Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Pretty Branches

 We enjoyed the bit of snow on the Balsam Fir branches.

The snow makes for interesting designs in the woods. 

Today we both have Doctor appointments.  Nothing exciting just regular check ups.

Far Side


  1. I hope the roads are good for your trip. How long does it take you to get to the appointment. I’m guessing it’s many miles from you.

  2. I've never seen such interesting designs! It looks like lattices. Good luck at the docs.

  3. I love seeing snow on the trees. Good luck with the doctors visit.

  4. Mother Nature made a cool criss cross pattern!

  5. So unusual and very pretty...

  6. Wow! The snow designs are so perfect! Prayers for your appointments to go well for both of you! Blessings!

  7. The snow makes pretty patterns on the trees. Hope your doctor appointments went well.

  8. Your snow on branches is pretty, while I am photographing flower buds on cherry trees.

  9. Very pretty!
    Hope all was well at your appointments.

  10. diane in northern wisMarch 25, 2025 at 9:02 PM

    The snow is beautiful on the trees. Glad you had a good ride on Ranger Blue. Good luck at your appointments.

  11. Great photos of the snow laden branches!


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