Sunday, May 23, 2021


 We drove up North and a bit West to see Noah for his Birthday!  

He posed for the birthday photo! 

We visited and then went out to Lunch at Noah's favorite Mexican place.  The food was excellent and the company awesome...Noah, Adam, Jen and Andy.   We also had some marvelous cupcakes that Jen bought at a specialty bakery...I had the to die for Turtle Cupcake...dark chocolate with a caramel center! 

We got to meet Noah's puppy a Shiba inu/American Eskimo Mix sometimes called a Imo Inu named Aurora and Adams rescue cat Phoebe (Calico) photos I wanted to just meet them.  Of course we got to spend some time with Little Elvis too...he still loves us.

I finally got to hug both of my grandsons!  They have both been vaccinated!

Far Guy did okay...he helped drive...he said that is the easy part just sit and steer.  He is still not back to normal activity and is plagued with the shortness of breath.  We needed a day away...and this was a perfect outing!   We have looked forward to it for a long time! 

The old blue milk can has been transformed!  I still have all the contents of the milk can project ready to spin...someday. 

Far Side


  1. So glad you had a day out and were able to celebrate with Noah. I bet those hugs were so great! The milk can looks fantastic!

  2. That milk can is gorgeous and I love the transformation. What a lovely trip you had and to finally see family and hug them. Wonderful! It's almost like old times again isn't it?
    Blessings and love,

  3. What a special feeling it must have been to hug your grandsons again!! I read the past posts on your Milk Can Project. What a unique and in depth project! Is making blankets out of dog hair a thing? I used to form heart shapes etc, out of Remi's fur (my grand Bernie) and send photos of them to her mom and dad. I didn't feel so weird about it when I found others did similar (on Instagram).

    1. Not sure if it is a thing or not...just something I wanted to do since I saved the fur for years in that milk can:)

  4. Glad you got to see family. Glad Far Guy was able to help drive. I hope the doctors can figure out how to help him with his breathing.

  5. Oh love the milk can. I have a red one that I am trying to figure out what to do with. This arrangement looks lovely.
    Glad you got out.

  6. I love this post so much. How wonderful to get away for the day. How wonderful Far Guy was up to traveling. How wonderful to see your family in person and even more terrific to hug!!!! I am just so happy for you. And to top it off with a turtle brownie!!!!!!!!!

  7. Happy belated birthday to Noah. Glad to hear you and FG had a good trip north for a visit and some long awaited hugs!

  8. I'm so happy for you, that you were able to get a visit in with your family. AND hugs too!

    The milk can looks great. I continue to hope that Far Guy's health improves.

  9. Oh that is so exciting! Getting to be with family and actually hug them again is just heart-bursting! Glad FarGuy is doing okay but hope he improves. Love what you did with the milk can. Have a good week. :)

  10. Good to be back with family again.

  11. I am very happy for you that you got to get away for some treasured family time.
    Your milk can is looking quite lovely.

  12. I know you both enjoyed your time with Noah and the pets. I am very thankful you and FG had this opportunity. Remembering you both in my prayers. It is fun to watch your grands grow up over the years thru blogging. You are very blessed.
    We had our first vaccine last week and will be so happy to be fully vaccinate on June 10.

  13. So good to be able to celebrate.

  14. What a grand day, getting out for a road trip and visiting grandchildren. I’m glad Far Guy was up to an adventure. I like your milk can tulips.

  15. What a wonderful day! Finally getting grandchild hugs is heaven! I am so happy you two were able to go and enjoy family. I love what Jen did with the milk can. She has obviously picked up her Mother's talents! I'm still praying for Far Guy to feel better soon!

  16. Boy the years fly by, as it seems like just yesterday Noah had a birthday. Happy birthday to him anyway, and I'm glad FG was feeling well enough to drive part way.

  17. What a super outing. I am glad it was a good family group celebrating a birthday. It appeared to be normal. I have yet to know if I can drive long distances. I wish Far Guy to get well.

  18. It's good to finally get out. Sounds like it was a great time. Get well soon, Far guy.

  19. Good that you got to see him and celebrate

  20. Happy Birthday to Noah. What a lovely day you had visiting with family and finally being able to hug those grandsons.
    Hope both of you have a good week.

  21. What a super fun outing with family and getting to meet the pets too! Love the milk can!

  22. Oh, my, I’m so happy for all of you! A great family reunion.❤️

  23. Happy birthday to Noah, and so glad to hear you two had a much-needed change of pace outing!

  24. Noah is so cute! Look at those dimples! How wonderful to go out to eat in a restaurant with family! I'm so happy for all you that you were able to celebrate together!

  25. Sounds like a very lovely outing. Glad Far Guy was feeling well enough to do the drive.


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