Monday, May 3, 2021


 Far Guy has some kind of lung infection, we are doing the best we can to monitor his oxygen and he has contacted his Doctor.  That is all we can do for now....I started him on steroids as he has standing orders for them.  I am keeping one two eyes on him.  He has been going downhill over the past week, more out of breath and his oxygen sats were slowly decreasing.  One day at a time.  

We watched online Confirmation of one of our Great Nieces.  We were invited to the dinner afterwards but declined.

It was a large class of sixteen young adults.

This was Olivia's  Confirmation Bible verse.

When Far Guy was going through Confirmation classes, he wanted to go fishing one Saturday...why they picked Saturday mornings at 8 o'clock to have Confirmation Classes is beyond me.  The Pastor said he should follow his he went fishing.    

When I went through Confirmation classes we got to hear all about the adventures of the Pastor...he was a bachelor and had some real big day a bridge was out and God carried him safely over the water...

Far Side


  1. Oh no on the lung infection. I don't know what to say except that I am thinking about you both.
    Congrats on Olivia's confirmation too. <3

  2. I keep Far guy in my prayers that he recovers quickly from his lung infection. Would you believe I had 48 kids in my Confirmation class? But I did attend a parochial school and had a very large 8th grade class (35) plus the public school kids.

  3. Fingers crossed that Far Guy will start getting better today.

  4. Oh, I am now hoping for the best with Far Guy. Sending you lots of love and prayers.

  5. Sorry to hear. Hope Far Guy's infection subsides, and soon!

  6. Thinking of you and Far Guy, and hoping this lung infection is overcome quickly.

  7. So sorry to hear about Far Guy. I was just thinking how healthy he has been with all the isolation and pandemic. I pray he rebounds and that the steroids help. Would oxygen help?
    Love the fishing story!
    Congratulations to your great niece! I remember having a great confirmation class.

  8. I hope Far Guy is feeling better soon!

  9. Good thoughts from here. Hugs to you both.

  10. Keeping Far Guy in my prayers!

  11. So sorry to hear about your husband. I will keep him in my prayers. One of Ted's best friends has a lung infection following his Covid jab.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear Far Guy is not doing well. He's done so good for such a long time now. I know you are taking very good care of him. I'm keeping him in my prayers!

  13. Also have you two in my thoughts. Lots of us are with you in spirit.

  14. Oh no! Prayers for Far Guy. There are people on my constant prayer list and he is one of them. I was just thinking a week or so ago at how well he's done sine isolation. Maybe you need to keep him wrapped in bubble wrap. Three layers! I know you're taking the best of care of him but that it is still a worry. Much love to you both.
    Blessings and hugs,

  15. So sorry to hear that and pray that with the steroids he is going to be better really soon. love and hugs

  16. I will keep your husband in my prayers, Connie. Poor guy! Steroids are pretty magical things so I hope they do the trick for him & ease his breathing. This sentence is the blog quote of the week for me: "The Pastor said he should follow his he went fishing." I laughed out loud at that one!!!!!!!! :-D I love the Confirmation picture too and congratulations on your great niece's special day... becoming a soldier for Christ! ~Andrea xoxo

  17. I hope Far guy gets over this very rapidly

  18. Wishing Far Guy a good recovery.

  19. Your confirmation stories have lightened up this post, but the worry still comes through. We are worrying with you.

  20. How good is it that you can watch these things online nowdays

  21. Our youngest just had first communion and we had a party this weekend by inviting over the priest and godparents, all vaccinated. It felt somewhat naughty to have a get together after over a year of social isolation.

  22. I sure hope the steroids help Far Guy get over the lung infection. Sending positive thoughts your way!!

  23. Congratulations to your Great Niece on her confirmation. What a wonderful big class! So sorry to hear that far guy is feeling sick. Sure hoping and praying that he will feel much better soon.

  24. Praying for Far Guy--and for you, too, Connie! Hope that lung infection clears up soon, and that the medical people find the right response to dealing with it.

  25. I hope Far Guy's lung infection clears up quickly.

  26. So sorry that Far Guy isn't feeling well. He's lucky to have you to keep eyes on him. Hope he feels better soon.

  27. Oh, yes, Saturday morning confirmation classes! Brings back lots of memories for me as they went on for TWO YEARS, every Saturday. Nice that you could watch on line. I’m sorry to hear Far Guy has a lung infection, after his healthy winter. I hope with all your tender care he will be feeling better soon.

  28. Glad Far Guy is feeling better. I'd have followed my conscience to the fishing hole as well ;-).


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