Saturday, May 22, 2021


 Our oldest Grandson Noah is 22 years old today! 

This photo was taken by his Mama when he was almost one year old.  What a cutie he was!  He treated us to different "stuff" than the three grandgirls.  The biggest one was being prepared while changing diapers!     Climbing ladders ...driving vehicles...being very mechanically inclined so much so that we had to hide keys... being a fussy eater...loving all things Lego.  I got in BIG trouble during his potty training times cause I told him to pee on irritated his Mother so much that he delighted in visiting many trees.   

He has grown into a very kind but a bit shy handsome young man who we are very proud of! 

Happy Birthday Noah! 

Love you lots!



  1. How wonderful! Our oldest grand child is now nearing 18. Whew. Where did that time go?

  2. We, too, had daughters and then were given grandsons. They have all been delightful but it seems to take more of our energy for the boys!
    We allowed and encouraged the grandsons to pee in the yard, too - - the back yard where the area is wooded and the neighbors don't see. It seems they had less accidents because it was more fun to go outside.

  3. Grandsons are very different from granddaughters. Both are great but they do stretch our minds, mostly in good ways. I've learned a lot I never would have even thought about if it had not been for the grandchildren. Happy birthday, Noah. Sounds like you have widened your grandmother's horizons.

  4. What a cutie! Happy birthday to Noah! :)

  5. Happy Birthday to Noah! Hope his day is extra special.

  6. What a wonderful picture and memories. Happy Birthday Noah! They grow up so quickly.

  7. Happy Birthday to Noah! Your memories of your grandson are both sweet and funny.

  8. Happy birthday to this young man! My oldest grandson will turn 10 on June 9. We got a bit of a late start having kids and so did both of my girls, so we are old enough to have grown up grandkids, but instead we still have the little kids. Hope they keep us young! LOL

  9. Pee on a tree... *bahahaha*!! I love it!! Happy Birthday Noah and many many more!! ~Andrea xoxo

  10. I bet he doesn't want some of that stuff shared but he is a nice guy. It is amazing he is now 22 years old.

  11. Happy birthday Noah! The baby picture is adorable and I think it looks like him even at that age. After raising two boys I know just what you mean about being prepared when changing diapers!

  12. Peeing on trees is a Right of Passage for boys. I think it irritates all mothers because it is so easy to do... even in your front yard! (I don't think there is a boy in our old neighborhood that had not peed in public at least once before they were 6.) Happy Birthday!

  13. We live in the country. My late husband taught our grandsons to pee behind trees. He neglected to tell them people don't pee behind trees in the city where they lived. LOL

  14. Happy Birthday to Noah! Granddaughter and Grandsons are indeed very different. They are each wonderful in their own way though.

  15. Happy Birthday, Noah!!! What a cutie he was and is! All your grand children are very smart too!

  16. Noah sounds like a perfect Grandson. My girl grands make good grades and excel.My lone Grandson Clayton is a bit lazy. He is really smart but not interested in school work. He is very capable. I hope he gets a spark to do well, but he may never.

  17. I can feel your love for this young man. Happy Birthday to Noah.

  18. Happy Birthday! Doing that business outside is so convenient and our grands don't mind! :)


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