Thursday, February 11, 2021

Warm again

 The furnace guys were here early Wednesday morning, in no time at all they had the old furnace out and the new one installed.  By noon we had heat!  Heat and a furnace are a wonderful thing.  

Our 96 plus hours without a furnace were miserable.  Drafty...cold floors...but we were able to dress warm, stay positive and keep the entire house from freezing up! . What an adventure.  Far Guy asked me...did you ask me on Friday what we had planned for Saturday...I usually don't ask that anymore as something happens that requires all of our attention. 

The tile floors will catch up after a few days.   Our weather is still brutally cold.  It was -27 F yesterday morning....and the high was maybe 2 above zero.  Nippy! 

I crocheted some more wasp nests while the furnace guys were here...the outside door was open quite a bit...letting in blasts of cold air.   After they left we cleaned the floors and had a nap.  Staying warm takes lots of energy.   We have a well insulated house...with six inch walls filled with insulation...I can only imagine how cold it was for the early settlers to this area. 

My other baby brother delivered our mail. 

Today is grocery adventure day. 

Stay warm and safe!

Far Side


  1. Yay!!!! You have heat again. Thank the Lord! We are still below zero with our wind chills; just not as bad as you have it. Can't wait for warmer weather. I really need to be able to get outside and walk again. So happy you finally got your new furnace.

  2. I'm soooooooo glad you have heat now!! An "adventure" indeed! You folks sure did keep a stiff upper lip about it all though. I admire you for it! Happy Warmth! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. I am so thankful you have heat again, I was worried about you!

  4. Thank goodness! Wow, I'm pretty sure we would have been frozen out. I'm glad you have the furnace in now.
    Makes me think about back up heat for our tiny place.

  5. Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you have heat again! I suppose furnaces don't break when they aren't needed, like in August...but still that was a long long time to be without heat and the temperatures were so miserable! I'm glad you're OK and made something of an adventure out of it. Hope the furnace guys wore masks!

  6. Oh that is good news! So glad you have your warm house back.
    Yes the pioneers were certainly hardy stock; no whining snowflakes of today would have survived.

  7. I am so happy to hear you are warm again! Glad those guys showed up and got your new furnace all set. :-)

  8. So glad to hear you have heat again, especially considering how much colder it is likely to get over the weekend. Efficient guys - in and out in one day!!

  9. Hooray for the furnace guys! Glad to hear your home is warming up. Good luck with your groceries today.

    Take care, stay well.

  10. Glad to hear that you have heat again.

  11. I'm so glad you finally have heat! I can't imagine how cold it was with subzero temps and no furnace. You and Far Guy are tough!

  12. Hurray!!! I hope today goes smoothly and it will be nice to come home to a warm house. :)

  13. Thank goodness!!! I am so happy to hear this news. I was worried about you guys! There's nothing like going without to make you appreciate something is there? Enjoy the warmth!

    I hope your trip out goes well today and you get the groceries you ordered. I'm about to go out for groceries myself. Stay warm! ; )

  14. Great relief to know that you have a furnace again. I know all to well what it's like when you lose your furnace.

  15. I'm am SO glad to read this news! That is so long to be without heat and you both made it through like troopers. It was cold here this morning but nothing like what you have there. We're on the very edge of the cold front so we feel it but at least it's above zero tonight and tomorrow night, barely. The floors in the RV are COLD and we have a skirt on. I don't know what all of the people here without proper winterizing are doing.
    I'll look forward to the grocery adventures tomorrow.

  16. Happy Dance! So glad they were able to install the new furnace so quickly once it was located.

    My anscestors came to Nothern Ohio in the spring and worked hard to construct a log home before winter. I have the diary of a distant cousin, an eleven year old twin who helped build his families home. He and his brother slept in the loft that winter and he remembers waking up covered in snow from holes in the roof. Right now it is 19 degrees during the day, colder at night, but some years we never get above 0 in January and February. Our forefathers were much hardier than I!

  17. I'm so glad you have heat again at last. Hope the grocery adventure goes smoothly.

  18. When I was up during the night I read that you had heat and I was so happy for you. I did eventually get back to sleep, and now you are warming up. I'm thankful.

  19. YAY! I am happy for you. Getting warm again is wonderful!

  20. I'm so glad you finally have the furnace sorted! You are real troopers for getting through that. You don't really realize how spoiled we are with our modern conveniences until you have to do without!

  21. I am so glad that they got it installed. The wait is awful. I have been running our thermostat higher as this cold just seeps in through the windows. You were a lot colder than us but when it reaches a certain temp there is not comparison. Got out in the cold to go to the doctor today.

  22. Ugg! I remember when we had a power outage in the middle of Winter. IT was not nearly as cold as you guys, but we had to wear our winter coats for 2 days while they got the electricity back up and running. Perhaps invest in a Coleman Stove/heater? Or a fireplace. Or better yet! Leave northern Minnesota for Florida! (My grandparents did... Florida during the winter is a grand time for a kid.) Stay toasty!

  23. Hurray for a new furnace and lovely heat once again.

  24. I'm so glad you have heat again. Just thinking about it makes me feel warm and cozy. I remember trying to keep warm the year of the big ice storm and our power was out for a week. Sure makes you appreciate getting back to normal.

  25. So happy about your furnace. Thank God. I can't believe that once they start, they can get it installed so fast! Hope your grocery order goes well. Yes...we're still in the deep freeze will climb out of it before we week.....can't wait! take care!

  26. Go glad you have heat. Don’t appreciate some things til they’re gone.

  27. Yay! Glad to hear you are fully furnaced again! It does make you think, doesn't it, how did those pioneers manage to survive? Must have been so difficult for them.
    Stay warm :) xx

  28. Oh, good! I'm so relieved you finally got a working furnace. I was worried about you. Around here, about two weeks ago, we had an awful wind storm that knocked out power for a day, and I thought I'd freeze in just that short time, but our weather would have seemed like a Hawaiian vacation to what you've been experiencing. Glad you kept up the positive attitude to get you through, but it really must have been an ordeal.

  29. So happy you got your furnace and you have heat!!! I have heat and yesterday I was still cold.


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