Tuesday, March 18, 2025


 The Grands photo albums are up to date.  

They are good for now and I am glad to cross it off of my list.  

I have been working on my photo files on my desktop.  They were a mess, many need to be identified because they are old black and whites and I know the people in them but will the next generation?  Probably not...but will they care?

My Paternal Grandmother had no obituary at Find a Grave, I found an old newspaper clipping and transcribed it.  I have many more obits to transcribe  at Find A Grave....relatives and friends.  I should make a list and do a few here and there.  A large project sometimes appears daunting, so broken down into smaller parts it seems a bit more manageable. 

Far Side


  1. when i did my family tree for DAR i went into find a grave and updated info and posted pictures...it is always a good thing to do i think...

  2. I spent a fair amount of time this winter compiling all my research notes and updating all the sites, Ancestry, FamilySearch, Wikitree and Find a Grave, the latter included a fair amount of adding pictures, obituaries and linking to parents and children. I hope this small effort will make it easier for the next family researcher of my tree.

  3. Yay!! and these will be much appreciated by your kids and grandkids. I think you should continue working on the black and white photos to mark who they are. You never know if any of your family will be interested in genealogy or not and it these photos with the history dated on them would be great.

  4. You are correct about breaking the huge project down into the smaller tasks. We eat the elephant one bite at a time as the saying goes. I am super impressed that you have the grandchildren's photo albums done. I want to do those for our grands - - of which there are only two and less years but have not gotten there yet.

  5. You are working on an important task, even if it seems the next generations are not terribly interested. Yet!! I'm guessing that those next generations will appreciate the work you've done when they reach that age when they suddenly find an interest in their heritage.

  6. I'm sure your family will be grateful for your efforts as a historian. Maybe not now, but certainly in the future.

  7. You are focused this year! You picked a good word. I mostly sit and accomplish nothing. Little house in the big woods is calling you and Far Guy!

  8. I did a family tree on Ancestry years ago. I got back to the mid 1700s on my paternal side, then I quit. I may take it up again.

  9. I am so impressed. You really inspire me with your organization of photos. I just need to take the first step. Step up a plan and stick to it. Good for you!!!!

  10. I have way too many photos on my computer and need to go through them I've done ONE year, but there are many, many, many years to go.


  11. "Will they care?" is the question. Tom has very extensive genealogy records of extended family. It has been a long time hobby for him. and continues as new technology opens new doors. But will the next generation do more than put it in a box or file drawer?
    And does that matter? It was important to you.

  12. We should all be doing what you are so that we leave a record. If anybody wants the info it's there. Now we have to hunt for it and we are made to back it up with evidence.


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