Thursday, May 13, 2021

Goose Poop

 I was going through some old photos.  This one was taken in 1991 at Seney Wildlife Refuge in Michigan.  It is my nephew Jacob. 

This was taken right outside the front door.  My sister had a note on the door that said "Check your shoes for goose poop before coming in".  The goose poop was horrible. 

When we lived at the resort one summer was really bad...the Canada Geese seemed to gather up on our lawn next to the lake, Canada Geese are pooping machines.  ( I suspect that one tourist family was feeding Geese from the dock one week and the next week the Geese came ashore looking for food! ) What goes in one end of a goose comes out double in the other end.  I had to get the hose out two or three times a day...I finally kept sending the Sheltie's down to chase the Geese off.

Far Side


  1. The Goose Poop made me laugh. We have a beautiful park along side of a river here, with fantastic walking trails that are filled with Good Poop. Unfortunately the park doesn't clean up the poop, so if you're walking you are also dodging. haha

  2. Yep, goose poop is everywhere when they congregate. We have the same problem around here. Don't they know the border is closed? :-)

  3. We raised one set of geese to eat on our mini farm ONE year. I don't recall the kind we raised but they sure were intimidating and poopy. They chased strangers and I had the poopiest dogs in the world. Ick.
    Thanks for the memories!

  4. I agree that Canada Geese are pooping machines. The path that I walk down by the pond where so many gather gets almost slick with goose poop. Walking on the grass next to the path is not much better.

  5. Goose poop does not sound like fun to deal with. Cute photo of your nephew. :)

  6. I have a neighbor across the street who feeds the geese. There is always poop all over his drive and sidewalk. You have to watch your step for sure. They do make a mess!

  7. Yes, what goes in one end comes out double from the other--LOL! They are beautiful but best seen from a distance. ;)

  8. Some golf courses around here hire border collies to keep the geese away.

  9. Yes, slippery goose poop. Ugh! But the poor souls have to poop too, I guess. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  10. I remember having geese problems when I was a kid, back in the late 60s and early 70s, working at a beach and having to hose down the docks before the kids came for swimming lessons. I understand it's a lot worse now days.

  11. The picture has triggered some great memories. We’ve played a few golf courses where the Canada Geese had taken over and it was like walking through a mine field.

  12. That's a cute picture of your nephew. I hope the geese didn't get after him. One bit my son through his jeans when he was about that age. Those birds can be a threat in several ways!

  13. Our former neighbor from our old place now lives in a retirement apartment in our new town. She has wonderful places to walk but can't because the place has a wonderful pond in which the geese like too.

  14. I learn so much from your posts! LOL! I never knew that about geese and their poop. Now I know I will never have a goose as a pet! LOL!

  15. We have a beautiful riverside walking path that traverses the length of our town. It is almost impossible to walk on due to all the geese poop.

  16. Oh I've accidentally wound up in the goose poop a few times.

  17. A nearby village built a walking pier out into Lake Erie. It is so poop covered I refuse to walk out on it.

  18. I know what you're talking about. My walk around the lake involves a lot of looking where I'm stepping. Add to the goose poop the occasional pile of dog poop and it becomes even more of a hazard.

  19. The Canada geese love any place that has water and lawns. Some parks hire Shelties of other dogs to patrol and chase them off.

  20. My dad has often complained about the goose poop on his favorite golf course. He curses them every time he goes golfing!


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