Friday, May 7, 2021

Town Errands

 We had many errands in town yesterday.  Things just seem to pile up.  Far Guy had his infusion while I picked up the online orders.   He is back to normal...well as close to normal as he gets.   It was a one needle stick day...he is what the Nurses call valvey.  One day he had six needle one is great!  I was disinfecting groceries in the parking lot when he called for his ride.   We went to the mail drop off, the bank,  hardware store, greenhouse and we picked up lupper (lunch and supper).

Far Guy got his Strawberry hanging basket.  

No one wearing masks except us.   We wasted no time looking around.  It is too early to look for bedding plants yet...and boy they could sure use someone who knows how to water and someone to level out their walkways...some had huge holes where water made puddles...some one will be seriously hurt someday. 

The grocery situation is getting worse here.  Seems like paper products are in short supply at least the ones we use.  And those darn Pretzel Buns and Outshine Fruit Bars...if you get some you better stock up! Not sure how Wally World does it...I wanted a six roll pack of Bounty Paper Towels...they were out so they substituted a twelve roll pack for the same price as a six roll pack...a good deal for sure! 

 I have not been inside a grocery store for over a year.  it sounds like the goofy governor of Minnesota will lift the mask mandate in July.  After that every business will have to decide for themselves. 

It will freeze again tonight. 

Far Side


  1. Thankful FG is better and that it was a one stick day. Good deal on your paper towels. There are shortages here of paper products, cat food and litter.

  2. Our state lifted all sorts of mandates. Every time we had one, one group of the opposition decided to fight it in court. Most of our businesses ask that a person wear a mask, though I noted the gas station I go to for lawn mower gas ... the employees usually walk around with a mask hanging off from one ear.
    I must say our Wally World is pretty good. In the mornings 99% of visitors are masked as are the kids! Weekend crowds are those that wear PJ's and don't care. I know that sounds awful for me to say. But there you are.

  3. Glad Far Guy is doing well, and you got such a great paper towel deal, but sorry you're still having issues getting hold of so many items.

  4. That is really good news about Far Guy; glad he is back to "normal". What is up with all the shortages - it just doesn't make sense at all. We still have a mask mandate but it is mostly up to the businesses. Hoping that we can get back to some sort of normal soon. Have a great weekend.

  5. We are still fudgy about masks here. There is a mask mandate, but unfortunately people and businesses view it as optional. There is a village between our town and my daughter's town. I told her that they must have declared their village a mask-free zone because I never ever see anyone in a mask when driving through. Kids are doing great. Many times I see children wearing their masks while the adult accompanying them is not wearing one. I went to pick up a pizza and a woman was pleading with the gentleman she was with to put his on before entering the establishment. He shook her off. . . . This is so sad.

  6. We have lupper occasionally at our house. LOL! Karen

  7. I always go to the grocery store first thing in the morning before everyone else is up and about. Almost always have it to myself which suits me just fine. Fortunately everything here seems to be fully stocked up these days but it will take me awhile to forget about the opening months of the pandemic when the store looked more like the day after a riot and looting.

  8. We are finding less and less people wearing masks by the day even in the stores wears it's supposedly required. I am not happy about that at all.

  9. I'm glad to hear that FG is back to his normal.
    We're in the midst of our third wave so masks are still mandatory here. I haven't run into anyone not wearing a mask recently, though there are still a few who wear them below their nose. My daughter and I were talking about masks this morning, and I suspect I'll continue to wear a mask regardless of a mandate until we reach 75-80% of folks vaccinated. And I'll do so when travelling even after that.
    Enjoy your day!

  10. I am glad that your hubby is feeling better. Yes, wear your masks.

  11. I'm so glad Far Guy is better and only had a one stick day. The news is saying that the mask mandate will be lifted at the end of the month here. I'm really not sure how I feel about that. I wish we could eradicate this virus but I fear it's with us to stay.

