Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 I made Far Guy lemon pudding with meringue topping for his birthday, just like lemon pie but without the crust.   I am no good at crust....and who needs a whole pie anyways.

I put it in custard cups and there is enough for two nights.  

He had a good birthday with many calls throughout the day.   He requested steak and a salad for supper.   We had a quiet day at home.  It was a tad bit warmer...a few more days and we should be out of the deep freeze. 

My baby brothers home in Oregon sustained damage from trees that fell in the ice storm over the weekend.  They don't have electricity...or heat.  Luckily they have neighbors and friends that are helping them clean up the mess.  As most trees in Oregon are huge it takes many days to do the clean up. 

The weather is crazy all over...stay safe out there...just when we thought 2020 was bad enough 2021 isn't looking like a walk in the park.

I have a pillow from a dear friend that says "When life gives you lemons make lemonade. "

Far Side


  1. Just passing...
    Hope you've got some lemons left
    over...as to~day is Shrove Tuesday..
    Pancake Day...! :o).

  2. Steak, salad and lemon meringue custard cups... now that sounds like MY kind of birthday dinner!! :-) I'm sorry about the damage your brother sustained. I hope he gets power back soon and is all cleaned up. Yes, 2021 isn't starting out very well either. Egads! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. We missed most of the last major snowstorm going thru yesterday. I am soooo glad. Now if we can just get out of this deep freeze and into warmer temps, I will be a "happy camper". Stay warm and safe.

  4. I agree with that saying, though some days it is hard!
    Yum, I like lemon meringue however the other half doesn't. Hey, it was warm last night here! Only -4 this morning.
    I was reading the news and it looks like the south has taken a terrible hit in so many ways.

  5. And you took rose lemons and made lemon pie!

  6. Happy birthday to FG! And those lemon custards look delicious. Glad you are doing so well through this awful weather. Your new furnace is getting broken in right! :-)

  7. Yummy bday request! My Swiss neighbor taught me how to make pie crust many moons ago, and I have yet to taste better. Well, maybe if I used Lard. My fav pie is apple, and my hubby's is rhubarb. Lemon sounds delicious! Sorry to hear about your brothers place. We were warmer at 3F this morning than Texas...Mother Nature needs to take a chill pill, or better yet a warmer happy pill.

  8. What a yummy treat. I've never been any good at making meringue, and haven't tried again in years. My husband would love that too.

    We expect warming starting tomorrow. Our electric company has asked for folks to conserve power to avoid the problems other places are having. Hope your brother's property can return to normal soon. Thank goodness for neighbors to help.

  9. "When life gives you lemons make lemonade. " Or pie!
    I like the idea of custard cups instead of pie crust.
    Steak and salad is one of my favourite suppers especially because Ted does the barbequing and I don't have to cook!
    Sorry to hear about your brother's storm damage. I hope they can get it fixed and get their electricity back soon.

  10. That's sad news about your brother's home. Hopefully clean-up and repairs will go well. I guess putting up with frozen water for a couple days, which is what we had, doesn't compare to that kind of trouble. There's always something. But it was such a glorious feeling when the water unfroze. Hoping the weather will warm up soon!!!

  11. Your little lemon puddings look delicious! The weather is definitely crazy everywhere right now. It even got cold again here which I wasn't expecting after a hot weekend. I hope your brother in Oregon gets things taken care of quickly and gets electricity and heat restored soon!

  12. Those look really good. Stay warm! I'm in AL and it's snowing here. SIGH. Nothing compared to the snow they got at home in Michigan. But it's just too cold (and I know 20 is not cold, but still) for me to be hanging out down here. If it doesn't get warmer I might as well be at home.

  13. Farguy's birthday sounds perfect to me! Steak and dessert!

    The tree incident is scary! My dad's neighbors tree came down in a storm last winter - it damaged a small part of my dad's porch, but thankfully that was it. Hopefully your brother's place can be put to rights quickly.

  14. We did have a very pleasant January.

  15. Those lemon puddings look delectable! I think I will get the ingredients when I shop today to make them for Mom and I.❤️ Sorry about your brother’s house damage and the struggle to get it taken care of. Thankfully, that’s one thing I don’t have to worry about here since we don’t have large trees near the house, just swamp alders for the most part.😕

  16. It would be a sad world if neighbors didn’t help each other. I love to make pie crust but I haven’t made an actual pie since Thanksgiving 2019. Stay warm and safe.

  17. Lemon meringue pie was my mom's favorite. I'm not good at crust either... so I don't make it, I buy it!

  18. Sad to hear about the damage. Our temperature in Northern Ohio is the same as my brother in southern Texas and my niece in Biloxi! They both have power at this moment. We were blessed with an additional 14 inches of snow overnight. My dear husband has been plowing out elderly neighbors (our age LOL), but it is hard to push that much. One neighbor's husband has been transferred from the nursing home she can't visit to the local ER she can't visit and is being moved to a larger hospital 2 hours away today. Last night was too dangerous.

