Monday, May 17, 2021


 A week ago Far Guy, Jen and I travelled to Minneapolis to the hospital.  Far Guy had been approved for a procedure to improve his breathing.  The procedure is a BLVR Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction.  The procedure could possibly improve his lung function and make him less short of breath. 

The sunroom at the hospital.

The procedure went well and four Spiration Valves were placed in his left lung.  Some people notice an improvement right away...not Far Guy.   Some people notice improvement over several months. 

Far Guy remained in the hospital for four days and then we were allowed to go home. 

Jen and I stayed in a hotel with secure parking and did not go out at night.  Jen flew home on Wednesday...only one visitor was allowed in the hospital for the entire stay...and it had to be the same person.

Far Guy and I arrived home late Thursday afternoon. Tired and glad to be home.

On Friday Far Guy was worse...and we ended up in the ER explaining what the procedure was to a clueless Doctor....his x ray was ok and bloodwork looked the Doctor kicked the can down the road and chalked up the difficulty breathing to "pollen."  The Doctors in Minneapolis never returned the calls the ER Physician made on Far Guy's behalf.

Presently Far Guy is not breathing as well as he was before the procedure but not as bad as he was on Friday.  He does not feel well at all. 

We are taking it one day at a time...we are both tired.  I am keeping a close eye on him. 

Last week was a tough week we hope this week is better.

Nursing care was excellent.

Far Side


  1. Sorry to hear Far Guy isn't feeling well after this latest procedure. Continued prayers for him and for you as well. Praying things get better real soon.

  2. Hopefully things turn the other way and improve.

  3. Darn it. I have lots of questions and wonder if the doctors from U of MN have gotten back to you yet. But I am not going to bother you at all. Please know I am thinking of you and FG.

  4. I am sorry to read about what a difficult week it was and you both are in my prayers. I can just imagine your frustration at the clueless dr. In the ER and then for the Dr that did the procedure not to return the call. Thankful for the good nursing care though.

  5. Praying that Far Guy will get better very soon.

  6. I'm so sorry. Prayers for someone to get to the bottom of this. We need this procedure to work.

  7. Hoping the best for Far Guy. Hang in there.

  8. Oh my goodness. I must have missed more posts than I thought last week. I had no idea this was being done. I will start praying HARD for Far Guy. That sounds like a scary procedure and that ER doctor...don't get me started. I think allergies are their fall-back when they don't know. Even with lung surgery a few days before they default to allergies!!!!!!! Doesn't give me much hope in the medical profession at all. I hope Far Guy continues to improve by leaps and bounds and all goes well.
    Blessings and love,

    1. You didn't miss a thing Betsy, this is the first I have mentioned it.

  9. I am sorry to hear this news. I know you know you have to take care of yourself as well as take care of Far Guy. I will keep you in my prayers.

  10. I sure hope Far Guy gets to feeling better right away! How frustrating for you to deal with these doctors. I will be thinking of you both.

  11. I’m so sorry FG is experiencing these things. Can’t believe you didn’t even get a call back from the MPLS doctors. That’s totally unacceptable. I hope you get some help today. Keep pestering! You have to these days.

  12. Sorry to read this news. Praying that things will improve for Far Guy. Will keep you both in my prayers.

  13. How frustrating! I hope he begins to improve soon, and that you both get some rest. I did just see a report this morning that the pollen counts are at the "extremely high" point right now. But there is no excuse for the doctors not to return calls from your local ER doctor.

  14. Ooooh Connie! And I dared to complain about MY Monday on my blog today. Now I'm ashamed of myself! :-( I hope Far Guy gets better soon. The longer I live, the less faith in "modern medicine" I have. I'm so sorry this has happened. Be assured of my prayers for both of you. ~Andrea xoxo

  15. This sounds like a very serious procedure. I hope he recovers rapidly and the his breathing is improved.

  16. O! My! Gosh! Here I was worrying about Terry and you and FarGuy were going through something ever so much worse. I am sending you hope, love and prayers. I hope everything comes together and Gene feels better very soon!

  17. Thinking of both you and FG and sending prayers.

  18. Sending thoughts and prayers for Far Guy!

  19. I'm sorry Far Guy is having such a hard time, and nobody is returning your calls who knows anything about the procedure he had done. I hope he improves soon.

  20. Hopefully FarGuy will improve rapidly back at home.
    What a week! In my prayers.

  21. When you said it had "been a week" you meant it.... and then some. Hoping FG improves and you get some answers. Keeping you both in my thoughts.

  22. I've never heard of Spiration Values. Sorry the ER Doc wasn't more knowledgeable in that area. It surely didn't help to not hear back from Minneapolis Dr's. Hospitalizations are exhausting. I truly hope Far Guy feels better soon, and the valves start doing their job. Sending healing {hugs} that this week is more restful and better for both of you!!

  23. You had said you had a tough week, and now I know why, and how tough. I hope you will let us all know when FG starts to feel better, or not. I am also praying for the two of you, and hope that doctor calls soon!!

  24. What a gorgeous view at the hospital sunroom!
    I read about that procedure. It is truly interesting and does make sense that in theory it should really help. It is such a waste of time to talk with a doctor who doesn't know yet what treatment his patient has had - - or understand it either. Equally frustrating is the doctors who did the treatment not responding!!! You all risked your safety traveling there for the procedure and that should count for something regarding their etiquette. Praying FG continues to improve and can experience benefits from the procedure.

  25. Oh dear, I hope that Far Guy recovers from this latest treatment. What nonsense, that the doctor(s) haven't been in touch - I'm sure you'll be following up on that.

  26. Life’s road gets narrower it seems. Just keep pushing on down the peddle moving forward. Poor FG.

  27. Poor Far Guy. Fingers crossed for an improvement in his health, and some answers from your doctors.

  28. Oh my goodness, I had a feeling something was not right. What a difficult week for you both and Jen as well. She was so sweet to drive down with you and stay for most of it. I'm sending my prayers for you both and that Far Guy improves very soon. You need to get some rest yourself after such a week!

  29. Sorry that the procedure that was supposed to help FG breathe more easily hasn't gone well at all. Scary and frustrating too I'm sure. Keeping you on my prayers.

  30. I am so sorry to hear that FG has not been feeling well since Friday. Praying that you have heard from the U of MN by now and that you have gotten some answers. I will keep both of you in my prayers.

  31. I hope his body adjust to the new things added to his lungs. I bet time will show an improvement. I just wish it had been instant improvement.

  32. Oh my much you guys went through last week. Praying that far guy will start to feel better and that the whole procedure will have been worth it! Hoping to hear good things in the coming days. God bless you both and your daughter.

  33. My husband had chronic COPD for years. He had to have a small fan blowing on his face to help him breathe.I also ran the A/C on dehumidifier which also made a big difference. We may think it's not humid, but it's a big deal to them. I hope this helps. I definitely know what you are going through as the caregiver. "Smell the roses and blow out the candles"!!! It helps to calm you. Sending hugs and prayers to you both.

  34. It seems irresponsible of the docors in Minneapolis not to return calls!

  35. I sure do hope that he improves. Surgery is so hard on the body even if it is supposed to be helpful. I will continue to pray for him.

  36. You were gone for 4 days and not a peep about it? Of course, I understand you should never let people know when you are "out of town". I can't believe those doctors didn't call back! That's terrible! They should have had information about the procedure to give to Far Guy's doctor. I pray he improves and is up an breathing well soon. I bet you were both exhausted from it all!


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