Monday, February 8, 2021

Day Two : No Furnace

 My other baby brother dropped of another electric heater for us...we have four going now.  It was 30 something BELOW ZERO on Sunday morning.  The wind chill was awful around -45. We are only heating the bottom level of the house...heat rises so the upstairs is most likely getting enough. 

We had a quiet day, we watched church online... I worked on a paper project...putting Christmas photo cards in page protectors and albums...the new page protects with spots for 5 x 7 cards is working well...some photo cards have to be trimmed. It is putzy work...but fun to see little kids grow from one year to the next. 

The house is drafty...we run the fireplace every once in awhile and the furnace fan to mix up the air a bit.  We could always move into the bathroom as it is the warmest room in the house!  I am running a fan in the living room to help stir up the air...and Far Guy walks round and round stirring it up also! 

It was -15 F when I was making supper and the temperature was falling rapidly.  I hear by the weekend we should be able to put the cold spell behind us. 

We are okay.  

The heater in the living room by the fireplace.

Far Side


  1. Oh you poor dear!!!! And what a time for the furnace to go out... in the middle of a horrible cold snap! My prayers continue for you both and I hope your furnace guys get there today, with your new furnace, and that your pipes remain unbroken until then. I will be anxiously awaiting tomorrow's blog post, as I'm sure all of your readers will be, to hear further news. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Eeeks. Not much to say other than sending you nice warm thoughts! It is warm here this morning! -4. hahahah... better than yesterday.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your furnace crapping out during you cold spell 9my internet was down yesterday due to the cold). So glad you have a fireplace and heaters to keep you warm. Glad you are doing okay. Praying you can get a new furnace really really soon. My hubby says hugging and cuddling will help keep you warm. Haha Stay warm and safe.

  4. I am glad to hear you are OK. I hope the new furnace gets installed soon.

  5. It sure doesn't sound like that's enough to keep you warm in that kind of weather. I sure hope it will warm up soon!

  6. It was -24 when we got up to the gas log heat not working this morning. Good thing we have electric base board heat. Their thermostat got turned up. Seems we might be out of gas. The new gas man is not as reliable to keep the tank filled like the retired one was. The retired one would say to open the windows & crank up the heat. Karen

  7. Brrrr! Furnaces always go out when needed most. Truly hope you get it repaired soon. We have another week of frigid temps to deal with. I would much rather have snow. Stay warm!!

  8. You are super intelligent so I know you probably know this already but it often takes me a few cold days before I remember each winter. Humid air feels warmer than dry air. We keep a pot of water simmering during our colder days (in the twenties and thirties). It makes a huge difference.
    However we have also had the furnace to quit on one of the coldest days of the winter - - - and those electric heaters are good but definitely short of a working furnace.
    Thanks for updating us. Sounds like a good day for a pot of hot hearty soup!

  9. Brrr...I hope you won't be waiting much longer for the new furnace. It was -37C this morning which is close enough to Farenheit that I won't bother converting it, and my furnace has been running frequently.

    Take care, stay well.

  10. Bake some brownies - or anything else that gets you kitchen warm! :-) Thank goodness for space heaters to take the edge off that chill.

  11. Your cold is coming our way. It’s supposed to be really cold here by Wednesday. You have made me thankful for my furnace and my electric throw.

  12. It’s amazing how quickly a house can get cold. I’m glad you have electric heaters and a fireplace to fight back some of the cold. Keep the cabinet doors under the sinks open - you don’t want frozen pipes, too.

  13. Brrr. I stepped outside to feed the squirrels this morning. It was -15C and I didn't linger. We can get -20 to -30 here, so I'm trying not to complain, but I certainly don't deal with the cold as well as used to!

  14. Alas, it's when hey're under greatest stress that furnaces do break down. I hope you survive this severe cold. And your temp is in Fahrenheit, just to be clear that this really is cold.

  15. I sure hope you get the furnace fixed soon! What a time for it to go out.
    Hot food and drinks sound good...under warm blankets!

  16. You are in a very stressful time. My thermostat quit in one of those cold spots a few years ago. I phoned a call center that was in India! They could not help me when it cam to thermostats.

  17. Baking something in the oven will not be heat wasted.

  18. Murphy has definitely decided to visit your house in the coldest week of the year. I'm so sorry. I know that you know all of the practical things that need to be done so I won't add to the suggestions. But please know that I'm praying for you and Far Guys health and safety right now and that you'll get a new furnace very SOON!
    Blessings and warm hugs,

  19. Oh dear, those temperatures sound dreadful. It makes me shiver just thinking about them. Hope you have some thermal underwear on hand to help keep you warm. Hugz xx

  20. Hope you get your new furnace soon!

  21. Oh my. -30 something? I can't even imagine. I hope today (Monday) the furnace guy has a plan in place to get you some real heat!!!

  22. I have seen people put in furnace new in just one day. I hope they get one shipped in pretty quickly. I noticed you were minus 26 the other day and I know that is a challenge for electric heaters. Running the furnace fan does even things out, Take care and I hope hot air is on its way.

  23. What a time to lose your furnace! Hope you can keep warm.

  24. I have been thinking of you both! I do hope you will be able to get that new furnace soon. The kind of temperatures you have are dangerous so please do be careful. Can they put a rush on the furnace considering the weather? I wish I could send you some warm weather but we don't have it either! Take care you two!

  25. I sure hope it gets fixed soon! It sounds really tough. And drafty.

  26. Oh brrrrr... I hope you can get your new furnace installed soon. Also, it would be nice if the outside temps would get above zero for you! Stay safe!

  27. Gosh, I hope the new furnace is installed quickly. Glad your family is helping out. Brrrrr.

  28. Brr and of course, it happens when it is the coldest out. Stay busy and warm~

  29. Hope you get that new furnace ordered pronto! Thinking of you and praying that you guys are getting through this terrible cold spell without a furnace! God Bless You dear people!

  30. The furnace guy most likely had to order the new furnace if he hasn't installed it by now. I can't even imagine it being so cold. We had it down to zero last night but it's rare that we get it colder than that here on the coast.💖

  31. Oh my word! It is probably the coldest it will be all winter and your furnace decided to quit! Isn't that the way of it? Thank goodness you have electric!
    I hope the furnace arrives soon!

  32. What a time for the furnace to not be working. Brrr!


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