti-maskers around here are most likely the anti-vaxxers too. It just frustrates me.

  17. We are still told to wear masks. I had to wear a mask with my doctor visit this morning. Our grocery is still saying wear you mask too. I hope the new meds will help Far Guy.

  18. So sorry about your tooth! Our eligible list of vaccinated is at 30% in our county. They gave up on open clinics and now you can schedule appointments, but it is slow going. A group of anti mask parents stormed the school board screaming and it looks like the schools will not require them starting Monday. This makes perfect sense as the children are unvaccinated. My grandchildren in another county had their 5th grade graduation cancelled when 75% of the 5th grade was sent home with covid or to quarantine. And my 7th grade grandson was sent home the next day after eating lunch for 20 minutes unmasked with a classmate who has now tested positive.

    I was trying to go out masked one baby step at a time. Now it is a free for all in stores, public places and enclosed places. I am glad I had my big weekend of grocery shopping, and walking into two restaurants with a mask and sitting socially distant. We are fully vaccinated, but I care for my toddler grandchildren who cannot be vaccinated at this time.

  19. Wishing FG all the best!

    That’s my favorite kind of snow.

  20. Our pink snow from ornamental cherry trees is long gone. Why does everything beautiful have to go so fast ibn spring?

  21. Sorry about your tooth. I know it’s very painful.

  22. So sorry that Far Guy hasn't been feeling well. Praying that they can get to the bottom of it soon. Love your spring snow!

  23. Sure hope you find out what is going on with far guy after he has the additional tests. Will be praying for him! Love the spring snow probably smells nice too. Hope to hear good news from you guys. So sorry about your tooth! Ouch.

  24. Hope you both feel better real soon! I was relieved to see the photo of Spring Snow as I thought it might be genuine snow. Take care.

  25. Ouch! An absess? Oh, I hate dental pain more than anything! You poor thing. I hope it feels better soon. On my farm I had crab apple trees of every color lining the driveway and it was like snow. The petals totally covered the driveway and it was a long driveway!

  26. That's the only kind of "snow" we get around here: all the accumulated blossoms from the flowering trees do look like snow drifts blowing around on the ground.

    Hope your abscess gets taken care of soon!


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