Sunday, March 23, 2025


 We have weather coming in and it makes my arthritic joints hurt.   I needed some comfort I made some scalloped potatoes.  I make the rue first...about 1/4 cup butter and 1/4 cup brown rice flour...heat it up and stir like mad for a couple of minutes then slowly add milk...about 3 cups heat it to almost boiling and set aside.  Then I peeled potatoes, chopped some ham and threw it all in a enamel speckled blue and white oval covered pan. Stir it up...add some salt and pepper...bake about 90 minutes.   It freezes well and I froze enough for several meals.   Far Guy said they were good.  Using the brown rice makes them gluten free.   Supper was a plain hamburger patty, salad, fruit and those wonderful scalloped potatoes. 

Far Guy worked on one of his wood projects.  He is feeling a bit better and I am cautiously optimistic that he is getting better a little at a time.  Of course we are living like hermits again only venturing out to get the mail. 

I did some crocheting while catching up on Survivor and watching old episodes of Tournament of Champions (a cooking show). 

 I added a few puzzles to Jigsaw Planet.  Here are the canoes on Spirit Lake.

It is a fun place to work missing pieces!

Far Side


  1. How do you freeze the potatoes -- bags, boxes?

  2. I like the canoes on the lake puzzle, but haven't tried working one on line yet.
    Sounds like your scalloped potatoes are amazing. That is something I'm not so good at.
    It is supposed to be a rainy day here, so I guess I'll be working indoors.
    So glad FG is feeling better!

  3. Good to read that Far Guy is working on a project!

  4. I haven't made rue for a while! Getting lazy I guess. The scalloped spuds sound yummy.
    I like jigsaw planet, but haven't been there for a while. The Punkins Patch also does them. Yay for FG feeling a bit better!

  5. My knee always tells me when the weather is going to change. I’m glad you’ve both settled back into your routine and happy that FG is slowly improving.

  6. If FarGuy was working on wood projects he must be feeling better. So good to hear.
    Great comfort food. We got a little bit of snow here last night. Enough to almost cover the grass. I hope you are feeling better, too. :)

  7. My sister Fleta likes Alone. I think it’s sorta like survivor. My knees have been hurting so I can only walk one mile. And that is a struggle!

  8. Thankful that FG is making improvements. Guessing you all are getting settled in? Those scalloped potatoes sound wonderful. Reminded me of my brother that just passed. He loved scalloped potatoes!!

  9. I like scalloped potatoes too. Mom made them only for Sunday dinner though she didn't include meat. Instead there was always a roast beef.
    Glad to hear that Far Guy continues to make progress.

  10. I love scalloped potatoes but they're lot of work. Daughter is getting nasty weather in chicago too.

  11. I should really start online puzzling again. I enjoyed doing "puzzle of the day" or whatever it is called. I love potato-e anything!

  12. I like scolloped potatoes too. I haven't done a jigsaw puzzle since I was a kid. Good news about FG.

  13. I've saved the puzzle so I can work on it later. What a neat idea! In the meantime, I've boarded a jet and am on my way to help you guys eat that delicious scalloped potatoes dish ... well, maybe not, I'm sure it's gone by now, haha. Sounds amazing! I'll have to try your version, but on a smaller scale since it's just me. I hear you on the weather and bones. This cold winter sure has played havoc on my body. I feel every little ache and pain in my bones. Sure am thankful Spring is here at last! I'm going to be taking advantage of all the sunshine and warmth for as long as this year's Spring and Summer last! Blessings and prayers for you and Far Guy. May he continue to recover and be his old self soon! And thank you for your comment on my new blog!

  14. I love scalloped potatoes and now I"m hungry for some. And glad to hear FG is doing better.

  15. Those scalloped potatoes sound nice ,I have never tied them

  16. Potatoes are my favorite food group and yours sound yummy. I think we are going with twice baked tonight. I buy the bag of assorted sizes and there were two giant ones that will be perfect.

  17. I love scalloped potatoes. My daughter hates them.

  18. Oh wow! I LOVE Jigsaw Planet!!! I do a puzzle each day! I had no idea you have puzzles there...but now I do! Thanks for that! We have some kinda weather on the way... or not... It keeps changing, but my joints say it's still on the way. Sending good thoughts up north!!
    Goodnight Gram

  19. Scalloped potatoes sound wonderful. I have recently brought old fashioned Mac and Cheese back into our diet. It has a similar roux, white sauce, with cheese. I avoided it after the kids were gone because it's high calorie, but now it's back as comfort food.

  20. I love scalloped potatoes....yours sound delish! Glad to hear far guy is slowly getting better. Hope you are feeling a little better too. Take good care you two. diane in northern wis

  21. I've tried but my scalloped potatoes just don't turn out the way I'd like :(

  22. Scalloped Potatoes are the best comfort food. Thank you for adding another puzzle. I do your Chance puzzles about once a month still. They make me smile. Happy Spring!

  23. I loved scalloped potatoes! And your ride yesterday was nice.


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