Tuesday, May 4, 2021


 Far Guy is in a holding mode...a tiny bit better ( he can breathe better and is not turning purple)... so he is not worse but I am still keeping an eye on him. 

Someone said the "S" word again...it has turned cold here. 

I changed the flag. I vacuumed out the car.  We had to make a trip to town for an online order pickup and checked on his new old car.

Far Guy may get his new old car back this week.  It has new brakes, a new fuel filter a original one not electric and some new hoses.  I sure hope he feels up to driving it home...

Far Side


  1. Happy to hear that Far Guy is in a "holding mode". Praying for his recovery.

  2. Hope he feels well enough to do it too.

  3. I'll keep praying he gets better! Pretty flag and good for you vacuuming out the car. It stormed here good last night....I was up 4 times with the weather radio so I imagine I will be very slow today. I'm sure getting his car back will perk Far Guy up. I hope so anyway.

  4. I feel so bad for Far Guy, I hope he is all better soon! Hugs and prayers on the way.

  5. Glad Far Guy is heading the right direction. Enjoy the car ride home!

  6. I hope he feels up to driving it too.

  7. Glad to hear the FG is feeling a little better.

    Your loon flag is a pretty one! I have an original oil painting in my office of loons, done by my cousin's husband. He's from Fergus Falls originally and does mostly wildlife paintings.

  8. Glad Far Guy is "holding", hope this means he will start to recover soon.

  9. Sending prayers up for Far Guy. And for you! Thankfully here in mid coast Maine we are enjoying SPRING weather finally. I can sleep with my window open again. Well, maybe not open open, but enough to enjoy a bit of fresh air since Mom still has the central heating cranked up! Take care.❤️

  10. A bit of good news for Far Guy, here's hoping he continues to improve and recovers soon. Especially in time to drive his new old car home.

  11. Hope Far Guy is better today and tomorrow and the next day, too.

  12. Even a little improvement is a good thing. May FarGuy feel better each day.

  13. I'm keeping Far Guy in my prayers for continued improvements. I bet it picked his spirits up to know the car will be ready soon. I hope he feels like driving it too!

  14. No, not the S word! I sure hope FG will feel up to driving his car home, too.

  15. Glad to hear FarGuy is holding and not getting any worse. He'll be excited to get his new old car back so I hope he is up to driving it home.
    Whenever I see a picture of a loon I can almost hear one across a lake at dusk. :)

  16. Small steps to feeling better are good, I suppose, but I know you'd like to see Far Guy be able to take a nice big DEEP breath, Connie. My prayers continue for you both, as I know that can't be easy to watch. ~Andrea xoxo

  17. Sending healing thoughts Far Guy's way. :)

  18. Fingers crossed for FG to continue to improve.

  19. Far Guy! Get better soon! ( The open Road awaits!)

  20. Oh I sure hope Far Guy improves quickly. That car will not drive itself and it's waiting for him to come get it. No Snow! Nasty stuff. Does it not know spring is here. We have wind. Lots and lots of wind. I don't remember that from before. I did spend 4 1/2 hours weeding last night until it got too dark to see what I was pulling!
    Take care and I'm praying for you both. I know the worry is hard too.

  21. Thankful for the baby step in the right direction. Continued prayers to better health. Praying he will drive the new old car home!!

  22. I am praying FG feels better soon, you both are in my prayers. I love the flag. Do you remember the Michigan blogger from many years ago, Shelley? She lived in MI and loved loons.

  23. The spring pollen can't help even though you are not as advanced in that.

  24. Oh, I do hope he can get his car and enjoy driving it home.

  25. I am sure purple is not a very becoming color for Far Guy. Glad to hear he is at least "not worse." Every little bit better counts! Still praying.

  26. Glad Far Guy can at least breathe now. Hope he continues to improve, and feels well enough to drive his new old car home.


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