Saturday, February 27, 2021

Snow Stick Contest 2021

 We better have a snow stick contest! 

Right now there is about 7 inches of snow at the snowstick.  I took this photo a few days ago before I sent my big girl camera away.

A good rain and we could have bare ground!   I best get busy on a few woodcarvings! 

I am still working in the grey yarn and wasp nests...I am determined to use up all that grey yarn!  Very little progress has been made on the mosaic scarf or my shawl.   Yarn was ordered for a new project...I couldn't help myself.  In fact Far Guy helped me pick out the colors. 

I am working on some birthday cards as my Mom said her stash was getting low. 

Please leave me a comment with your guess of what day the snowstick will be free of snow, ice and water this year. Guesses will appear here and the guessing will end on Monday night March 1st!  Then we will wait for the snow to disappear! 

Far Side

Here is the Snowstick History:
2011  April 8
2012  March 13
2013  April 30
2014  April 10
2015  March 11
2016  March 8
2017 March 20
2018  April 22
2019 April 17

2020 April 2


March7  Julie Ann

March 8 Wildflower Adventures

March 9

March 10 Joyce F   -  Jean T

March 11 Phyllis

March 12 Cynthia - KCD

March 13. Kay L

March 14  Linda

March 15  Wendy  -  Linda Reeder  -  linda m

March 16 Pauline

March 17  Betsy

March 18 Marfla - Sandy B

March 19. Alvina

March 20 Angie

March 21 Sonja

March 22 Martha

March 23 diane - Cathy

March 24 Gemma's Person

March 25

March 26 Maebeme

March 27 Debbie V

March 28 Rita

March 29 Kathy   -  LD.  -  Red

March 30 Leah

March 31 Marilyn

April 1 Jo Anne's Ramblings -  DJan

April 2  Bonnie   - Sara

April 3 Aurora

April 4 Bettina Groh

April 5

April 6 Lisa

April 7

April 8

April 9 Roz

April 10  Miss Merry

April 11 Diane

April 12 diane in northern wis

April 13 kat

April 21 Lynn-Ft Worth

April 25 Sam


Martha said...

The first date that popped into my head was March 22, but I hope for your sake it's sooner than that. said...

I'm guessing April 25th...that's my story and I'm sticking to it! LOL!

Pauline Persing said...

March 16. We have a few hardy flowers blooming...snowdrops and winter aconite.

Julie Ann said...

March 7 - I'm looking forward to spring, warmer weather and chats outside. I love you and miss you both! Julie Ann

Wildflower Adventures said...

March 7th is my guess for the snow to be melted at the snow stick. Karen

Gemma's person said...

March 24....3:30 pm

Dianne said...

April 11, my 70th birthday!

aurora said...

Fun! We have warm temps predicted next week. I highly doubt we won't get another snow storm before the piles are all gone, and you are north of me. So, my guess is April 3rd ??

Phyllis Pritchard said...

I'm going to say, March 11th.

Joyce F said...

March 10th is my guess. It can really go fast though with a few warm days. Here in Kansas we went from -17F to 70+ in one week and our snow is all gone.

Cynthia said...

I’ll bet on some rain and say March 12.

Marfla said...

March 18

The Feminine Energy said...

Yep, that's about like ours too. Melt, baby, melt!! :-) ~Andrea xoxo

KCD said...

We get out 2nd virus shot on March 12th. Let's go with that.

Wendy said...

Connie, love your contest! Wish it was today, but my guess is the Ides of March, March 15th this year. I'm ready for flowers.

diane said...

March 23.......look forward to you doing this each year.....something fun!!

Unknown said...

I'm guessing March 18th.
Sandy B

Cathy said...

my guess is March 23rd

Terry and Linda said...

March 14, 2021 Fingers Crossed.


Betsy said...

My guess is March 17! More yarn, more fun. I like that Far Guy helped you pick it out.

Lynne-FtWorth said...

April 21, 2021

Kathy said...

March 29th, my husband's birthday.

Bettina Groh said...

I'm picking April 4th ... my birthday and Easter this year

Maebeme said...

This year has been weird weather wise but hopefully spring will arrive sooner rather than later. I'll guess March 26th.

Take care, stay well!

Rita said...

I'll guess March 28th just because it's my birthday--LOL! There seems to be no rhyme or reason with the weather lately enough to make an educated guess. Could all melt away or we could have blizzards. ;)

Sara said...

April 2

DJan said...

I'll take April 1, because it's Fool's Day! :-)

Bonnie said...

Alright, it's snow stick time! My guess is April 2nd. That was my Dad's birthday. Enjoy your weekend!

L. D. said...

March 29th if it isn't taken already. Then move me to the first April available date. Thanks

Linda Reeder said...

I'll pick the Ides of March, the 15th.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I would say April 1st because it is my nephews birthday

Lisa said...

April 6th

Debbie V. said...

I'll take March 27th - my daughter's birthday ;)

Red said...

My guess is March 29 !

Miss Merry said...

April 10th

Leah said...

March 30th (if it isn't taken). I think with our crazy weather it will all melt and then we will have lots of snow in April :)

Angie said...

I'm gonna guess March 20 My middle sons 25th birthday. 🌟🌻

linda m said...

March 15th

Wildflower Adventures said...

Since March 7th was already taken, I'll take March 8th.

diane in northern wis said...

OK, I"m going top guess April 12th!

Kat said...

April 13 :) I don't normally comment but I do read your blog every day.

J.T. said...

March 10th - Jean T.