Friday, May 21, 2021


 We used to have two Trillium was probably eaten by a deer. 

We still have one plant and it is blooming now. 

Far Guy is a tad better.  Nowhere near normal but we are taking it one day at a time.  He had a Cat Scan and it was normal.  His Team of Doctors in Minneapolis are aware that he is very short of breath.  

Grocery pickup could have been worse...there are no canning lids, clothespins or Kleenex this week. 

I tried a new to make Chicken Schnitzel...I followed the directions of a famous cook.  Far Guy said " I think she lost her taste buds when she was in prison."  Needless to say I won't be making that recipe again.   It made six servings...four are going into the freezer for consumption some night when we are desperate starving to death. 

Far Side


  1. *haha* You must be talking about Martha Stewart! :-D My oldest daughter loves-loves-loves Martha's cookbooks & recipes. I personally like Betty Crocker... I figure she's been cooking for a very long time & knows her stuff... better than the jailbird.

    I'm glad Far Guy is feeling a tad better but I wish he was feeling totally back to normal. Prayers will continue for him.

    Were you talking about curbside pickup from Walmart? Usually when there are things non-perishable that aren't available, I go to the Walmart website itself and order those things via UPS delivery. I paused my comment and took a peek at walmart-dot-com. The canning lids were available there for the same price as they'd be in the store, as were the clothes pins. Shipping is free over a certain $$ and it's free for any amt. if you have the membership thingy. Walmart offers the same program like Amazon Prime. With the Walmart membership you can even get free grocery delivery too... for those days you don't want to or can't do curbside. Just a thought.

    ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I may try that once we get enough of an order for free shipping:)

  2. I really get upset when I try a new recipe (that is supposed to be great) and it turns out to be a bummer. Happy to hear Far Guy is a tad better and that his Cat Scan was normal. Continued prayers for him.

  3. Maybe we just appreciate our own cooking? When we were eating seafood in Maine (yes, Maine) my husband would say, I like the way you fix it better. Or maybe it was because we took the word of a tv guy who has wild hair. I do not recommend his recommendations.

  4. I have tried a few recipes like that -- where you wonder - - why did it get those good ratings?!! When you reheat it, do you think you can add any kind of sauce to it or cut it up and put it in a casserole - - like a spaghetti dish?
    However it's still fun to try a new dish. Variety is good.

  5. I'm glad to hear FG is a little better and that the CT scan is normal. Now you know we all became aware of who that "famous cook" is when you mentioned prison. That's funny! :-)

  6. Look at all the "ruffle" edges on your Trillium flower & leaf!! I am so tempted to try planting a few, but doubt they would survive. They need more moisture than we typically have. Glad Far Guy is improving, even if just a little.

  7. Glad Far Guy is better. How disgusting to try a new recipe and then not like it. I'm not crazy about cooking anyway. :)

  8. I would cut up the leftovers and throw in with sauteed vegetables and your favorite spicing. Sometimes doctored leftovers turn out to be much better meals

  9. That is frustrating to make something from scratch and not enjoy it. I pray FG will feel better. Prayers for you both,

  10. I sure hope Far Guy feels better soon. I love his comment about the famous cook and how he worded it. We all know who he met.
    Take care.
    Blessings and love,

  11. The lack of canning lids last year almost put a stop to our preservation. I think I ended up with two lids total left over and I would have put up more of some of the things I preserved had I more lids but we had enough for essentials. So over winter when the canning lid supply caught up, I bought a couple year supply of them... I hope.

  12. Sorry the new recipe wasn't good, maybe make some chicken parmesan with what you put in the freezer. Still sending prayers for Far Guy and hope he is feeling better soon.

  13. Having sick husbands is so stressful and scary. I hope Gene can get some help soon that relieves his breathing issues. Prayers for both of you.

  14. Pretty trillium! Glad to hear that FG is feeling a little better - hoping this trend continues.

    I laughed at his description of the famous chef. One of the cruise lines I sailed on brought in a famous chef to revamp their menu - most of it was inedible.

  15. A very pretty little trillium! The deer have been nibbling on some of our landscaping too. I got a chuckle out of the famous chef's recipe. Her recipes tend to be more complicated than I enjoy making. My husband doesn't "do" leftovers much even when it's something he liked.

  16. FarGuy has not lost his witty sense of humor! Hope he keeps improving steadily.

  17. I'm glad Far Guy's CT scan was normal, now if he can just be able to start breathing better! I had to laugh at your description of the recipe and Far Guy's description of Martha!

  18. Hope Far Guy continues to improve. Sorry the recipe didn't turn out to be very good.

  19. LOL. I think her recipes are usually too complicated for me. I'm glad you still have at least one trillium. And that Far Guy is a bit better. I hope they can figure out how to make him feel better!

  20. Have you tried chicken Bernaise? It's pretty easy- I use a package of Bernaise mix. Chicken breast dredged in seasoned flour and fried in butter until a bit golden then put it in a casserole pan with the made Bernaise sauce for about a half hour or so. Good with noodles or just veggies on the side. It's man-approved in my house so maybe Far Guy would like it. Hope he continues to improve.

    1. Have not tried that one. Good to hear it is man approved!

  21. It was Martha S. wasn't it? I'm glad Far Guy hasn't lost his sense of humor. Can you get oxygen for him? Would that help? I only do All Recipes recipes now that are 5 stars. I've been disappointed too many times and groceries are too expensive to waste on bad recipes! So sorry.
    The trillium is beautiful. Will the other one come back next year? Are they a bulb? They must be.
    Amazon has lids and there are some lids, I think, that can be used over and over but don't quote me.

    1. He is on oxygen.
      Not sure if the other one will come back or not maybe next year.

  22. Sorry you couldn't get the lids, they were so hard to come by last year. But I see they are easier to get on line right now. Not sure you want to go that way.
    Hopefully FG's breathing eases up. Fingers crossed.

  23. I hope the deer don't eat the last Trillium.

  24. We had a similar disaster in the cooking dept. a few weeks ago. we saw a recipe that looked great. It took a tremendous amount of preparation and then wasn't that good.

  25. It is good to take one day at a time, but I would throw that dish into the bin and write it down as experience!
    Sending you both hugz, Mxx

  26. Try putting some tomato sauce on that tasteless schnitzl.

  27. Chicken Schnitzel sounds goods....too bad it didn't turn out that way. I like how you're so good at trying out new recipes. I'm not good at that at all. Praying that far guy will feel better and better.

  28. Ha Ha Far Guy! I am happy Far Guy is seeing a change even if it is small (for now)! Sending prayers!

  29. I hardly ever cook by recipe, except when baking. Yes, we do kind of get in a rut, but we like simple cooking.
    Seeing your trillium lets me know what stage you are in your spring.

  30. What a week it has been for you two! I guess a "tad" is better than nothing. Will be praying!

  31. We rarely to never try new recipes. I guess we are in a rut. I have gotten creative with the diabetic diet combining things to eat that I would never thought of before. The sugar free cake was the last thing that we experimented on and it gets a 7 on a scale of 10.


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