Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Far Guy is in the hospital, he has a COPD exacerbation, he got a number of Nebs, blood work and xrays. We went to Urgent Care where they said he was too ill to be seen there and sent us over to the ER. 

I was with him all day, Jen took over in the late afternoon, so I could have some supper and get some rest. 

God willing and the crick don't rise I can bust him out of the hospital in a few days. 

Far Guy quote of the day " My body has had enough but my soul thinks otherwise."

Far Side


  1. Connie, I am lifting Far Guy up in hopes he heals soon. I am glad you have Jen to help you. Please take care of yourself.

  2. oh so sorry to hear...will be praying....

  3. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers for quick recovery and back home.

  4. Glad Far Guy has fight as I don’t want you to be alone.

  5. Thank you for letting us know. He will be in the prayers of many. I do like his quote. That fits many of us. So thankful you have family to help.

  6. Oh gosh, I hope you can bust Far Guy out soon too! And what a fabulously inspirational quote from him!!
    Goodnight Gram

  7. Oh no! So very sorry to hear that. He absolutely does have a fighting soul. We are all praying for him to be home soon!

  8. Prayers for FG and you. And sending love without limits.

  9. I'm sorry to read this. I will remember his quote, it is soulful. Wishes for a speedy return to home.

  10. I will pray for both of you today. May God give you strength, peace, and the medical team their best efforts. KH

  11. Bless his heart....thinking and praying for you all. Hope you get some rest as well.

  12. So sorry to read this, sending nothing but positive thoughts your way!

  13. Sending good thoughts for a quick recovery!

  14. I am sorry to hear this. Good that you have family support and I hope Far Guy is out of the hospital and on the mend soon.

  15. My prayers are with FarGuy, and you! And everyone else. Sending Healing vibes!

  16. Even though I haven't been around, please know I've continued to pray for you and Far Guy and the rest of your family. I will double down on prayers for Far Guy. And for you - please get your rest and eat so you can be with Far Guy as he goes through this latest. Sending you big hugs.

  17. I do hope your idea of breaking him out happens soon. In the meantime, take care of yourself. You will both be in the thoughts of many here.

  18. Hope today is a day with progress. Thinking of you all and sending prayers.

  19. Sorry to hear that far guy is suffering. I wish him a speedy recovery.

  20. That is quite the quote from Gene. Dennis and I have been praying for him since you mentioned he wasn't feeling well. I hope you can "break him out" very soon and that he's completely better when you do. I can imagine how scary it is for you all.
    Blessings and hugs,

  21. Sending the best to Far Guy!

  22. For your sake I'm relived that FG still has fight in him. I will be holding both of you in my heart and on my mind.

  23. Hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery.

  24. Be sure to take care of you, too! Prayers that the break out comes soon!

  25. This isn't good but hopefully he can escape to his home soon

  26. I love Far Guy's quote. You are both in my prayers for a fast improvement.

  27. I hope he gets better soon enough to go home.

  28. Not what we wanted to hear is it? Will continue to pray for him and hopefully he will be home soon.

  29. I’m holding you near to my heart and sending hugs. Been there myself and you are doing amazing. Hang in there. Prayers.

  30. Sending up healing prayers.... take care of yourself so you can take care of him.


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