Saturday, May 29, 2021

All in a day

 The Cemetery looked real dry when we dropped off flowers, and it was mowed...could have used a good trim but that would be too good to be true.  So far we have just visited the cemetery where Far Guy's relatives are buried.   Not sure that we will make it to the others...time will tell.

I was busy all day...laundry, making potato salad...and other things I put off all week.   I was headed for a nap in the late afternoon but I watched Wish Man instead...a good movie I give it a 9 out of is another true story. 

They are resurfacing our road ...something about heavier trucks can use the road now.  The County must have extra dollars to spend. 

Far Guy is about the same, no huge improvements.  He gets in his walking everyday...sometimes it is hard for him but he keeps on keeping on. 

We keep hoping for rain.

Today is Far Guy's sisters birthday.  She is an undisclosed older age. 

Far Side


  1. I was Far Guy would improve. 😢

  2. I am keeping Far Guy, you, and your family in my prayers. Thanks for the movie ratings. I keep them in mind when I look for something to watch.

  3. I understand the undisclosed age! I'm glad FG is still keeping up with his walking, I wish I could motivate you know who.
    We had lots of rain in the past week so things are going crazy here. We also had a hard frost last night. I'm glad I hadn't planted my stuff out in the veggie garden early!
    I have lots of projects for the next few days.
    The cemetary visits are being left up to DIL. I'll visit my FIL and MIL but the rest of the folks are no one I've ever known.
    Rich has no desire to go and my family was one that never went.

  4. I'm sorry you've not had any rain yet. We didn't get the predicted rain yestrerday either. My sister and I discused visiting our parens and a few other graves this weekend but Dennis to wait a week. Forest Lawnn has a history of claning off the graves of all flowerss to make it easier to mow. If you wait a week or so after Memorial day, they tend to leave them alone. They flat mow and don't want to go around the stoness.

  5. Happy birthday to Far Guy's sister. I sure hope Far Guy gets to feeling better soon. You two have a nice Memorial Day weekend!

  6. I keep hoping to hear FG is recovering. I guess I should be glad he's not any worse. You are certainly the Energizer Bunny!

  7. Happy birthday to your sister-in-law! Always best to keep the age undisclosed.

    I hope Far Guy gets stronger with each walk. Happy Memorial Day weekend, I hope it rains everyday! :)

  8. Happy Birthday to the ageless sister! We were hoping for rain, but overordered and got a deluge with crazy high winds. We are fine here but closer to Lake Erie it demolished a festival and resorts had to be evacuated. Quite a mess but no one was hurt.

  9. Gosh! I will keep both of you in my prayers. Hugs and love to yoU!

  10. That's the key, isn't it, Connie... to "keep on keepin on". I'm happy Far Guy is no worse but still... I wish he was back to at least where he was. Pooey! I remember hubby's dad had a procedure one time, to test his macular degeneration. It involved some sort of pressure on the eyeball or something. He didn't want to have it done but acquiesced at the very end. His macular degeneration got much worse after that test and he always swore it was because of it.

    Yep, one foot in front of the other is all we can do most days, isn't it. I still pray for Far Guy (& you!) everyday. Happy Birthday to Far Guy's sister too.

    ~Andrea xoxo

  11. Happy Birthday to Far Guy's sister...age is only a number.

    The clouds are coming and going this morning, but no rain in the forecast. I'm okay with that - I'd prefer it rained overnight.

  12. I guess the rain we had didn't get that far.

  13. I'm glad Far Guy is keeping up with his walking and I sure hope his breathing gets better. Still in my prayers! Happy birthday to your sister-in-law! You sure do get a lot done all the time. I'd love to have your energy. That's a cool picture - did you visit an antique store?

  14. Keep getting predictions of rain that don't materialize here or last for fifteen minutes. Other parts of the US are deluged with rain and storms and tornadoes, so I guess dry isn't so bad. ;) Glad FarGay is holding sgteady at least. Keep praying he will improve. So glad he is doing his walking. Have a nice Memorial weekend. :)

  15. Happy Birthday to Far Guy's sister. Hope Far Guy feels better each day. We really need rain here too. We are now considered to be in a drought...after going through the wettest winter on record. Now they're saying we are in the dryest spring on record??

  16. We need rain sooooo badly, too. The magnolias are trying to bloom but the leaves are drying up and falling off and the blossoms don’t have much of a chance. Wish it was better news about FG.

  17. Happy birthday to FGs sister. Praying for both you and FG. I loved the fountain in your last post. I may have to get one of those!

  18. Our forecast for the upcoming week has only one forecasted rain and it is fairly spotty. Hoping it went somewhere up in your vicinity. I'm tired of mucking through the mud of our garden.

  19. No rain here yet but it is suppose to rain today

  20. Glad to hear that Far Guy is keeping up with his walking even when it isn't easy. We need rain too... it has been such a dry spring. Happy birthday to Far Guy's sister... hope she had a good day!

  21. I am feeling that way myself today - just keep on keeping on.
    No cemetery visits for us this year, but we are thinking of our dearly departed.
    Potato salad? sounds like you might be having a gathering.

  22. Hope Far Guy sees some improvement soon. Belated happy birthday to his sister.

  23. Still praying for your family and you! Cute picture with the signs. thnk you again for another great movie title.


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