Saturday, February 6, 2021


 We had sundogs on Friday morning.  I took a photo out the dining room window. 

We got a phone call that our Income Taxes were we decided it was an okay day ( better than next week when it will be bone chilling cold) to go to town to sign the proper papers and pay the bill.  We could cross something off our list of things to do! 

It was blowing a bit out there.  

In the morning she who sees robins first dropped off our mail and in the afternoon she dropped off venison soup!  It was delicious and had lots of carrots!!  I had it for supper, Far Guy had a small bowl of soup with his lasagna. 

Friday is usually catch up day around the house... I did some laundry, dusted and cleaned the bathroom...had a nice nap in the afternoon. 

Far Side


  1. Venison Soup! I have never had it, but it sure sounds like a perfect soup for a Winter day.
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Naps are such glorious things... and a wonderful pastime for a cold wintry day. ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Beautiful photos! I'm glad you had a productive day. Enjoy the weekend!

  4. That road makes me shiver with cold. Glad you got to check something off the list though. We haven't even taken our stuff in to the tax guy yet.

  5. Nothing much happening here. Yesterday was pretty much a read a book and nap day. I saw a Moon Dog...don't know if that is the proper name for it when I got to glimpse the last full moon.
    Stay warm we are below zero as I imagine you are also.

  6. Those "sun dogs" are really pretty. Bitter cold here this weekend and all next week.
    Stay warm.

  7. We had sun dogs here too, I think they herald cold weather. We are supposed to be sunny and cold here starting on Tuesday.

  8. Bitter bone-chilling cold here too this morning. And I also ran my errands yesterday before it got so cold: filled vehicle with gas and went to the quilt shop. I dropped off 2 quilts for the long armer and picked up my Saturday Sampler pattern and a Pillow-of-the-Month kit.

  9. The Farmer's Almanac says sun dogs generally mean snow. I'd take that over the cold!

    Take care, stay well.

  10. Glad you had such a productive day, but still found time for a nap.

  11. It's nice to have your taxes over. I procrastinate too much and really need to buckle down with ours.

  12. Sun dogs? what are they; I’ve never heard of them.
    I too have just finished my taxes; but I did them myself1 I am so proud of myself:

    1. A sun dog (or sundog) or mock sun, formally called a parhelion (plural parhelia) in meteorology, is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that consists of a bright spot to one or both sides of the Sun. Two sun dogs often flank the Sun within a 22° halo.

  13. Those sun dogs are beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen one that wasn't a photo. The road photo makes me cold just to look at it. Although we dropped our taxes off this week, our accountant had shoulder surgery and won't be back in the office until next week. Apparently ours is on the top of the pile though.
    Your soup sounds delicious. I'm going to make a homemade chicken pot pie for dinner. I buy a Costco chicken and debone and freeze it in packages. We usually get 5 meals from one $4.99 chicken so that's a great deal. I don't even have to go to Costco, (which I detest doing.) Larry and Nita go every other week so they just pick me up a chicken about once a month!
    Hope you both have a great Saturday and stay warm.

  14. I haven’t spotted any sun dogs since I moved a few years ago. My Mom “predicted” the coming weather by the sun dog’s position.

  15. Taxes here haven't started yet.

  16. I don't think I have ever seen a "sun dog". Never have tried venison soup, but it sounds good. Our neighbor dropped off the front leg of a deer he shot during hunting season back in the fall, which I cooked in the slow cooker (Carolina Roast Venison), then packaged the meat, and froze. It's wonderful, and we're having it for dinner.

  17. How nice to get your taxes done and behind you. I don't think I have ever actually seen sun dogs except in pictures. They look beautiful! It sure looks cold there. You two stay in and warm! Our snow has started and we are going into a deep freeze for the next week. I've got lots to do inside. Enjoy your weekend!

  18. I am yet again drenched in sweat and it is only 25 degrees

  19. I don't think I've seen any sun dogs since we moved to B.C. 50 some years ago. Don't they mean bad weather is on the way? Or maybe bad weather was always on the way in MB ( where I saw them as a child).

  20. Great that you received venison soup...just when you needed it. Great timing.
    That snow blowing across the road makes for a brrrr coming out of my mouth.

  21. It's been snowy and cold here. I think naps are the best part of retirement!

  22. We have that cold weather heading our way, too. I have seen sundogs myself, but your picture is wonderful. And good on you for getting those taxes done. I don't know what we'll do this year, since the Senior Center with AARP is closed this year. :-(

  23. Cold outside - beautiful sundogs! The horses here are sassy and are happy to be moving around at feeding time :) stay warm.

  24. Hunkered in here as well. We won't see sun probably for a week now. I also finished taxes today and a craft project and well, hope this cold and snow only lasts the week and then we move on. Stay warm!

  25. Love that first picture of the sundogs! Dogs sure know how to find their way your house! So your taxes are all done...that's a nice thing to check off your list. The roads around here have been looking like your second picture. -17 tonight here....looks like this cold spell is stuck here for about 8 days. Oh Joy! Stay warm and enjoy that soup!

  26. Good to get the errands done. It's not going to get any warmer for a while.
    Sun dogs are awesome! :)

  27. Thanks for the photo, as I've never seen a sun dog. Sounds like you are getting into the real Minnesota winter weather now.

  28. We had sun dogs in Iowa once in awhile...the first time I thought there was something wrong with my eyesight! LOL! It is cold here....below freezing....I feel for all the people down here that have heat pumps. My neighbor runs her propane fireplace to stay warm as heat p[umps don't so too well when it gets really cold. I have forced air and so glad I do! Stay warm!

  29. I think we had sun dogs the other day but all the houses are in the road. You did get a good shot from your window.


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