Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day!


I made this card for my Mom a number of years ago,  The photo was taken in 1953 with my first May Baskets.  The photo was taken at the Farm in Carsonville Township. 

Happy Mother's Day!

Yesterday we went to town to give Mom her card and package, they were emptying six very heavy bags of mulch...Dad took a tumble and said he saw stars....we helped them finish up with the mulch and got Dad into the house.   He seemed ok....we had coffee and sister and her husband were there when we left.

Far Side


  1. I hope your dad is okay.
    Nice to be able to visit them now. :)
    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Oh my. Hope your dad is doing okay. Happy Mother's Day to those moms out there. No celebrations going on here.

  3. I hope your dad is ok! Have a happy Mother's Day Connie. :)

  4. Your parents are sure hard workers. I hope your Dad is doing better. I love that picture of you and your Mother! Happy Mother's Day to you!!!

  5. Happy Mother's Day Connie!

    Hope your dad is okay. It's good that he has family around to help.

  6. Precious card!!! Dad, take it easy!!! So glad your family can keep an eye on them. Happy Mother's Day

  7. Happy Mother's Day, Connie! Hope your Dad is okay.

  8. A tumble at his age is concerning, but I'm glad he seems okay. Happy Mother's Day, dear friend!

  9. I hope I'm like your mom & dad when "I grow up". :-) I admire them by just what you've said about them. Happy Mother's Day to you, Connie. ~Andrea xoxo

  10. Happy Mother's Day to you! Yes, I hope your Dad is okay. It was nice your sister arrived after you. I was making myself a nice Mother's Day meal when my oven broke. It could be worse but I'm going to miss that fruit pizza! LOL! That's such a cute picture of you!

  11. Old guys never quit. I know. I just forget to tell myself to be careful.

  12. I am sorry that your dad fell. I hope he didn't damage anything.

  13. Taking a tumblr isn't good hope your Dad is ok now

  14. Happy Mother's Day. I hope your Dad is doing well.

  15. That's a great picture of you and your Mom back when.
    I hope your Dad won't be too stiff and sore after his fall.

  16. Glad you were there to help your parents.
    Happy Mother's Day .
    Good to see Baxter again I bet.

  17. That's a great photo. I'm sorry your Dad fell and hope he doesn't have any bad effects from it. Happy Mother's Day Connie!

  18. Oh, my! Don't want that kind of excitement on Mother's Day! Glad your dad is alright after his fall. Happy Mother's Day to both you and your mom!


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