Thursday, February 25, 2021


 We see a number of health professionals via Zoom.  During these Covid times it is a necessity.  Far Guy occasionally has a group from High School that he zooms with.   We also Zoom with friends. 

I attend book club via zoom.   It works for me! When the opportunity to attend a card making class via Zoom cam up I signed up and ordered the kit that was required...the class was free...and given by long time friend and fellow crafter Sarah.

Then our internet went down.   I was so looking forward to the class.  So I asked my other baby brother if I could use his office...and he said "sure."  He even cleared off a section of his desk for me! 

Everything needed was in the kit and it made 16 cards.  They are bright and cheerful cards.  We did four or five cards together over zoom and the next morning I finished them up, added a bit of glitter and when that was dry I added the cards to my new greeting card organizer.  

It was a fun project a little bit different from my photo cards or the watercolored cards.  At the same time that I purchased the card kit a new stamp just jumped into my cart.  

A very Spring like project in the dead of winter! 

We got 2 plus inches of snow Tuesday night, but the sun was quite warm yesterday and the walk and patio are almost clear of snow.

So far so good with the Internet, TV and landline phone...we have fiber optic service...sometimes equipment is just old and needs to be replaced.  Far Guy has been complaining to them for several months to no avail.  So hopefully we can put that all behind us!

Far Side


  1. The cards look so pretty. I love the new stamp! So n ice of your brother to clear a space so you could take the class. It's only supposed to get in the 50's today. I got my 2nd shot yesterday. The arm's not as sore but I am tired this morning. I take my car in this morning for oil change, new wipers, tire check and fluid check.
    I'll stay outside double masked because they won't be! I have fiber optic but it seems slower than what I had before. They said it would be faster. After the car i may come home and go back to bed! LOL!

  2. That was so nice of your brother to lend you his office for the Zoom class. I really like your new cards - they have a very warm and friendly look to them. Hopefully your internet,TV and phone service will work properly now. I think being old is the problem we have with ours.

  3. Very pretty new stamp, and I am glad to hear your internet woes are mostly behind you.

  4. We have fiber optic too, no issues now although we did require a couple of service calls in the beginning. I'm not a crafter, but I have been catching up on my reading lately.

  5. Your cards are so beautiful! I'm so glad you were able to use your brother's office to attend the class. I sure hope the poor service is behind you too!

  6. Life finds a way, doesn't it... despite the virus. I'm so glad things worked out with your card-making class. They're gorgeous! ~Andrea xoxo

  7. I wore my flip-flops outside yesterday. After all, it was 41F. A heat wave! Guess what? It's snowing this morning. So far about 2 inches since Dennis left two hours ago. It is supposed to be warmer this afternoon so maybe it will turn to rain and wash it all away.
    We do zoom a lot. We have Bible study every Thursday evening and I do many of my doctor appointments. I have to go to the dentist next Monday though. Don't think I can do that one through zoom! :-). I'm glad you got to do the card class. That sounds like fun and your cards are very nice. You are so lucky to have family so close by but I'm also glad it seems that your internet, cable and phone are working as they should. I need to get that all set up at the house next summer so Dennis can start working from home as soon as we move. Unless the company is sold by then. He may just have early retirement!
    Take care and stay safe. I spent hours on the phone yesterday trying to get him an appointment for the shot. No luck. At this rate it will be fall before I get one. The state finally sent me a notice that I have the heart conditions that make me eligible for the vaccine now, but sorry, we won't let you schedule anything yet. I'm still in the "younger adults" group! So frustrating when all of the jails and homeless shelters have been vaccinated but we can't be. Okay. I've vented. Sorry about that.

  8. Zooming has helped a lot of us through this time of isolation. We haven't taken the opportunity to take Zoom classes, but there are plenty out there. Your card making class was perfect for you.
    I'm glad you are now "hooked up" again.

  9. It's nice that you can zoom to book meetings and learn how to make cards, too. That's wonderful! Keep it up.

  10. Glad you were able to make the Zoom cardmaking session after all, and that you enjoyed it. I attended my first virtual crafting session via Zoom this past weekend too. I didn't have the kit most of them were working on because I'm new to the group and didn't have a chance to get one, but the one hosting it said to just bring along any craft, so I worked on my knitting instead.

    Good to hear your internet is working so far. Hope that continues to be the case.

  11. Looks the class was successful. I haven’t Zoomed once during the pandemic, but I’ve FaceTimed my fair share.

  12. Gardening & color just go together! Glad you were able to enjoy your card class. I tried a few different types of group card classes, many years ago. They do not work well for me, although it is fun to learn new techniques!

  13. I've been crossing my fingers that your internet, TV and phone keep working! I love your new cards. They are very bright and cheery! I guess you can do most anything on Zoom these days.
    How's your snow stick been doing this year? We had more snow that usual here not to mention the deep freeze we were in for a couple of weeks. I hope you both are doing well!

  14. So glad you got all of your technical equipment back in working order! Your cards are beautiful. I used to make cards with a friend once a week but then COVID happened.

  15. I'm so happy you were able to attend your zoom craft class! I really miss the classes I would take with friends. Zoom meetings are the next best thing. And fingers crossed on your fiber optics.

  16. Such prertty cards, Zoom is bloody great not that I use it, no need.

  17. I love using stamps. I had a growing collecting several years ago, but really have very few opportunities to use them. So Cheryl forced me to toss them out... ( donated to goodwill, most likely) I did like them... and liked collecting them! But even now, I struggle to think of what I would use them for. I have never been a card maker... and Cheryl buys Hallmark, because her Mom worked for Hallmark up until last year.

  18. The cards are lovely! Glad you were able to attend the class - good that your brother lives close by.

    All this technical stuff is pretty much beyond me though I did join in a Zoom with my older brother and his family at Christmas time. I assume that means I have a Zoom app on my computer but who knows.

    Take care, stay well.

  19. Well, I've just read all the way back to your "no internet" post. Glad things up and running again for you. You made me laugh about the house being so quiet you could hear the clock ticking and Far Guy snoring. Sometimes the quiet is just too much. Your new cards are so pretty. You do make the most beautiful cards! You're an artist. I've never seen anyone get so much done! Dan and I got our second Covid vaccine Tuesday. Thank goodness!

  20. I like your new stamps and the cards you made using it.

  21. Great cards! Love the new stamp. I hope your internet issues are behind you. Been so warm! Almost 40 degrees today. Everything's melting like spring. :)

  22. How fun! I missed most things yesterday as I was outside and off grid for most of the day.
    This is cool. I love your cards they always make me smile and I keep them to decorate around the house!

  23. Your card making class sounds interesting, especially since you mentioned making the cards while Zooming.

    I've often dreamed of putting together a workshop for doing-genealogy-while-Zooming. So many of our genealogy society members are just desperate to get together, but can't...but I thought it wouldn't work to have everyone working on their own online trees while simultaneously on a Zoom class. But it must have worked for your card class...I'll have to think that one out...


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