  12. No mask mandate here in Wyoming. A few people (including me) still wear one. I had a medical appointment in Colorado yesterday, and it was wonderful that EVERYONE was wearing a mask. I felt very comfortable doing a bit of shopping. Things could be soooo much better if people would just comply. I think we could give COVID the boot much quicker if everyone was on board.

  13. So glad that FG is almost back to normal. So scary when your loved ones are sick. One of my sons-in-law is currently in ICU for a pulmonary embolism. He is only 40. He hadn't been feeling well this week but passed out on school lawn when he went to pick up the kids at school yesterday afternoon. A little while later he drove himself the 4 miles to the ER!! Luckily he got there OK, and was transferred shortly to a bigger hospital. He's doing OK so far today. Stressful night for us all while he underwent procedure to break up 2 massive clots near his heart.

  14. So glad FarGuy is back to his normal. Most people here quit wearing their masks in the building quite a while ago again--even though the signs are still up. We got a notice that they have opened the Community Room for the first time in over a year. I haven't gone down to see if people are using it or wearing masks. They may be starting up group activites again soon I would imagine. Just seems so strange after all this time.

  15. I had read something about the price of groceries going up and the supplies being limited... but haven't seen it yet, here in Indiana. I'm sad it's hit your area, Connie. I had a case of paper towels so we've still got some left from that stash. I buy 1-ply thousand sheet toilet paper by the 92 roll case, from Amazon, so we've still got some of that too. I always buy like that though so it was nothing new for me. Having a 92 roll case of toilet paper down my basement has been pretty standard since the 1980s. I guess I'm a prepper at heart. *haha* The nursery you visited looks heavenly!! Don't you just love all those plants and flowers? **swoon** I can't wait for the warmth of summer to arrive, particularly this year for some reason. So glad Far Guy is feeling better. Prayers answered! ~Andrea xoxo

  16. So happy to hear Far Guy is better and had a one stick day! Our state has never had a mask order thanks to our governor. But the mayor of Kansas City set up mask orders for our county last year and that is still on, thank goodness. I like the sound of a strawberry basket!

  17. So happy for Far Guy feeling better and for only 1 stick in the arm! I got groceries today. Yes, Walmart will give you the larger for the same price! Good deal! No problem with TP or Kleenix here but I saw something on the news that there will be shortages but I didn't hear of what.

  18. Hopefully Far Guy's hanging Strawberry basket thrives!!

  19. We were shopping in store at Safeway again today. Everyone wears masks. Supplies seem fine. At 11:00 this morning it wasn't all that busy and seemed very safe.
    I'm glad FG is continuing to get better. The stress of worrying about his health is bad for both of you. Stay safe and well.

  20. So very glad to hear FG is back to his version of normal. Made my day!

  21. Don't see many masks being worn around here either

  22. So glad to hear that far guy is feeling better! so he wanted a strawberry hanging basket? How cool. sounds like you got all your errands done. Those pretzel buns and outshine bars must be hard to come by. My hubby is in the hospital now....doctors decided he needs to have his carotid artery in his neck worked on a bit. Getting old is no fun.

  23. Good grief... And we are getting a frost tonight too. In May. :-/

  24. good to hear Far guy is feeling better!

  25. Our big problem here at the moment is the supply of cat and dog food - only the unpopular brands seem to be still in the shops.

  26. How wonderful to hear Far Guy's health is back to normal! What a relief.

  27. I pick up my annuals before Mothers Day. If I don't, around here stuff is either out and variety store plants get so neglected. I have yet to find my favorite fuschia Gardenmeister. It is a hummer magnet (upright woodier stem fuschia). Apparently even plant nurseries are having difficulty getting certain stock. Most people are wearing masks indoors around here, altho it is no longer mandated.

  28. So glad Far Guy doing well! Did you determine what broke your patio table?

  29. Lupper! I love it. If there can be brunch, surely there can be lupper. I’m so glad to hear that Far Guy is feeling better and back to his normal.

  30. I bought gas yesterday and Biden probably is smiling about the higher prices. I do notice that the grocery stores just limit the variety of things. We use to be able to choose between brands. I guess it makes it easier to just buy what they have decided for us to buy.


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