Monday, May 10, 2021

Oranges and Grape Jelly

 I filled the Grape Jelly/Orange feeder for the Orioles.  They should be here soon and they will be hungry. 

My Dad made me this feeder a number of years ago...the gloss orange paint makes it easy to clean up. 

There are two screws to jab the oranges onto and two small plastic containers to serve up the Grape Jelly! 

Do you see the oranges on the post in the background? 

How about now?  I should paint the board on top orange also...I may put it on my list ...or not.  Some Orioles are this feeder is for the shy ones. 

We had a Purple Finch pair come in to the sunflower seed feeder ...she sure bossed him around and chased him off:)  Far Guy said "she must be cranky."  The Red Winged Blackbirds arrived down at the lake last there is a cranky bird.

Far Side


  1. That looks great! There is an acquaintance of mine that has tons of this and suet on his porch and a big bear keeps raiding it each night.
    His whole idea is that he can take pictures of the birds through his sliding glass door which the bear has attempted to open. Eeeks!
    I'm not noting this here to pass any judgement as your feeders look reasonable compared to this guys multi level jelly holders of about 20 containers along with all the other stuff right on his porch/patio.
    The bear has visited 3 times in the past week to raid and destroy his feeders.

    I do love watching the Orioles and Hummingbirds outside on their liquid feeders. They are a delight. We have a pair of nesting bluebirds here too!

  2. I love the feeder. You are lucky to have Orioles to visit. I hope you both have a good week.

  3. I am putting my Oriole feeder out today. So far no sign of them or the Hummingbirds. Did see a Purple Finch around here yesterday. So looking forward to all my bird friends returning.

  4. The orioles have reached southwestern Ohio. They are on their way north. Jeanne saw one in a tree in her yard about a week ago.

  5. My son spotted his first oriole last Saturday. He put out a little dish of grape jelly and the next morning there were 3 of them at the feeder!

  6. You have so many wonderful birds visit you! I try but the deer and the squirrels seem to eat it all first. At least I can enjoy your photos of them when they arrive!

  7. I remember this from previous posts and look forward to seeing orioles eating your sweet treats.

  8. I've never heard of birds eating either citrus fruit or grape jelly. You have some lucky birds in your area!

  9. Our Orioles have arrived. They are sharing with the Red-Headed Finches and the Robins. What a joy.

  10. We don't get Orioles here- they are such a pretty bird.

  11. I don't think we see Orioles here. Oranges and grape jelly sound like an interesting combination of favored foods.

    Have a great day!

  12. They shun my oranges but gobble up the jelly. I love your orange feeder!

  13. I love feeding the birds! The only problem is... the raccoons cart off anything that isn't tied down solid. And my squirrels would "unscrew" those oranges minutes after I put them out there and they'd be gone... deep into the woods, never to be seen again. My hubby has scoured the internet for tips & tricks as to what to build, to try and keep the raccoons off but nothing's worked so far... and it's been years. They have carted off whole bird feeders, unscrewing them from their posts. I have to bring in my suet feeders every night or they'll be gone by morning. But I love all my wildlife, including the raccoons. I just try to work around their habits. *haha* ~Andrea xoxo

  14. Looking forward to seeing photos of your expected visitors.

  15. They must look forward to their stop at your place, for sure! :)

  16. That's a great feeder and I love that you have another one to accommodate the shy Orioles! The hummingbirds are coming out in full force here now. Birds are such a joy to watch.

  17. I have three orioles so far eating grape jelly. One year I had a mob of them, which was not so much fun. I sprang for an oriole feeder to entice them away from the hummingbird feeders, but they are ignoring it. GAAA! Very pleased that two catbirds are also eating the grape jelly.

  18. Stores down here sell the feeders and Iowans rush out and buy them. They of course don[t realize that they are here for maybe four or five days as they move on to the north or to heavily timbered areas.

  19. Spring migration is in busy right now.

  20. We have had tons of red winged blackbirds this spring. We've never had them before. I'm going to try and cajole hubby into making a feeder for the orioles. They are so pretty. Have a great week!

  21. We've got some oranges out waiting.

  22. There was a very cranky Red winged Blackbird by the lake one year and it would dive bomb people on the path. It got so bad we carried umbrellas to ward him off until breeding season was over.

  23. Love your oriole feeders...they're awesome! I love those colorful birds....they never stick around long....always see them and hear them in May!

  24. I hope you get those colorful visitors.

  25. At first,every season I welcome the red winged blackbird, because he's a sure sign of spring. But about now I switch from oiler seed to salflower because he doesn't like that so much. So he leaves some for the other birds! We've had orioles for about a week. We'll be headed into our 2nd jar (big jar too) of grape jelly this week. Saw my first rose breasted grossbeak tonight!!!

  26. Good job on the feeders. I'm glad that the birds know to visit your house with all of it's goodies waiting for them. They probably tell others too. :-)
    Thank you for your card today. It was a lovely welcome to our home. Dennis got here safely last night and we've been going full speed ever since.
    Take care.

  27. No wonder the wildlife loves visiting your garden.

  28. I absolutely love the feeder your dad made!! I saw my first oriole of the season yesterday, and first hummer on Monday. I need to buy some oranges.


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