Thursday, February 4, 2021

Foggy Day

 Yesterday it was foggy.  We went to town to return a new old car wrong part and ordered the correct part.  Stopped by Wally World and picked up our order from them.  

There is progress on the newest gas station in town. 

We hope it has a decent car wash.  We waited at the car wash last Thursday about 35 minutes for our turn.  When it gets below 5 degrees the car wash is closed. 

It was a dreary day.  

Back at home I made some rhubarb raspberry jam ( I like it swirled in my Greek yogurt)...delivered some jam to neighbors...a taste of summer on a dreary day.  I met the newest neighborhood dog...a Border Collie/Great Pyrenees cross by the name of Titus.  He has Border Collie coloring...and is a real friendly fluffball.  He joins Putz and Snoopy. He made Jo and I laugh with his puppy antics. 

Today we pick up our normal grocery order...always an adventure.

Far Side


  1. That gas station is coming right along, isn't it. I hope it has the decent car wash you are hoping for. My goodness, it was a dreary day in that picture... and then some. I wish sunshine for you today. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Good luck with your grocery order today. We are expecting another snow storm followed by very frigid temps. Sometimes i wish I could just hibernate until spring.

  3. Days like that are soooo gloomy! We have nasty stuff going on here like rainy stuff falling lightly coating all the cold ground in ice. I DO like being homebound on days like this! Hopefully your grocery adventure goes well. I shopped fresh foods yesterday.

  4. I hope one day to see a photo of Titus. It does look like quite a dreary day, but your posts is very upbeat. :-)

  5. Is that a new puppy for the people that lost their dog? It's dreary here today...rainy and dark. Your jam sounds delish! I hope you got all the groceries you ordered.

  6. Good luck with your grocery order today, wonder what will be missing this time?!

  7. It is gray and cold at our house, too. I have been doing a lot of baking so I feel warmer. Your jam sounds delicious. Luckily the only thing I need from the grocery this week is milk. I am going to go into my "safe" mask-wearing store with higher prices tonight and retrieve it myself. I have been looking forward to the big outing all week.

  8. I can't wait to see a pic of the Pyre. I'm sure that Titus is an appropriate name (or will be). The good news is you should be able to make yarn from his hair.

    1. Yesterday I just enjoyed him, next time I will take a photo:)

  9. Titus sounds like a cute fluffball. Rhubarb and raspberry jam sounds tasty. Good luck with your grocery order pickup.

  10. The sun is shining here and as you seem to get similar weather a day or two later I suspect it will be on its way to you soon.

    I had a mix Giant Pyrenees and Golden Lab dog years ago, named Lido, nickname Goof. He was the biggest baby I've ever known. He loved everybody but hated any kind of motorized bike. I'd love to see a photo of Titus.

    Good luck with the grocery order. Take care, stay well!

  11. So many gray days...and they are going to be super cold for a while, too. Stay warm. I hope your trip today goes as well as yesterdays. Can hardly wait to see pics of the new puppy. :)

  12. Our car wash is the same. Closes when very cold. I'm glad you have a new puppy in the neighborhood to love on. I'll be looking forward to a photo next time you see him. I like the name Titus. So cute.
    After posting that gorgeous blue sky photo yesterday, today we're dreary and gray with a "wintry mix" predicted. Change happens quickly!
    For the second time in a row there were no substitutions on my Walmart order, except for the full size cake yesterday. The lady who brought it out suggested I go to the casino as twice in a row is rare indeed. She looked at the cake as a VERY good thing!
    I hope you have a great day and that Far Guy does too.

  13. I like your photo of he snow drifting down the road.

  14. It does look cold and dreary. Perhaps a photo of the new neighbor puppy dog would cheer things up.
    After a day of clearing, we are back to the drippy big gray here too.

  15. Boy, your pictures sure do look cold! We had snow all morning but the sun is out this afternoon. I almost didn't recognize it! I hope your day out today has gone well. I wasn't feeling well so Tom went to the grocery store for us. We'll see how it went as he is not back yet... That jam sounds good - just the thing to perk up yogurt!

  16. Keep us posted on how big the puppy gets. One of my friends has a border collie/Great Pyr cross and it is very big indeed.

  17. Dogs bring such joy into our lives. They just do.

  18. That all looks so cold. We have clouds and no sun at all here, but no fog, and no snow so I count it as an OK day. I hope you have sunshine tomorrow!

  19. I was going to say that I'd love to see what Titus looks like but I see that others have also commented much the same thing. He must be the cutest pup.
    As well as dreary it looks very frigid out your way. Keep warm and cozy if you can.

  20. Even when it's a dreary day at your place, you always make it sound interesting! I wonder if you're getting some of the 10 inches of snow we're getting today? And tomorrow we go into the deep freeze for about a long week. I was hoping we'd get thru this winter without a long stretch of very cold weather. Hopefully we'll all stay warm and safe! Take care you 2!

  21. The gloomy weather before the bitter cold! That pup is quite the fluffball isn't he. Stay Warm!

  22. I bet the new neighbor is might cute :-D.

  23. Your road scene reminds me as to why people go south for the winter. Our one neighbor to the south owns a house down in Arizona.


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