    We figured our snow blower is almost 12 years old, so I guess I better start thinking about replacing it with some of the money I was saving to replace my car. I did see a good meme today. It said - "They are recommending you check on your elderly neighbors. I am up by 9 and like donuts".

  19. That dessert looks delicious! I love anything with meringue topping! I'm not great with crusts either and often I will use the frozen crusts. They may not be home made but are not bad. It sounds like Far Guy had a nice birthday and definitely some good food. Sorry to hear about your brother. I hope they get get him back to normal soon.

    This cold spell that a large part of the country has been under has really gotten out of hand. We are now under emergency "rolling blackouts" because the power system has been so stressed from too many days of below 0 weather. They are cutting the power off to various sections of the area for an hour or so and then cutting it back on and doing the same in a different area. This is the first time ever we have been under this level of emergency power outages. We are hoping for warmer weather by the weekend!

  20. Back "home" in Los Angeles, we had a lemon tree in the yard that had the most wonderful fruit -- it was almost sweet enough to eat out of hand. Dad used to make lemon butter. Glad to hear your brother has good neighbors to help him.

  21. I like the idea of pie filling without the crust. Most people say pie is all about the crust, and I can make good pie crust, but to me the filling is what's important.
    We are in the plies of slush stage here as our snow melts away. We did not get the ice storm that Oregon got. We are lucy this time. That remeinds me, I need to call my sister, who lives in Oregon.

  22. I would take lemon pie over lemonade. Make a pillow for that. I am becoming intolerant to this weather. I am going for burgers tonight at a drive through and pretend we are normal.

  23. they look so yummy if only I could reach into the screena nd take one

  24. Yes, seems to be lemonade time in many places.
    Sorry about your brother's tree and I hope they get heat soon! Glad they have good neighbors.
    Heat wave today! Above zero! Made it to 3 degrees--LOL! ;)

  25. What a great idea for the lemon pudding. Sounds like Far Guy had a good birthday.

    I'm watching the news from the States and my heart goes out to all who are affected by the cold temperatures, especially those in areas where they are simply not prepared. I hope your brother is able to get things cleaned up, with power and heat back on soon.

    Take care, stay well.

  26. I do that too, make lemon pie filling ( from a box mix) but I mix the meringue into the pudding part and put whipped cream on top. DH doesn't care for meringue and anyway, whipped cream is delicious!!

  27. I love lemon pie, I love lemon pudding and I love meringue!!!! I would do well at your house! Those puddings look scrumptious! Yes, it's warming up slowly here too. Sorry to hear about your brother's house and trees....what a mess. Seems like bad weather just about everywhere right now. Just got a prayer request to pray for the cast and crew of the religious series "The Chosen". They're in Texas trying to film season 2 and the delays due to ice and snow are costing them 100,000.00 per day. And this show is sponsored by little people like you and me, so praying the weather gets alot better fast!

  28. Far Guys birthday dinner sounds perfect. I love steak!
    We're heading out of the deep freeze by Thursday if the weather guy is right. He's been wrong a lot this week so far. It was supposed to be sunny today after snow Sunday and Monday. Well, we got 5 or so inches of "sunshine" today. I got to drive all over town in it which was NOT fun. I watched 4 cars slide off of the highway in front of me. It was the strangest snow. More like ice hitting the road, but it wasn't sleet. Wierd. I was glad to get back home even with no running water. Still no running water. Maybe by the weekend.
    Take care and stay warm.

  29. What a great idea for lemon meringue pie without the crust! I do love a good crust, but it probably isn't the healthiest choice, anyhow. Besides, there is just something about February that always makes me want to make a lemon pie. I'll have to try this one out!

  30. I say when life gives you lemons make lemon meringue pie.

  31. Glad Far Guy enjoyed his birthday.

    Sorry your baby brother has damage and loss of power to deal with, but glad he has people to help him while he deals withit. Hope nothing worse happens as regards storm damage in your area, and the weather improves soon.

  32. Lemon Meringue Pie is my birthday pie too! i can make a crust but yours sounds and looks mighty tasty! Did you know you can buy lemon curd at Walmart in the jam section made by Bon Marche'? It tastes just the like the filling you make for the pie.
    Steak and salad sounds good, I haven't had a steak in years. I used to like t-bones on the grill.
    That is so sad about your brother's home. That's what our ice storm was like back in 2010? We have gobs of trees here and you could hear them exploding in the woods. Many people had trees fall on their house. I was lucky as my father didn't like trees near the house. The roads were blocked though too. No electric for 10 days and no heat. It was awful! My heart goes out to them all.
    Your posts always make me hungry!


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