Saturday, March 15, 2025

Storm is a coming

 We have a rain/ice/snow event coming this way.   The wind makes Sadie nervous and clingy.   Jen and Andy should be home before the storm hits. 

The barometric pressure falling makes my arthritis miserable.   I am sure Far Guy's lungs don't like the change either...but there is nothing we can do about the weather. 

Far Side


  1. aiming for us as well...high doubt flooding in annapolis which it does with even half an inch of rain...

  2. You are so very right about the weather and the arthritis. We have thunderstorms and winds coming through today and tonight and hopefully no tornadoes. I am glad Jen and Andy had a nice get away to tropical weather. It's a good break from winter but rough to come home to a frozen storm.

  3. Sounds like our storms but ours are warm storms! I’m with Sadie—makes me nervous!

  4. We had wind and rain overnight and this morning it seems to be calm but overcast. The sky is a weird orange so...hmmm.
    It is supposed to get cooler after some rain and then go back to strange March weather.

  5. Dust storms hit West Texas big time yesterday....Storms seem to be getting stronger...Isn't it amazing how the weather can cause our bones and body to ache? Continued prayers.

  6. We got just a tiny dusting of snow overnight, but the wind hit about 7 pm last night and howled all night long. It's still howling this morning. All of the real storm stayed east of us.

  7. We woke up to no power and thunder in the early hours this morning. Power wasn't out long, but there's some really dark clouds rolling in right now. There's flood warnings all over the area because the ground is still really frozen and we are expecting a lot of rain!

  8. After one way too hot 75F day, we are also in a wild and wooly weather pattern. Yes, messes with sensitive animals (including us). Cute wooden figures!

  9. Spring brings some extreme weather Happy St. Urho's day.

  10. Hang in there, this too shall pass. Hope everyone stays safe.

  11. It's snowing right now. We had tremendous wind and then rain overnight. I understand about the barometric pressure.

  12. Spring weather is always so intense!!!

  13. Batten down the hatches. Stay safe. ☔️

  14. We had a hail storm this morning around 6 am that sounded like a box of rocks being dumped on my roof. It lasted long enough that I got up to make sure what was actually happening!

  15. Our weather is very unsettled too, cold rain and wind, then sun breaks, then repeat. Typical March weather.

  16. Cute cat and birds!
    We ended up with practically nothing but the wind and cold. A teeny dusting of snow that barely accumulated against the edges of the sidewalk and the garages. So the storm they've been predicting all week amounted to nothing but wind gusts and back down into the 20s here. Was 67 degrees yesterday. :)

  17. It' cold and rainy here, nothing new. but it sure is hard to take after a few nice days. Thinking of you.


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