Sunday, May 16, 2021

Gift of Spring

 The Double Flowering Plum is just beautiful! 

 It flowers first and then gets leaves.   It really needs a good trim...after it blooms. 

The flowers are like tiny roses. 

It is one of the gifts of Spring. 

Rain we need rain.  It could rain for a week and it still wouldn't be enough.  

Far Side


  1. Beautiful! I am not a pink person, but I love pink flowers!! Will it produce plums?

  2. Beautiful blossoms on the plum. Hope you get the rain soon.

  3. What a beautiful bush! Does that grow wild? Can you get fruit from it or is it just for decoration? I've never seen one before. TFS!

  4. Oh yes, we too need the rain. I had a rain alert this morning suggesting rain in the next 24 hours BUT every forecast I read has none. Fingers crossed it comes soon.

    The flowering plum is lovely! I wish I had the room for more trees but then I'd have more yard to care for. Enjoy!

  5. They are such beautiful little flowers! I hope you get some rain soon, we need it here too.

  6. So pretty.
    Yes, praying for rain.
    Have a sweet Sunday, you two. :)

  7. What a darling bush. We need rain also. Sign

  8. I love flowering bushes. The buds are so fleeting, but so welcome after winter. We had a week of rain. Now I have planted endless annuals and we have no rain the forecast for 10 days. I will be watering.

  9. That is a gorgeous flowering bush. There is a crab apple tree down the block from us that is at its prime right now. But we need a week of rain too. We are getting a little sprinkle right now, but it’s just enough to make things damp. We need soggy.

  10. That is a lovely gift of Spring! We have had a lot of rain this week and nonstop today. I wish I could send you some!

  11. I'm glad you made it through your rough week and hope for better times ahead. We have some of those pretty flowers around here, too. I love them and am glad they don't make fruit! :-)

  12. The are beautiful blooms. I like it when the wild plumbs bloom along our roadways.

  13. That’s what our Redbuds do. They’ll be covered with purple blooms, then the green leaves appear as the blooms fade.

  14. you can have some of ours... it has poured all day and the Kansas City area has flash flood warnings..

  15. Wow your flowering plum is so beautiful. Hope you get some good rain soon! Our Fire Danger here is "High" now.

  16. Beautiful flowers. We had rain most of the day today and a chance of scatter t-storms every day next week but that has meant none for us every since I got here. Everything brightened up and looks gorgeous after the showers today. It was a nice soaking kind of rain, just perfect.

  17. You are searching for all the confirming signs of spring! Hopefully, the rain will follow, as you hoped.


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