Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Windy and Four

 It was so windy yesterday that dirt from North Dakota came to Minnesota.  Yes it was that dark in the daylight.

This photo was taken just after a tree fell over the power line down at the lake...we were without power about 2 1/2 hours.  I was mixing up the most awesome biscuits for supper and Far Guy was getting ready to stir up some Chicken Alfredo when we lost power.   So we went to town for a drive through supper.  When we got home I readied my book lights just incase...I crocheted by the window and when I was ready to give up the power came back on!  (note to self maybe you need a lighted crochet hook)  

Hey Mikey! Our Great Grandson is four years old today!  

Gotta love those curls!  Happy Birthday little dude! 

Far Side


  1. What biscuit recipe do you use?

    1. 2 cups self rising flower, 1/4 cup butter, 3/4 cup milk, cut in butter, add milk, stir, kneed and flatten, I use a cookie cutter to cut out shapes Bake 400 for 12 minutes.

  2. I thought I heard that your area might get some bad storms yesterday. Glad your power came back on. Happy Birthday to Hey Mikey. He sure is cute.

  3. Happy birthday adorable Mikey!

  4. Amazing to think it's been four years already since Hey Mikey was born! Happy birthday beautiful boy, and glad to hear you got your power back.

  5. Happy Birthday Mikey! He's a handsome young man!!

  6. We had some winds in the afternoon but nothing quite that bad. Glad the lights came back on!

  7. High winds are scary. You just never know when something is going to topple over, and down power lines are so hard to predict/see. Cute pic of your Great Grand!

  8. Happy Birthday to the little one. It was windy here too. Now I know where those winds came from...LOL! Karen

  9. Happy Birthday Mikey! Precious.
    Yu may be on to something....a lighted crochet hook!

  10. It's always worrisome when the power goes out when you are preparing a meal. I hope you finished making those biscuits! Your grandson is adorable.

  11. I always looked forward to power outages and hours spent reading or doing other non-electrical hobbies. However, my kids absolutely drive me nuts when just the internet goes out. A full blown electrical outage is like the end of the world and they immediately gravitate toward Lord of the Flies imitations.

  12. Hey Mikey can't be four! Where did the time go? Happy Birthday handsome little guy!
    Glad the power came back on for you. It was pretty windy here too.

  13. Hey Mikey is a heart breaker!! Biscuits from scratch - yum! I could make a whole meal from warm biscuits slathered in butter.

  14. Mikey is sure a cutie. Love those curls. If you can’t find a lighted crochet hook I highly recommend a head lamp. Seriously! They are useful for reading, cooking, and all sorts of crafts. Just don’t blind your partner when you lift your head to talk to him!

  15. OMGosh! Four years old already!
    Glad you got your power back fairly quickly. Hope you were able to finish making your dinner. :)

  16. Gosh, he has grown! Happy Birthday Hey, Mikey!

  17. Storms in our forecast today. It's dark but the temperatures right this minute are lovely with a gentle breeze. Hard to explain to preschoolers why we aren't going to the playground.
    Mmmm, biscuits!

  18. Happy Birthday to Hey Mikey! What a cutie and I bet he's an awesome big brother.

  19. Ooooh, what a cutie-patootie Mikey is. Happy Birthday Mikey and many many more, honey. I remember when I used to work in the OB unit at the hospital. It never failed... the baby girls were usually bald and had stubby eyelashes and the baby boys usually had the head full of curls and their eyelashes nearly reached their eyebrows. *ha-ha* I've heard about the handiness of head lamps, as Cynthia mentioned above. I've read that in more than one place. I'm sorry your power went out, Connie, but I'm glad you got a drive-thru dinner out of it anyway... although I know hubby's chicken alfredo and your biscuits would have been much better. At least no dishes! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  20. Oooh, those curls are fabulous! Happy Birthday, Hey Mikey. I’ve never been able to make decent biscuits: mine make good hockey pucks.

  21. Can't believe he is 4 years old already. Such a cute boy!!!

  22. I probably shouldn't even ask...but , the make lighted crochet hooks?
    Love those curls.

  23. We lost our power this morning so I had to run up to Mom's to work. I can manage on battery power for a while, but I also needed internet!
    Mikey is adorable!

  24. Hey Mikey! Oh my goodness how he has grown up! He is such a handsome boy and yes, those curls are adorable! My oldest son had curls like that until his first haircut and then they never came back. (but I did save a few!)

    We lost our power for a few hours today too. I guess it's just that time of the year.

  25. that was some wind--to make it so dark! Glad you made the best of the power outage-hooray for handwork that doesn't require electricity! lol Your great grandson is adorable!

  26. Oh, Hey Mikey! He's adorable! I can't believe he's 4 years seems like he was just born not too long ago! You have the cutest grand children and great grand children. Happy Birthday , Hey Mikey!

  27. Don't ya just hate it when the power goes off. It really does a number on your routine.

  28. Hey Mikey your are a cute fellow. I love that smile.

  29. Losing power can be so annoying,had to remind myself your biscuits are more likeour scones

  30. Oh Mikey is such a cutie and four flies! I hate power outages....especially in the dead of winter. I'm glad your power wasn't out any longer than it was.

  31. Good grief! How is that kid four years old already?!?

  32. Belated happy birthday to Hey Mikey. Glad the power was only off for a relatively short time.


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