Monday, March 24, 2025

Ranger Blue

 Far Guy got Ranger Blue out of the garage and we went for a ride. 

It snowed.  Not much maybe an inch of snow but there is some ice under that snow so it must have rained first. 

Fun to be back on the trails again.

The road home.  
It was fun to get out and about...we didn't see anyone else while we were people, no traffic, no dogs. 

Sunday was a quiet day...Naan Bread Pizza was for supper. 
Far Side


  1. Does Ranger Blue have a battery that has to be kept charged? You can tell I know nothing about that type of machine

  2. Hope Ranger has a cab as it looks very cold. My old mule doesn’t. Larry bought it in 2008 but it still takes me around my farm. If the temp is below 35 it doesn’t usually start now. I always think it has a mind of its own. Glad you are home!

    1. Yes! Ranger Blue has a cab with heat and air conditioning!

  3. We had snow here too, but only enough for the animals to leave tracks.

    Nice trails. I need to put the battery back in my 4 wheeler soon and have it serviced.

  4. We go through a lot of naan bread in our household. One of our quick meals is to brown some cutup chicken, dump in a jar of tikka masala sauce and eat it with naan.

  5. While beautiful, I bet you are ready to see that white stuff go away and be replaced with green!

  6. Typical spring with snow anytime and sun anytime.

  7. A Sunday drive and peace and quiet- perfect!

  8. This looks like a great enjoyment ride. so very pretty in your area and looks very peaceful.

  9. Looks like it was a perfect day for a trail ride.

  10. YAY for exploring on Ranger Blue!! I am hoping to explore some trails for the first time this year.

  11. Please keep your snow over there! Our temps have dropped and we got some freezing rain last night - thankfully it started 5 minutes after I arrived home from the 3-hour drive from my parents!

  12. Those trail rides would be so relaxing in your beautiful woods.

  13. To be able to be out in the fresh air and riding Ranger Blue sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy!

  14. It's great to be back home again ( didn't John Denver sing that exact line?)

  15. Those trails look so pretty. What a fun thing to do. Amy left some naan bread for me. It was like chewing on shoe leather...not for me! LOL!

  16. Crisp clear air and untracked, fresh snow, a great way to renew your spirit.

  17. I bet it was just wonderful to go out in Ranger Blue, sheltered warmly inside the cab, and explore the property on your own. I bet it felt very freeing after the winter away. Hope Far Guy is improving day by day.

  18. Same weather here in Eastern Ontario (near Ottawa). It's now raining as I type.

  19. So nice you got out in Ranger Blue. :) :)

  20.'re out riding in Ranger Blue! Hope you stayed warm and enjoyed the fun ride. Good for you! diane in northern wis


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