Saturday, May 1, 2021

May Day!

 Happy May Day! 

We will deliver a few baskets today.   Some will go to my other baby brothers house for some of his grands that will be visiting on Sunday. 

Far Guy delivered some on Thursday to the Infusion Nurse's children. 

I put bits of tissue paper inside the owl baskets and then the candy.  The glasses turned out really cute! 

Delivered May Baskets to my parents on Thursday night before Bingo.

Hope you all have a wonderful May Day! 

Far Side


  1. That is so neat! Love it!
    I need to go out and check on one tree that blossoms on the first of May....
    We are in a fire watch here today....eeek gads.

  2. I just LOVE the glasses on the May baskets. You outdid yourself this year! Such a sweet thing to do.

  3. Happy May Day to you too! Your May baskets are so cute and I'm sure very appreciated by everyone who received one. One of the ladies brought each of us at Bible Study one on Wednesday. She just used a plastic solo cup and pipe cleaners for handles. She filled them with old fashioned candies.
    Take care.
    Blessings and love,

  4. Your baskets turned out so cute and cheery!! I am sure they brighten everyones day, the young and young at heart.

  5. Happy May Day! The baskets are adorable!

  6. They turned out great. It's so nice that you do this. :)

  7. Your baskets are just darling. Happy May Day!

  8. What a lovely, fun and thoughtful gift! I'd not thought of giving a fun-something for May Day, what a great idea!

    Kim - Life at Golden Pines

  9. Happy May Day - what wonderful baskets!!

  10. Love your May baskets, and I’m sure the recipients did too! It was a fun tradition with my children, especially the ring the doorbell and hide to watch the surprised friends when they came to the door part.

  11. Your May baskets are so cute! I remember giving out May baskets as a child in S Dakota. They don't do this here on the West coast.

  12. Happy May Day! Cute baskets. You are so kind and generous.

  13. The baskets are adorable and I know the recipients loved them as much as the sweet treats inside.

  14. The baskets are SOOOO CUTE!

  15. Awwwwww.... those baskets turned out darling, Connie, and are such a thoughtful gift!! ~Andrea xoxo

  16. I couldn’t wait to see the baskets today. They were just perfect.

  17. Every recipient will feel very special. You did a great job and I love the tissue paper. So nice to see your parents, my niece gets married at 5 pm today in Indiana. The weather is clear and mid 70s. Happy for her.

  18. Happy May Day! The baskets are simply adorable especially with the glasses. :)

  19. The baskets are so cute! Just love them! Thank you for sharing! Happy May Day!!

  20. Happy May Day to you and Far Guy! The baskets came out great. It's good to see these old traditions carried on to new generations!

  21. Cheryl says she want to be in her 70's and giving baskets to her parents when they are in their 90's. The Longevity gene does reside in her family.... A few grand parents made it to their 90's after all. As for me, My lineage has a death wish when it comes to taking care of themselves. I'm trying to break the trend. Very cute owls!

  22. Oh! Those baskets are so cute! I bet the nurses loved your thoughtfulness and all the rest of the recipients too. Happy May Day to you 2!

  23. Thank you for keeping this tradition alive at least in your little corner of the world. I love it.

  24. Good that you keep this tradition going.

  25. A church delivered one at our doorstep. It was a great gesture. I think it was a great idea for them to drop off goodies and a message too.

  26. I love your May baskets. I must be so fun to receive one from you! It's such a great tradition! congratulations to all the special people who received one!

  27. Your May baskets are always great but these were really cute this year with the glasses. :)

  28. Your baskets turmed out adorable. We had never heard of May Day till we moved to the mid west. Also it seems May 1st is National Garden Naked Day. Karen

  29. I love your May Day posts each year :-).


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